英语词汇 百分网手机站


时间:2018-03-30 08:50:09 英语词汇 我要投稿





  1. lack

  1) v. lack (for) sth lack courage/money

  2) n. ○1a lack of money ○2for lack of …因为缺乏… 3) be lacking in 缺乏…

  2. last

  1) adj. the last person/ thing 最不可能的、最想不到的

  He’s the last person I’d trust. The last thing I want to do is homework.

  2) adv. last but not least 最后但是同样重要的'是

  3)n. He was the last to arrive. 4) vi.持续 The war lasted (for) 3 years.

  3. late 1) adj. ○1be late for… ○2 in the late 1970s

  2) adv. ○1get up late ○2 late in the afternoon 傍晚

  3) ○1better late than never 迟到总比不到好

  ○2It’s never too late to mend 亡羊补牢

  ○3 of late = lately/ recently I haven’t seen him of late.

  4. lately = recently

  5. later adv. ○1sooner or later ○2 no later than…不迟于

  ○3later on 后来 Much later on, she realizes what he had meant.

  6. laugh v. ○1laugh at… ○2 laugh your head off 大笑不止

  ○3 burst out laughing/ burst into laughter

  7. law n. ○1 break/ obey/ keep the law ○2 by law 依据法律

  8. lay – laid- laid ○1lay the table 放桌子 ○2lay eggs 下蛋

  ○3lay aside 把…放在一边 ○4lay down 放下

  ○5 lay off 解雇 (laid-off 下岗的)

  1 lead a happy life ○9.lead-led-led ○2lead to sth. / doing

  10. learn- learnt-learnt ○1 learn from 从…中学习,向…学习

  ○2learn about/ of 听说 得知 ○3learn… by heart 记住

  11. least adj. ○1 at (the) least ○2 not in the least 一点儿也不

  She didn’t have the least idea what to do about it.

  12. leave 1) v. ○1leave sp. for sp 离开…去… ○2leave + 宾语+宾补

  leave the door open leave her waiting for 2 hours

  leave him out leave him an orphan 使他成为孤儿

  ○3丢下 leave sth. +介词短语 leave the key on the bus

  ○4leave out 遗漏 leave behind 把…丢在后边

  leave alone,不打扰,不碰 leave off 不包括,不把…列入

  2) n. 假期 ask for a two-week leave

  13. lecture n. attend a lecture give / deliver a lecture to sb. on…

  14. left adj. adv. n. ○1make a left turn turn left/ turn to the left

  ○2the money left / the remaining money

  15. lend a hand to sb. / lend sb. a hand

  16. length n. ○1The road was 32 miles in length / long ○2at length 最后,终于/ 详细地

  17. less than… ○1no less than… ○2more or less ○3even/ much/ still less 更不用说 No explanation was offered, still less an apology.

  18. lesson n. ○1take/ have lessons 上课 ○2give lessons 授课

  ○3teach/ give sb. a lesson给某人一个教训

  ○4draw/ take a lesson from … 从…吸取教训

  19. let-let-let ○1let sb. in/ out ○2let sb(sth.) go \ let go of sb(sth.) 放手…放弃...

  ○3let alone 不打扰/不碰/更不用说 ○4let out 发出(叫声) let off 使…爆炸 ○5let sb. down 使失望 ○6let… be 别理某人

  20. lie vt. 说谎 (lied-lied-lying) lie to sb n. 说谎 tell a lie/ tell lies

  vi.平躺 (lay-lain-lying) lie on your back/side vi.位于;存在 (lay-lain-lying) lie in/on/to

  The book lay open on the desk. There lies…

  lie in 在于… Success lies in hard work.

  21. life n.1)生命 (pl. lives) lose/save one’s life; lay down one’s life for sb. 为…牺牲生命

  2)生活 everyday life 日常生活; live/ lead a …life

  3)bring…back to life 使…更有趣; come back to life 变得活跃,苏醒过来

  22. lift 1) n. take the lift乘电梯; give sb. a lift 让某人搭便车

  Passing the exam gave him a real lift. 他通过了考试,情绪好多了。

  2)vt.举起:lift one’s eyes 抬起眼睛; He stood there with his hands lifted above his head. 高兴起来:The news lifted our spirits.

  23. light 1) n.光线 by the light of the moon; throw light on/ upon(把…阐述清楚)

  灯 turn on/ off the lights; The light went out.灯熄灭了

  2)adj. 明亮的, 浅色的,轻的

  a light classroom;light blue eyes;as light as a feather;a light / sound sleep

  3) vt. (lighted- lighted/ lit- lit) light a candle; a lighted candle; light up

  24. like vt. I like it when you do that.

  would like (sb.) to do; How do you like(find) …/ What do you think of/ about…

  1) prep. I, like everyone else, have read these stories.

  2) feel like doing

  25. ◎likely adj. more ~ most ~ a. be ~ to do / that

  Tickets are ~ to be expensive. It is more than ~ that the thieves don’t know how much it is worth. b. a ~ story 好像真有这回似的