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时间:2018-04-17 11:49:14 托福(TOEFL) 我要投稿


  In conclusion, I would like to quote a saying from General Eisenhower, “In preparing for battle I have always found that plans are useless, but planning is indispensable.” If we plan without being creative, it is certainly meaningless. The best solution to a problem always comes up when planning carefully and thinking creatively work together.



  Do you agree or disagree with the statement: The best way for a teacher to help students interested in a subject is to explain that subject will help them outside school. 老师帮助学生对一个科目产生兴趣的最佳方法就是告诉它那门科目在学校之外的作用,是否认同?


  Our interest in a subject is influenced by many things. For subjects with direct, practical applications outside of school, this extracurricular significance may be a huge factor in determining a student's interest in it. In these cases, it would be suitable to teach them about the subject's significance outside of school. For subjects that don't have many practical applications, however, this may not be the case.

  For a subject like art, for example, teaching students about its significance outside of school may actually have the opposite effect. Art has very little practical utility, and I say this as someone who absolutely loves art. It is a fairly noncontroversial viewpoint, reinforced by the fact that art funding is universally one of the first things sent to the chopping block during government budget crunches. Its true significance is even debated by those in the art world--this is something I can personally attest to, having been party to many of these debates while studying art during my M.A. program. For those not already inspired by art classes, learning about art's extracurricular significance is probably not going to be the best way to get them excited about it.

  The same could be said of philosophy. Philosophy, at least in the Western tradition, used to have practical applications. That was several hundred years ago, back when science still comprised a branch of philosophy. Nowadays, people will reflexively cringe when they hear you have a philosophy degree. And who could blame them? Philosophy is almost by definition an airy pursuit--its name comes from the term "philosophia", Greek for "the love of wisdom". Loving wisdom is not an employable skill-set, and I have a feeling that teaching students about this lack of practical utility will do little to sway the unconverted. Why should they get excited about a subject with no obvious use?

  These are both subjects near and dear to my heart, and I think it would be a shame if more people were not adequately exposed to them. I think the best way to get students interested in these subjects, however, is not to talk about their grander significance outside of school, but to make them more immediate and personal. Studying Buddhist philosophy helped me to detach myself from a life focused on material gain. Experiencing Mark Rothko's massive color-field paintings gave me personal insight during a difficult period of depression. These are two ways in which more personal encounters can deepen a person's interest in them, and it's far more impactful and longer-lasting than.

  Teaching students about a subject's extracurricular significance is important, but for some subjects, there are better ways of stoking their interest.


  Do you agree or disagree with the statement: students nowadays are more interested in politics than in the past. 与过去相比,学生现在对政治更感兴趣,是否认同?


  Students have always been an active demographic in the arena of politics. Students have a tendency to be more idealistic and therefore have always participated in the most current political issues. While this has always been the case, the turn of the century has marked a significant change in the role that students play in politics. There are more students concerned with politics today than previous generations.

  Our generation of students is more interested in politics, because as children we saw how world politics could affect our lives. We all remember the terrorist attacks on 9/11 and we all witnessed how it changed America and American politics. We grew up understanding that what happens in our country and in other countries’ politics has consequences. Also, the growth of the internet has also made our generation of students keenly aware that the world is interconnected. More so than any generation before use, we are aware that national politics have a global audience.

  A sign of how much more invested our generation is in politics is the various student lead movements that have swept the nation. The first was the Obama campaign of the 2008 presidential elections. This was one of the first elections in which the college-age vote had a huge impact on the outcome of the elections. More recent is the Occupy Wall St. Movement, a student lead political protest against the corruption of Wall St. and the corporations that were responsible for the economic crisis. The Occupy Movement has also taken on other causes and students have started to occupy in cities across the U.S. These mass political movements are student lead and are a sign of just how politically conscious students are today.