英语词汇 百分网手机站


时间:2018-03-30 08:46:22 英语词汇 我要投稿


  22. ◎inspect v. inspection n. inspector n.

  The teacher walked around inspecting their work.

  23. ◎instant n/ adj. ------ instantly adv.

  adj. The show was an ~success. ~coffee / noodles

  n. I will be back in an ~. At the very~, the door opened.

  I recognized her the ~ I saw her.

  24.instead adv. Lee was ill, so I went instead. / He didn’t reply. Instead, he left.

  instead of: Now I can walk to work instead of going by car.

  25.◎instruct v. ~ sb to do She arrived at 10 o’ clock as ~ed.

  The letter ~him to report to headquarters immediately.

  instruction n. follow one’s carry out / ignore one’s ~s

  26.● insure 给…保险 vt. Have you insured the contents of your home?

  27.●intend 想要,打算 intend (sb.)to do I intend to spend the night there.

  intend that It is intended that these meetings will become a regular event.

  be intended for sb./sth The book, intended for children aged 5-7,sells well.

  28.◎ intention n ~ of doing sth / to do sth I have no ~ of going to the wedding.

  I had every~ of paying her back what I owe her. She is full of good ~s.

  He left England 29.interest 1) v. interest sb. I bought the book that interested me most.

  2) n. ○1兴趣(U) show /have / feel/ express (an) interest in…

  lose interest in… ○2 利益(C) 常用复数形式 protect customers’ interests

  ○3 a place of interest/ places of interest

  30.◎ interpreter n. interpret v. ~ the poem

  ~ sth as~ I didn’t know whether to ~ her silence as acceptance or refusal.

  ~ for sb Her children ~for her.

  31. ◎ interview n. a television / newspaper / radio ~

  v. Which post are you being ~ed for? If you don’t ~well , you are unlikely to get the job. interviewee / interviewer n.

  32. introduce v. introduction n. ○1 introduce sb. to sb./ oneself

  ○2 introduce sb. to sth.使初次了解 It was she who first introduced me to the pleasures of sailing。 ○3introduce new technology ○4 an introduction to English grammar

  33.jam n. traffic jam

  34.the Japanese language

  35.join v. ○1join the party/ army ○2join sb. in sth. / doing sth.

  ○3join in the game ○4join hands with sb.

  ○5连接 join A to B./ join A and B The island is joined to the mainland by a bridge.

  36.joke n. ○1play a joke on sb. ○2have/ make a joke with sb.

  37.joy n. ○1 (much) to one’s joy ○2light up with joy

  38.judge n. 裁判;法官

  The judge sentenced him to five years in prison.

  1) v. ○1Don’t judge a book by its cover. 不要以貌取人 ○2 judge by / from

  Judging by his letter, they are having a wonderful time.

  judgement n. 判决 pass judgement on sb/ sth 通过对…的判决

  39.keep v. ○1 keep (on)doing 一直做…

  Why do you keep laughing all the time? 你为什么一直在笑?

  He is always keeping (on ) asking me the same question.

  ○2 keep a secret/ one’s word/ a record ○3 keep sb / sth from doing

  ○4 keep the door open/ her waiting/ sb. in bed/ sb. informed of…

  ○5 keep calm/ healthy/ left ○6 keep sheep 养羊

  ○7 keep up with 跟上 keep up (天气)持续不变 The rain kept up all afternoon.

  keep back 抑制, ,忍住 keep sth back from sb. 向某人隐瞒

  keep away from 远离 keep off 不接触 Keep off grass!

  40.the key to success 成功的关键

  41.kind adj . be kind to sb. 对某人友好

  2) n. a kind of / all kinds of kind of 稍微 有点儿 That made me feel kind of stupid.

  42. go / get down on one’s knees

  43.knock v. ○1knock at the door 敲门 ○2knock around/ about 漫游/ 虐待

  ○3knock down 撞到/拆掉 knock over 撞翻

  44.know v. ○1know of/ about 知道 获悉 了解 ○2 be known for/ as ○3get to know sb. 逐渐了解…

  45.knowledge n.

  ○1Knowledge is power. ○2have a good knowledge of…








