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时间:2018-04-17 11:49:14 托福(TOEFL) 我要投稿




  Some people like to keep records or experiences by exposing photos on social networking sites. Others do not like to create such records. Which way do you prefer? 有些人愿意在社交网站上记录自己的生活,分享自己的经历,发布照片等,有些人则不会这样做,你更倾向于哪种方式?


  Social networking has increasingly drawn modern dwellers’ attention, and it has become an indispensable part of everyday life, such as searching for information, communicating with friends or colleagues and even accomplishing certain business agendas. While some people are more used to uploading pictures or other private information online, others see this as a way that would bring risks to their life. From my perspective, the benefits of this sharing method outweigh its counterpart.

  Admittedly, there are some reasons to justify people who do not like uploading information online. By posting photos with geographic information on websites like Sina Weibo or Facebook, other people would soon be aware of your location, and this might put threat to your safety. Also, by keeping records like identification number online, it would make other people easy to fetch these private information, causing potential identify theft. However, as long as people are able to improve the awareness of confidentiality, the problem will be solved. Without sharing sensitive information, the online posts could add more fun to life by making comments under each status post, which bond friends together.

  For people who like to keep records online, the social network is easy to record everyday life. Thanks to the boosted development in mobile phone service, cellphones bear the potential to keep most logs about life. For example, when people are traveling to Los Angeles for Christmas, it is usually the case that they could take photos of the amazing scenes in Santa Monic Beach or even shoot a video clip about the wonderful tour in Universal Studio. With a single click operation, these photos or video clips would be uploaded into cloud where information is safely stored. Meanwhile, friends could also enjoy the same experiences by browsing your online records. In this way, keep records online serves as an medium to store and share personal experiences.

  What is more, keeping records online is also capable of spread useful information. In others, for teachers or company managers, it is always easy to upload some documents in online disk, where students or members of staffs could download the important materials. According to a survey conducted by Sina Weibo, after polling hundreds of teachers in the Beijing from different level of schools, a significant percentage of respondents claim that storing class notes, test samples and even specifics of the experiments in the disk related to their Facebook account, their students are able to download these materials whenever they are, which makes the scene that students rush to teachers to copy educational materials via USB disk disappear.

  To sum up, though there are people who love try to hide from keeping records online, I still give my supports to sharing information online. The reason for this is that it can people more convince and deliver more useful information to people.



  Do you agree or disagree with the statement: Being creative, rather than planning carefully more often results in the best solution of a problem. 有创意比小心谨慎地规划是解决问题更好的方法,是否认同?


  If I were asked which weapon I prefer to use to win a battle—shield or spear, I think I would lose using any weapon alone. It can be vividly compared to this topic. When finding solutions to a problem, a careful plan is like a strong shield protecting us from going into chaos, while creativity is like a sharp spear helping us solve problems efficiently. We need both of them.

  To begin with, let’s look at the importance of being creative. On the one hand, being creative can help people think out of the box and find effective solutions. On the other hand, without ideas coming from creative thinking, plan can be nothing but a mere scrape of paper. Here is an example of being creative. Back to the years when online trading was not so prevailing as it is today, most books were sold in bookshops. As a result, there was a limited space to store books and a limited radius of potential customers. To solve such problems, Amazon decided to store their books in large warehouses and sell them on the Internet. In this way, they can offer a greater selection of books at a lower cost and to more people. This creative idea not only solved the problems of limited space of storage, but also made Amazon.com a success in an already competitive market.

  However, most of the time, creativity alone cannot guarantee a best solution. Creative ideas need to be organized and planned carefully to be effective. Planning is leveraged time. Several minutes planning before tackling a problem can improve our productivity and efficiency greatly. Lacking this step, any good idea from brainstorm may be fruitless. Here is an example of my own. At the end of every semester, I always run into a rushing time, because I have to prepare for the examinations, finish several papers, and close some research report. It is quite easy to get lost in such a busy time. Thus, I started to learn planning strategically to improve my efficiency. I would establish a “to do” list according to priorities of things and tick off the items as I move forward. In this way, I can manage my time and solve multiple problems at the same time.