英语词汇 百分网手机站


时间:2018-01-24 12:17:03 英语词汇 我要投稿



  95. You should have_____________自信 . As long as you study hard ,you will succeed in time

  96. During the second World War from 1937 to 1945 ,there were many_____________组织 boycotts of Japanese goods all over


  97. The officer___________命令 him to get down on knees

  98. Aristotle was a great_____________思想家 in ancient Greece

  99. On October 1 ,1949 ,chairman Mao declared the____________成立 of the people Republic of china

  100. Is there any ________________可能of our getting there in time

  101. Good _____________节目on TV have good effects on children

  102. The surgeon in the hospital is_____________做手术 on a patient

  103. You can_____________猜测 the meaning of the word if you know its root

  104. She keeps a ______________日记in German

  105. The car accident has caused___________严重 damage to Mary eyesight ;she will not be able to see things clearly for the rest of

  her lift

  106. Conflicts are___________继续 between the two countries and many people get killed every day

  107. They hare the computer on trial for thirty days to find out whether it is_________________满意。

  108. This minster is in charge of the foreign _______________事务of that small country

  109. I asked everyone there if they had a necklace ,but____________没有 luck

  110. All of us wish you a pleasant_______________旅途

  111. They had fought against their enemy for eight years before they won the final_______________胜利

  112. The chair was________________本打算for you , but she took it away

  113. I always feel sick at the thought of his_______________残忍

  114. The car accident______________发生 late last night ,there people were killed

  115. Time flies like an______________箭 ,it is ten years since I began to work as a teacher

  116. China role in keeping the world peace is highly____________评价 by many countries

  117. ____________有趣enough ,the two brothers have much in common

  118. Ever if we choose ______________营养food for our main meals .we probably still need to refuel now and then

  119. He passed the entrance examination not only to his own but also to his parents______________’满意

  120. The warmth form the fire made her feel____________ 瞌睡

  121. Do come please ,I will wait for you at the_____________入口

  122. Their talk includes rhythm and rhyming words as well as tongue twisters .whish often make the audience__________鼓掌 123. Such was Albert Einstein. a simple man of great ___________成就

  124. She is _____________高兴today , because she got an A for her composition

  125. The notice reads :Don’t come in without_____________允许

  126. We are trying to _____________鼓舞 him with confidence

  127. She was late ----she’s _____________很可能stuck in traffic jam

  128. Eric_____________折叠 the letter into tri angle before putting it into the envelope

  129. She is very ____________吝啬with money , she wouldn’t give a cent to help the poor child

  130. The police asked him for information on the ______________事故

  131. Thank you for your____________ 邀请which reached me just now.

  132. To _____________逗乐people, skilled artists make use of the richness of the spoken language to create a rapid flow of fun. 133. He is a famous teacher with forty years’___________经验

  134. The robber_____________威胁 to kill one employee in the bank if the police wouldn’t let him leave.

  135. The old man runs four miles every day. That’s why he is so _____________健康.

  136. Which of the following_____________陈述 is not mentioned in the reading material?

  137. The girl felt ________________害怕after hearing some strange footsteps.

  138. The price of the holiday___________变化 from 500 dollars to 1200 dollars, depending on the time of the year. 139. Without any______________犹豫 , she took up the red flag and rushed out.

  140. The farmers are only allowed to cut down trees when they are big _______________足够.

  141. Her____________了解 of Japanese remains weak for she hasn’t spent much time on it.

  142. If we don’t send him to hospital, he will die from______________流血

  143. I could not get a satisfactory ___________from him.

  144. The work wad ______________完美done and the teacher was pleased.

  145. They are going to have their son _____________教育in their own country.

  146. The students of Class 2 are making an ____________实验in physics.

  147. She met the challenges of travel alone in Antarctic in an _____________极限climate.

  148. They have made great progress since the ______________开始of this term.

  149. Our plane was delayed for hours and the wait seemed_____________无止境.

  150. The moon is 380 thousand___________千米 away from the earth.

  151. The matter is not of much to ______________重要us all.

  152. We had a party last Friday,_______________ 庆祝Mother’s silver wedding.

  153. That’s a fast foot store where you can buy__________美味 snacks.

  154. We went to the Summer Palace last year. All of us were deeply touched by its__________美丽.

  155. She sat with her head ___________弯下forward, thinking about what her husband had said.

  156. You have to put everything back in the cupboard_____________适当 at the end of the experiment. 157. The box is full of glasses objects. Please put it down with____________ 小心.

  158. These two signatures are so____________相似 that it’s very difficult to tell them apart.

  159. Your cell phone is used to frequently that it doesn’t work now because it needs _____________充电. 160. The underground carries a lot of ____________乘客 from the south.

  161. In early Spring workers come to cut off useless ___________树枝of trees.

  162. The show had a very large audience,___________ 涉及from children to grandparents.

  163. She _____________轻柔put her baby into the baby bed and then left quietly.

  164. Sara had ___________克服the disadvantages of her poor family background to because a successful lawyer. 165. He was stopped every dozen meters by his friends who wanted to offer ____________祝贺on his success. 166. The plane crashed, killing all 200 people____________飞机上 .

  167. I’m hungry now. Let’s go to the_______________餐馆.

  168. Turn the bottle_____________朝上 down in order to empty it.

  169. I don’t know the_________________发音 of this word. Could you tell me how to pronounce it?

  170. The population of this city has_____________下降 from 800,000 to 700,000 in the past decade.

  171. We’ll never forget the___________教授 who taught us English at the university.

  172. What he has done is_______________值得of being praised.

  173. Such kind of help form her is always___________欣赏.

  174. Water can be used to produce____________电.

  175. The storm was _____________伴随by thunder.

  176. In the past few years, this young scientist has made great___________成就 in his research.

  177. They were _____________热情welcomed when they arrived at the village.

  178. A _____________商业college teaches things that would be useful in business.

  179. Seeing the boy fall into the river, the young man jumped into it without_____________犹豫.

  180. The farmers are ______________收获crops in the fields.

  181. There is a ____________(留言)from Karen on the phone.

  182. They football game was__________________(播出)live on TV across Europe. 183. They are going to ______________(庆祝)their victory with music and dancing. 184. The ________________(大多数)of students find it quite hard to learn German. 185. Very few people______________(成功)in losing weight these days.

  186. The book gives a short_______________(描述)of the city.

  187. The doctor____________(表扬)our daughter for her courage this morning. 188. There were piles of newspapers____________________(到处)in the house. 189. What is your _______________(最喜欢的) color?

  190. The little girl is wearing a _______________(粉红色的)dress.








