

时间:2023-07-19 12:35:23 泽楠 英语试题 我要投稿
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  七年级英语时态练习题 1


  1.I want to play tabletennis with GanShan.


  2.Isurf the Interneton Saturday evening.


  3.They study English, Maths Science, and Art.


  4.I usually play basketball with myfriends.


  5.My auntlikes growing flowers.


  6.What do you usually doon Sundays?

  What Helen?

  7.Do SuHaiandher family have any hobbies?


  8.He grows beautiful flowers.



  1.I like collecting animals tamps.

  2.I usually watch TV in the evening.

  3.She reads magazines after school.

  4.My uncletakes photos on Sundays.

  5.Jim jumps very high.

  6.He has some model ships.

  7.They listen to music after lunch.

  8.We make model planes atfiveo’clock.


  1.I usually get upat sixo’clock.


  2.We usually writee-mailstoeachother on Saturday evening.


  3.They have the same hobby.


  4.Suhaiand Suyang like listening to music after school.


  5.Helen usually watches TV in the evening.


  6.GaoShan studies English, Maths, Chinese, Science, and Art..


  7.My mother usually goes shopping on Sundays.


  8.He plays baseball very well.



  1.I usually make clothes in the evening?

  2.We want to go to the cinema with your brother?

  3.They live in the same town?

  4.My parents usually read books after supper?

  5.Wang Bing surfs the Interneton Saturday afternoon?

  6.He likes collecting animals tamps?

  7.She usually read sscience magazineson Sundaymorning?

  8.He hass even lessons everyday?

  9.My grandfather likes growing flowers?


  1.I like collecting Chinese stamps. Iusually (collect) stamps.

  2.We(go) to school from Monday to Friday.

  3.Myparents(like)(read) science magazines.

  4.Tomusually (watch)TV after school, he(like)(watch)TV.

  5.She (want) to (go)to the park



  1.The girl__________________(read)aboo know.

  2.Listen.Some girls_______________(dance)in the classroom.

  3.My mother_________________(cook) some nice food everyday.


  5.Look.They_______________(have)basketball match(篮球赛).

  6.They____________(not,sweep) the floor now.

  7.Look!the girls________________(play)in the classroom.

  8.What is my grandmother doing?She_________(listen)to music.


  10.______Mike____________(ride)a bike?Yes, heis.

  11.What are you______(do),Helen? I’m______(sit)on the football.

  12.The boy_______(make)a model plane now.

  13.Look.She________(put)an eggonher mouth.

  14.Listen.What____they_____(do)?They________(play)the piano.

  15.It is threeo’clockin the afternoon.All the children_______(have)an Artlesson.

  16.Don’tplay the violin.Your father__________(sleep)in the bedroom.

  17.Look at the woman.She__________(swim)over there.

  18.Listen to the birds.They__________(sing) in the trees.

  19.Now I can__________(draw)a diamond.

  20.Now let’s__________(fly)kites in the playground.


  1.I am drawing a picture.




  2.He and I are making paper kites.




  七年级英语时态练习题 2


  1. Where ___________ you _____________ (be) these days?

  2. Great changes _____________(take) place in my hometown in the past ten years.

  Many new factories_____________ already __________(put) up and a new theatre____________(build ) soon.

  3. _________ you___________(buy) the dictionary? No, I havent.

  When I _________ (get) to the bookstore yesterday, all the dictionaries__________ already ___________(sell) out.

  4. Where ____________(be) you this time yesterday? I_________(be) at home.

  I ____________(go) over my lessons then.

  5. When I _________ (enter) the room, he ________(not notice) me, for he _________(work) at a maths problem.

  6. Mr. Brown _________( make) a lot of friends since he_________(come) to work in Wuhan two years ago.

  7. By the end of last year they ___________ (learn) more than 1 000 new words.

  8.Mr. Green _____________(visit) all places of great interest in China since he came to China.

  9. Tom said he__________(study) Chinese since three years ago.

  10. Could you tell me if you _________(read) the story book?

  11. He said the lights in the room __________(go) out when he opened the door.

  七年级英语时态练习题 3

  1. Daniel’s family________their holiday in Huangsh an this time next week.

  A.are enjoying B.are to enjoy

  C.will enjoy D.will be enjoying

  【解析】句意为:丹尼尔一家人下个星期的这个时候肯定正在黄山度假。根据this time next week判断,选用将来进行时will be doing。


  2. My parents have promisedto come to see me before I________for Africa.

  A.have left B.leave

  C.left D.will leave

  【解析】句意为:我父母已经答应在我去非洲之前来看我。不定式to come to see me表示的是将来动作,before引导的时间状语从句需用一般现在时。


  3.During the period of recent terrorist activities,people________not to touch any unattended bag.

  A.had always been warned

  B.were always being warned

  C.are always warning

  D.always warned

  【解析】句意为:在最近恐怖活动期间,人们总是在被警告不要碰任何无人照看的包。be always doing sth.总是做某事,表达某种抱怨、不满或赞许的情绪。人们是“被警告”,要用被动语态。


  4.The number of foreign students attending Chinese universities________rising steadily since 1997.

  A.is B.are

  C.has been D.have been

  【解析】句意为:在中国上大学的外国留学生的数量自1997年以来稳步上升。“the number of+n.”作主语时,其谓语动词用单数形式;由since 1997可知句子的时态应用现在完成时。


  5. —Ann is in hospital.

  —Oh,really?I________know.I________go and visit her.

