英语词汇 百分网手机站


时间:2018-04-01 09:52:54 英语词汇 我要投稿




  1. either & each & both & neither & every

  [误] There are many flowers on either side of the street.

  [误] There are many flowers on neither side of the street.

  [误] There are many flowers on each sides of the street.

  [正] There are many flowers on both sides of the street.

  [正] There are many flowers on each side of the street.

  [误] Every student has not finished their homework.

  [正] No student has finished their homework.


  2. any & some

  [误] Have you got some money with you?

  [正] Have you got any money with you?

  [误] Would you like any milk?

  [正] Would you like some milk?

  any和some意思是“一些”,用作定语,可修饰可数名词和不可数名词。any多用于否定句和疑问句,some多用于肯定句。 但如果说话人表示“请求,提议”或“希望得到肯定回答”的意义时,some也可用在疑问句中;some还可用于单数名词前,表示未知或说话人不想特别说明的人、地、物等,意思是“某一,某个”。 如果表示“任何,无论哪个”时,any可用在肯定句中。

  3. few/little & a few /a little

  [误] Sorry, I have few money on me.

  [正] Sorry, I have little money on me.

  [误] Her books are few.

  [正] She has few books.

  [误] The work needs a few number of workers.

  [正] The work needs a small number of workers.

  [正] The work needs a few workers.

  few后跟可数名词复数,little后跟不可数名词,都表示“几乎没有”的否定性意思;a few和a little区别也在于前者跟可数名词,后者跟不可数名词,都表示“有几个”的肯定性意思。

  4. no & not

  no意思是“没有”,可以否定一切名词,修饰不可数名词和可数名词的'复数时等于not any,修饰可数名词单数时等于not a/an;如果被修饰的名词通常情况下只有一个,则用它的单数形式;不能用a、the、all、every等限制词之前,而not可以。 not意思是“不,不是”,可以否定一切动词,修饰动词。 no more than意思是“不过,仅仅”,相当于only,修饰“数量”词,强调“少”的含义;not more than意思是“至多,不多于,不超过”,用于陈述事实;no more…than和not more…than多用于多音节形容词的比较级。

  5. already & yet & still

  [误] When we arrived at the airport, the plane had taken off yet.

  [正] When we arrived at the airport, the plane had taken off already.

  [正] When we arrived at the airport, the plane had already taken off. already意思是“已经”,一般用于肯定句,常与完成时连用,常用于句中;yet意思是“已经,还”,一般用于否定句和疑问句,常用于句末;still意思是“仍然,还是”,强调动作在进行,主要用于肯定句,常用于句中。

  6. sometimes & sometime & some time & some times

  [误] You can only keep the book for sometime.

  [正] You can only keep the book for some time. sometimes是频度副词,意思是“有时,不时”,常与一般现在时或一般过去时连用;sometime是副词,意思是“在某个不确定的时间,在某个时候,某时”,可与将来时或过去时连用;some time是名词词组,意思是“一段时间”,做时间状语,也可用作副词词组,用来指一个未肯定的时刻,常指将来,此时可与sometime通用;some times是名词词组,意思是“几次,几倍”。

  7. also & too & either & so & neither & nor

  [误] My parents didn’t like swimming, nor did his.

  [正] My parents didn’t like swimming, neither did his.

  also用于肯定句,一般放在行为动词之前、助动词、情态动词、系动词之后,too一般用于肯定句末,前面常用逗号;either一般用于否定句末,前面也用逗号;so置于句首,引起句子倒装,表示前面所讲的情况也适用于另一个人或物,具有否定的意思;so后的主语与前一句主语是同一个人或物时,后面的主谓不倒装,表示“确实如此”;neither置于句首,引起句子倒装,表示前面所讲的情况不适用于另一个人或物,具有否定的意思;nor常与 not连用,表示“也不”,neither和nor都可用来对前面的否定陈述加以补充,如果补充的成分否定的不是同一事物,同一内容,就只能用nor,不可用neither;当否定的并列分句有两个以上时,只能用nor,因为neither只能指两者中的一个,nor指三个以上的另一个。








