专四 百分网手机站


时间:2020-08-17 19:17:10 专四 我要投稿




  Some people prefer to spend their lives doing the same things and avoiding change. Others , however, think that change is always a good thing. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.

  Over the last half century the pace of change in the life of human beings has increased beyond our wildest expectations. This has been driven by technological and scientific breakthroughs that are changing the whole way we view the world on an almost daily basis. This means that change is not always a personal option, but an inescapable fact of life, and we need to constantly adapt to keep pace with it.

  Those people who believe they have achieved some security by doing the same, familiar things are living in denial. Even when people believe they are resisting change themselves, they cannot stop the world around them from changing. Sooner or later they will find that the familiar jobs no longer exist, or that the ‘safe’ patterns of behavior are not longer appropriate.

  However, reaching the conclusion that change is inevitable is not the same as assuming that ‘change is always for the better.’ Unfortunately, it is not always the case that new things are promoted because they have good impacts for the majority of people. A lot of innovations are made with the aim of making money for a few. This is because it is the rich and powerful people in our society who are able to impose changes(such as in working conditions or property developments ) that are in their own interests.

  In conclusion, I would say that change can be stimulating and energizing for individuals when they pursue it themselves, but that all change, including that which is imposed on people, does not necessarily have good outcomes.


  首先,作文的写作时间为45分钟,合理的时间安排为10+30+5,前面的10分钟用来读题审题 ,构思并列提纲,接着的30分钟用来按照提纲写作,最后5分钟用来检查及润色。合理的时间安排是写出优秀作文的必不可少的第一步。


  再次,除了形式之外,作文的内容也尤其重要。阅卷老师阅卷一般是从第一段看语言,从第二段看结构。这就要求考生的作文开头部分以及每一段的第一句一定要写得像英文,不要出现任何的拼写或语法错误。 除了语言的地道外,还要求作文有层次感。可以用一系列表示逻辑关系的连词,即路标词来表示思路的清晰,如and, however, furthermore,also, what"s more等。此外,还可以用对等的句式结构,如for one thing, for another; On the one hand, on the other hand等来增加文章的层次感。