  A.didn’t;am going to B.don’t;would

  C.don’t;will D.didn’t;will

  【解析】句意为:——Ann在住院。——哦,真的吗?我还不知道呢。我要去看望她。这里讲的I didn’t know指的是在对方还没告知Ann在住院这件事之前,我不知道,所以用一般过去时;第二个空用will指的是事先未经计划或安排的“意愿,打算”。


  6. —Hi,Torry,can I useyour computer for a while this afternoon?


  A.It’s repaired

  B.It has been repaired

  C.It’s being repaired

  D.It had been repaired



  7.What do you think of the movie?

  —It’s fantastic.The only pity is that I________the beginning of it.

  A.missed B.had missed

  C.miss D.would miss



  8. His sister left home in 1998,and________since.

  A.had not been heard of

  B.has not been heard of

  C.had not heard of

  D.has not heard of

  【解析】句意为:他妹妹在1998年离开家,从那以后就没了音讯。根据句意,指的是过去离开以后,到现在一直没音讯,故用现在完成时;hear of与his sister在本句中为被动关系,故用被动语态,所以选B。


  9. According to the literary review,Shakespeare________his characters live through their language in his plays.

  A.will make B.had made

  C.was making D.makes



  10.Excuse me,Marcia,a reporterfromVanity Fair________all day.Could you speak to her now?

  A.phones B.has phoned

  C.has been pho ning D.phoned

  【解析】句意为:打扰了,Marcia,一名Vanity Fair的记者打了一整天的电话。你现在可以接她的电话吗?根据句意和时间状语all day可知,此句需用现在完成进行时表示说话人的一种情感,如:不满,抱怨,责备等。注意,现在完成时表示到目前为止动作可能已经结束,侧重对现在产生的影响或结果。


  11.Do you know if Terry will go camping this weekend?

  —Terry?Never!She________tents and fresh air!

  A.has hated B.hated

  C.will hate D.hates



  12.Got your driving license?

  —No.I________too busy to have enough practice,so I didn’t take the driving test last week.

  A.was B.am

  C.have been D.had been

  【解析】考查时态。根据句中so I didn’t take the driving test last week可知说话人过去一直很忙而没有进行足够的练习,以至于没有参加上周的驾照考试。发生在过去的.动作“take”之前,因此应该用过去完成时。


  13.He will have learned English for eight years by the time he________fromthe university next year.

  A.will graduate B.will have graduated

  C.graduates D.is to graduate

  【解析】考查时态。by the time引导的是时间状语从句,而本句的主句是将来时,所以从句用一般现在时表示将来。


  14.I________in London for many years,but I’ve never regretted my final decision to move back to China.

  A.lived B.have lived

  C.had lived D.was living



  15.What’s your opinion about my suggestion?

  —Sorry,I________.Would you please say it again?

  A.hadn’t listened B.wouldn’t listen

  C.wasn’t listening D.didn’t listen



  16.Although many measures________,the world’s economy is still going down.

  A.were taken B.have been taken

  C.will be taken D.are taken



  17. Since the beginning of the vacation,I______across the country,and my next stop is the Wuyi Mountains.

  A.had traveled B.will travel

  C.have been traveling D.was traveling

  【解析】考查动词的时态。该题的时间状语为since+过去的时间点,结合后面的“my next stop is the Wuyi Mountains”可以看出这里应该用现在完成进行时,表示从过去开始的动作一直持续到现在,并可能持续下去。


  18.Right now the government is trying to control the number of people who________by H1N1 flu.

  A.have been affected B.have affected

  C.are affected D.affect

  【解析】考查动词的时态语态。句意为:政府正在试图控制感染H1N1流感的人的数量。人们被感染流感,用sb.be affected by sth.结构,这里说的是现在的一般情况,故用一般现在时的被动语态。


  19.I saw Lucy and her boyfriendin the park at nine yesterday evening.

  —Impossible.She________the Internetwith me i n my home then.

  A.surfed B.had surfed

  C.would surf D.was surfing



  20.The employees________that they should renew their contracts within a week.

  A.advise B.have advised

  C.are advised D.had been advised

  【解析】考查动词的语态。语意:(公司)建议员工在一周内续签合同。根据语意,The employees与advise为动宾关系,所以应该用被动结构,故选C项。


  21.With the help of high technologh,more and more new substances________in the past years.


  B.have discovered

  C.had been discovered

  D.have been discovered

  【解析】考查时态和语态。由句中的时间状语in the past years可知,这里应用现在完成时;句子的主语new substances与discover之间为动宾关系,故选D项。


  22.Look!Everything here is under construction.

  —What’s the pretty small house that________for?

  A.is being built B.has been built

  C.is built D.is building



  23.Did you have any trouble finding your way in Shanghai?

  —Yes,I tried to find my way to the airport but________.

  A.has been lost B.get lost

  C.lost D.got lost

  【解析】前面的问句以及tried暗示时态应为一般过去时,因此选got lost。


  24.We’ve been told the good news,but when and where to go for the exciting paid vacation________yet.

  A.are not discussed

  B.have not been discussed

  C.is not being discussed

  D.has not been discussed

  【解析】后一分句的主语为when and where to go for the exciting paid vacation,表示的是一件事,谓语动词用单数形式,由此排除A、B两项。根据句末的yet可知应该用完成时,即这件事还没有被讨论。


  25.We haven’t moved into the new office building—it________right now.

  A.is decorating B.has been decorated

  C.is being decorated D.has been decorating

  【解析】考查动词时态、语态。根据题干中前面一句话的时态及后一句话中的时间状语right now可知,应用现在进行时;又依据语意可知,房子正在(被)装修,因此选C。











