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  Unit 1 What’s the matter?

  重点:1.情态动词should & shouldn’t的用法;2. have +疾病;3.反身代词的用法。



  What’s the matter?怎么了? What’s the matter with you? = What’s the trouble with you? = What’s wrong with you?你怎么了?

  have a cold = catch a cold感冒have a stomachache胃痛have a sore +部位??痛lie down躺下

  take one’s temperature量体温have a fever发烧have a cough咳嗽take breaks休息

  get an X-ray拍X光片away from远离

  on the side of the road在马路边shout for help大声呼救get off下车

  to one’s surprise出乎某人意料thanks to多亏;由于in time及时

  right away马上,立即

  get into陷入

  get into trouble陷入困境have a toothache牙痛put one’s head down低头have a nosebleed流鼻血

  put a bandage on sth.用绷带包扎get hit on the head砸到头(注意v. + on the +身体部位的表达方达) be interested in对??感兴趣

  There were many times when ? (when引导的定语从句)

  be used to doing sth.习惯做某事take risks冒险because of因为

  in ? situation处于??境地run out用光get out of逃离of importance = important (of + n. = adj.) be in control of管理make a decision做决定

  give up放弃

  Unit 2 I’ll help to clean up the city parks.

  重点&难点:1.不定式作宾语、状语和宾补的用法;2. could表建议时的用法;3.掌握短语:run out of, take after, fix up, give away等;4.学会用will和would like表达意愿。


  clean up清洁

  Clean-Up Day清洁日city park城市公园cheer up使振奋give out分发,散发

  after-school study program课外学习活动put off推迟

  make a plan制定计划come up with想出,提出used to do曾经care for照顾

  at the age of在??岁的时候try out参加??选拔

  work for为??工作,为??效力dream come true实现梦想learn to do学习做某事put up张贴hand out分发

  call up呼吁,召集

  volunteer one’s time to do志愿花时间做某事

  raise money募捐run out of用光??

  take after = be similar to与??相似fix up = repair修理give away捐赠set up建立

  disabled people残疾人a friend of mine亲密朋友

  be excited about对??感到兴奋

  Unit 3 Could you please clean your room?

  重点:学习并掌握could表提出请求和征求许可的用法,“Could you please do sth.?”“Could I please do sth.?”难点:用所学知识在实际的生活中委婉地表达自己的请求和征求许可。


  do the dishes洗碗

  take out rubbish扔垃圾fold one’s clothes叠衣服sweep the floor扫地make one’s bed铺床

  clean the living room打扫客厅go out for dinner出去吃饭stay out late在外面待到很晚get a ride搭车work on从事

  finish doing sth.完成做某事

  be enough for sb.对某人来说是足够的be enough to do sth.做某事是足够的

  be back from sw.从??回去(来)

  be back from doing sth.做完某事回去(来) clean and tidy干净整洁

  come home from school / work放学/下班回家

  throw down扔下come over过来

  take ? for a walk带??去散步shout back大声回应in surprise惊讶地

  as soon as一??就?? hang out闲逛

  pass sb. sth.递给某人某物

  lent sb. sth.借给某人某物


  try not to do尝试不做某事get sth. wet使某物变湿do chores干杂活

  hate sth. / doing sth. / to do sth.讨厌某物/做某事

  help sb. with sth. / (to) do sth.帮助某人(做)某事

  a waste of time浪费时间

  spend one’s time on sth. / (in) doing sth.花费时间在某物上/做某事in order to为了

  get good grade取得好成绩

  get into a good university考进好大学no need for sb. to do sth.不需要某人做某事

  provide sth. for sb. = provide sb. with sth. 提供某人某物

  mind doing sth.介意做某事depend on依赖

  develop children’s independence培养孩子的独立性

  teach sb, how to do sth.教会某人做某事do one’s part in doing做某人份内的事look after = take care of照顾as a result结果

  the +比较级?,the +比较级越??越??、

  Unit 4 Why don’t you talk to your parents?

