英语词汇 百分网手机站


时间:2018-01-24 09:26:07 英语词汇 我要投稿






  history, choose, common, buy, make, enjoy, way, another, while, serve

  American summers are filled without door picnics, baseball games and swimming pools. Summer in America is a time 66________the outdoors, no matter how hot it might be. Let’s take a look at some of the popular drinks.

  Lemonade is67________ of all American summer drinks. It68________ by mixing lemon juice, water and sugar. It is usually served very cold, with ice.

  Icetea is 69________ popular summer drink in America. Icetea is usually70________in drink is often drunk in the afternoon72________relaxing in the shade. Icetea is now also sold by the bottle, at almost any store in America.

  The Slurpee, a famous American drink in recent years, is a great73________ to cool off in the summer heat. It is a mix office, sugar and fruit juices. However, the drink is mostly made office. They can74________ at most small convenient stores. Slurpees are popular with young Americans.

  Milk shakes have along75________in America. It is made of a mix of ice cream, milk and flavoring.

  【2010甘肃•兰州】词汇考查(分A、B、C三节,共15小题; 每小题1分,满分15分)


  86.We should pay more______(注意) to our living environment.

  87.Students are taught to help and______(尊重)each other in schools.

  88.The local______(政府) has taken actions to call on people to plant trees.

  89.Thank you for giving us so many good______(建议)。

  90.So far, we’ve______(成功)in saving thousands of people in danger.


  91. The old should be spoken to______(polite).

  92. My family lives in the______ (center) park of the city.

  93. He is too______ (care)to pass the final exam.

  94. Poetry is a beautiful way to express______ (think) and feelings.

  95. Children’s______(expect) ideas of ten surprise the adults.


  96. Betty is often seen______ (help) the old man with his housework.

  97. He prefers______ (take) part in the public activities rather than stay at home alone.

  98. They______(agree)with each other, so they argued for a long time.

  99. Animals are our friends, so______ (protect) them is our duty.

  100. You have______ (award)a scholarship to study violin at our School of Music.



  41.Lily’s parents are both doctors while_________(我的)are both teachers.

  42.As Zhenjiang citizens, we really_________(骄傲)of Xijin Ferry (西津古渡).

  43.It’s not easy for those superstars to face_________(无穷无尽的)interviews and doubts.

  44.To make our world a better place, we need to_________(保护)those endangered wild animals.



  49. Li Na is a famous tennis p______.

  50. We can’t l______ to music when the teacher is talking in class.

  51. The children had a______ been asleep when I got home.

  52. Mr. Li is s_____ with his students and makes them work hard.



  【2011广西贵港】76.His mother is an _________ and she works in the hospital.

  【2011广西贵港】77.Tomorrow is Sunday. Don’t w ________me up too early.

  【2011广西贵港】78.The room is so dark that I can’t see anything c_________.

  【2011广西贵港】79.The p________ of the computer is 5000 yuan. I can’t afford it.

  【2011广西贵港】80.Alice used to be q_____, but now she is very outgoing.



  1. He is an________ boy, and he never tells lies.

  2. Lily asked me to keep it as ________, so I’m afraid I can’t tell you.

  3. You can’t learn a f_________ language well without enough practice.

  4. The class is too large, we’ll have to d_________ it into eight groups.

  Ⅴ.单项填空(共15小题; 每小题1分,满分15分)

  21.---Have you had ________ breakfast yet? --- No, not yet.

  A./ B. a C. the D. an

  22.We'll be away for two weeks because we'll have a ___________.

  A. two-weeks holiday B. two weeks' holidays

  C. two- week holiday D. two-weeks' holiday

  23.We are doing much better ______ English _______ our teacher's help.

  A. in, at B. at, in C. in, with D. with, with

  24.--Which would you like, rice or noodles? --_______is OK. I'm hungry.

  A. Either B. Neither C. Both D. All

  25.There's ________interesting in the film, so ______is interested in it.

  A. something, nobody B. nothing, somebody

  C. anything, anybody. D. nothing, nobody.

  26.--- The problem is too difficult, can you show me ______ , Wang Le? --- Sure.

  A. what to work it out B. what to work out it

  C. how to work out it D. how to work it out

  27. The food __________ good and _________ well.

  A. tastes, sells B. is tasted, is sold C. taste, sell D. smell, sold

  28.The days we look forward to _______ at last.

  A. came B. coming C. come D. be coming

  29.I’m sorry to have kept you ________ for a long time.

  A. wait B. to wait C. waiting D. to be waiting

  30.The weather was ______ it is today.

  A. not as wetter as B. not wetter than C. more wetter than

  D. wetter as

  31.Go back _______ you came from, please.

  A. where B. in where C. to where D. that

  32.He has never visited the Great Hall of the people, _________?

  A. hasn't he B. doesn't he C. does D. has he

  33.It was __________ exciting news that all of us couldn't help _________.

  A. so a, crying B. such, crying C. so, to cry D. such an, crying

  34. The film __________ for ten minutes when we got to the cinema.

  A. had already been on B. had already begun C. have already been on D. have already begun

  35.These pictures will show you ________.

  A. what does our village look like B. what our village looks like

  C. how does our village look like D. how our village looks like

  Ⅵ.完形填空(共15小题; 每小题1分,满分15分)

  阅读下面短文, 掌握其大意,然后从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

  It’s never easy to admit(承认) you are in the wrong. We all to know the art of apology(道歉). Think how often you’ve done wrong. Then count how many you’ve expressed clearly you were ou can’t go to bed with an easy mind if you do A doctor friend, Mr. Lied, told me about a man who came to him with different kinds of signs: headaches, heart and insomnia (失眠some careful exams, Mr. Lied found nothing with him and said, ―If you don’t tell me what’s you, I can’t help you.‖ The man admitted he was cheating his brother of his inheritance(遗产). Then and there the doctor the man write to his brother and his money. As soon as the was put into the post box, the man suddenly cried. ―Thank you,‖ he said to the doctor, ―I think I’ve got An apology can not only save a broken relationship(关系) but also make it an apology from you. Do something about it right now.

  36.A. decide B. have C. need D. try

  37.A. mistakes B. people C. ways D. times

  38.A. sorry B. weak C. sad D. wrong

  39.A. something B. anything C. nothing D. everything

  40.A. trouble B. matter C. illness D. problem

  41.A. Before B. After C. Till D. Since

  42.A. well B. wrong C. good D. bad

  43.A. hurling B. changing C. touching D. worrying

  44.A. clever B. silly C. good D. kind

  45.A. made B. helped C. saw D. let

  46.A. returned B. gave C. kept D. paid

  47.A. paper B. box C. money D. letter

  48.A. better B. well C. sick D. worse

  49.A. never B. worse C. stronger D. harder

  50.A. given B. received C. known D. forgotten








