英语听说 百分网手机站


时间:2017-09-25 10:14:51 英语听说 我要投稿




  H: Martin, I heard that you had been in Oxford for more than one year, right?


  M: Yeah! What’s the matter?


  H: Actually, I’m going to be a freshman of the University. I wonder what do you usually do other than having classes.

  H:事实上,我将要成为牛津大学的一名新生了。我想知道除了上课,你们平时 都干什么。

  M: Well, our university provides rich curricular activities for us. A variety of events are frequently organized by colleges and the University. Moreover, there are as many as 400 clubs and societies for us to join in, not just for music and sports, but literature, politics, performing arts, media, faith, cultural groups and more. Whatever your level of expertise, you can become involved in any club or society that interests you. If a club or society that you are interested in does not exist, you may also find support for setting one up.

  M:哦,我们的大学为我们提供了丰富的课外活动。学院和学校经常会组织各种 活动。而且,还有多达400个俱乐部和社团可以参加,不仅有音乐和体育方 面的,还有文学、政治、演艺、媒体、信仰、各种文化群体等方面的。无论 你的水平如何,你都可以加入任何一个你感兴趣的俱乐部或社团。如果你感 兴趣的倶乐部或社团不存在,你还可以通过拉赞肋的方法组建一个。

  H: With so many groups to choose from, our time at Oxford will never be dull.


  M: Right! There are so many groups that it may be a challenge for you to decide which one to join. However, the annual Freshers’ Fair at the start of the first term is an ideal opportunity to know all sorts of groups. You may choose one to two intersted groups to take part in then.

  M:是啊!有如此多的团体,以至于对于你来说决定参加哪个可能都是一种挑战。 但是,第一个学期初的新生集会是一个了解各种团体的理想机会。那时你可 以选择一到两个感兴趣的团体加入。

  H: Freshers,Fair?


  M: Yes! It is the focal point of Fresher’s Week. During the annual Freshers’ Fair, hundreds of student societies will recruit new members. With a Freshers,Fair ticket, you will get a newcomprehensive guide which helps you to know all things at Oxford.

  M:是的!它是新生周的焦点。在每年的新生集会上,数百个学生社团会招墓新 成员。持有新生集会票,你就可以拿到一份新版的综合指南,里面介绍了在 牛津大学生活的各个方面。

  H: Really? That’s great! I'm obsessed with music. Which group do you think I should take part in?


  M: Of course Oxford University Music Society! Established in 1867,it is one of the University’s oldest societies. The society helps many performing groups and college music societies to recruit players and advertise concerts. It also runs its own ensembles, such as Oxford University Orchestra, Oxford University Philharmonia, Oxford University Sinfonietta, Oxford University Wind Orchestra, Oxford Chamber Orchestra, Oxford University String Ensemble, Oxford University Student Chorus, Oxford University Big Band and Oxford University Brass Band.

  M:当然是牛津大学音乐协会啦!它建于1867年,是牛津大学最古老的`社团之 一。该协会帮肋很多表演团体和学院的音乐协会招募会员,并为音乐会做广告。 它还经菅着自己的含奏团,如:牛津大学管弦乐团、牛津大学爱乐管弦乐团、 牛津大学小型交响乐团、牛津大学管乐团、牛津大学室内管弦乐团、牛津大 学弦乐含奏团、牛津大学学生含唱团、牛津大学爵士乐团和牛津大学铜管乐团。

  H : The Society really covers a Lot of ground in music! It not only caters for classical and contemporary music fans, but also instrumental lovers.

  H:这个协会真是包罗万象啊!它不仅满足了古典和现代音乐爱好者的需要,也 为乐器爱好者提供了平台。

  M: Quite right! Oxford is also famous for drama, with about 30 student productions every term. There are University-wide groups, such as the Oxford University Dramatic Society, the Experimental Theatre Club, the Theatre Technicians,and Designers’ Society, as well as the Oxford Revue. There are also many drama societies at college level.

  M:对啊!牛津大学的戏剧也很出名,每学期演出大约30部学生作品。有大学 级別的团体,例如牛津大学戏剧协会、实验戏剧俱乐部、技术剧场和设计师 协会,以及牛津讽刺剧社。也有不少学院级别的戏剧社团。

  H: The Theatre Technicians’ and Designers’ Society? what’s that ?


  M: It is the society for those who work on the technical side of theatre and theatre design, including stage management, lighting, sound, props, and so on. As a society, it provides support and training for students who are interested in technical theatre.

  M:这个社团的开设对象是那些做剧场技术及剧场设计方面工作的人,包栝舞台 操控、灯光、音响、道具等。作为一个社团,它为对戏剧设计感兴趣的学生 提供支持和培训。

  H: That’s interesting! By the way, does the University offer opportunities for volunteering?


  M: Absolutely! Oxford offers many opportunities for volunteering. The Oxford University Student Union will help you with any questions about volunteering in Oxford.

  M:当然!牛津大学提供很多志愿活动的机会。牛津大学学生会将帮助丨尔解答关 于志愿活动方面的任何疑问。

  H: Do I need to join in the Oxford University Student Union first?


  M: No, you needn’t. All undergraduates are automatically members of the Union.


  H: Oh, I see! Do you usually go to the city center for entertainment?


  M: Occasionally! As you know, there is too much work to do studying at Oxford University.


  H: Oh, are there any places for fun in Oxford city?


  M: A great many! There are a large number of theatres, chain stores,boutiques, coffee shops,restaurants, bars and clubs in the city centre.

  M:很多啊!牛津市中心有很多剧场、连锁店、服装专卖店、咖啡店、饭店、酒 吧和俱乐部。

  H: It was really neat! I can’t wait to start my studying life at Oxford.


  M: There is only a week left, bear with it!