  重点:1.学习并掌握反问句“Why don’t you do sth.?”;2.连词until, so that, although的运用。难点:知识点:

  get enough sleep有足够的睡眠have time to do sth.有时间做某事allow sb. to do sth.允许某人做某事after-school class补习班get into陷入

  a fight with sb.和某人有争执What’s wrong?哪儿不舒服? on the phone在电话里头call sb. up打电话给某人take sb. to sw.带某人去某地look through快速查看

  be angry with sb.对某人生气forget about sth.忘记某事a big deal重要的事work out解决

  get on with = get along with和睦相处if / whether引导的选择条件句hang over悬挂

  be nice to sb.对某人好refuse to do拒绝做某事instead的用法

  whatever, whenever, wherever, however offer to help 提供帮助

  proper communication适当的沟通

  communicate with和??沟通be better for sb.对某人来说更好make sth. clear使某事清晰

  be afraid of doing sth.害怕做某事along单独的(表面上) lonely孤独的(内心)

  be busy on sth.忙于做某事come out删除

  compare sth. with sth.拿??和??作比较

  turn down调低,调小

  turn up调高,调大

  turn on打开

  turn off关掉in one’s opinion以某人的观点

  Unit 5 What were you doing when the rainstorm came?



  atthe time of在??的时候

  on the street在大街上

  in the road在马路上

  at the bus stop在公交车站

  take a shower洗澡

  take a hot shower洗热水澡

  miss the bus没赶上公交车,错过公交车go off (闹钟)发出响声pick up接电话

  put ? over ?把??放置于??上方make dinner做晚饭

  beat against sth.拍打某物at first首先,一开始fall asleep入睡die down逐渐消失

  break ? apart使??分离in a mess一团糟each other互相heavy rain大雨car wash洗车

  have a look瞧一瞧walk by经过

  make one’s way to在某人去??的路上You’re kidding.你开玩笑吧。 be killed被杀害(被动语态) in silence沉默take down摧毁

  look out of the window看向窗外be shocked to do sth.震惊于做某事the rest of剩余的?? point sth. out指出某物call out喊出

  have meaning to对??有意义the World Trade Center世贸中心

  Unit 6 An old man tried to move the mountains.

  重点:1.连词unless, as soon as, so … that的运用;2.学习并掌握如何描述故事。难点:用所学知识描述故事。知识点:

  work on sth.致力于做某事as soon as一??就?? take sth. away带走某物a little bit有一点??

  show sb. that展示给某人??

  keep doing继续做某事,保持做某事instead of代替neitherof ??也不most of绝大多数的

  the Monkey King美猴王in fact事实上

  look like看起来像??

  turn ? into ?把??变为?? make a dress穿衣服fit sth.适合某物get married结婚think of考虑

  once upon a time从前stepmother继母

  come with sb.和某人一起来along the way沿途shine bright光芒万丈

  lead sb. to引导某人做某事be made of用??做成get lost迷失

  Unit 7 What’s the highest mountain in the world?



  any other任何其他的

  no other没有其他的

  salt lake咸水湖

  have a population of拥有??人口Yangtze River长江

  feel free to do sth.做某事感觉很自由as you can see正如你所看到as far as I know正如我所知man-made人造的run along跨越

  take in air呼吸空气

  risk one’s life冒着生命的危险spirit of ??的精神

  achieve one’s dream实现梦想the force of ??的力量even though / even if即使

  weigh many times more than比??重好几倍

  prepare sth. for sb.为某人准备某物run over with excitement兴奋地跑过去fall over摔倒cut down砍下do research做调查

  protect ? from ?保护??免受?? walk into sb.撞到某人

  endangered animal濒危动物

  Unit 8 Have you read Treasure Island yet?

  重点:学习现在完成时以及yet, already在现在完成时中的运用。

  难点:yet, already在现在完成时中的运用(yet一般用于否定句和疑问句中,already用于肯定句中)知识点:grow up成长

  the back of ??的背面hurry up抓紧,赶快go out to sea出海in +时间段表将来run towards跑向in the middle of ??的中间left behind遗忘not yet未曾

  science fiction科幻小说

  can’t wait to do迫不及待做某事a bit + adj.有点?? pop music流行乐used to do曾经做某事

  fight over ? with ?为??和??争吵belong to属于but not而不是

  introduce ? to ?介绍??给?? bring sb. to sw.带某人去某地ever since then自从那时起trust one another互相信任

  at the end of the day一天结束的时候come to realize逐渐意识到

  Unit 9 Have you ever been to a museum?


  National Science Museu  重点&难点:since& for在现在完成时中的运用。

  have + pp. + since +时间点

  have + pp. + for +时间段知识点:

  how long多长时间a yard sale庭院拍卖会ride a bike骑自行车

  have sth. for + price花多少钱买的?? give away捐赠

  not ? anymore不再?? check out观察

  board games棋类游戏for a long time很长时间clear out收拾,整理

  children’s home儿童福利院no longer不再

  either (两者中的一个)是down the street在街边search for寻找?? as for至于

  46-year-old 46岁的??

  It is a shame ?遗憾的是?? mid-20thcentury 20世纪中期a symbol of ??的标志the past + y.过去的??年to be honest说实话









