

时间:2022-10-09 19:00:51 英语试题 我要投稿
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  1 . f ld . (田地)2 re red (退休的) 3 dr nk (喝的过去式) 4 h vy (重的)5 br k n(坏的)


  ( ) 1. A fire B library C hard

  ( ) 2. A hope B study C heavy

  ( ) 3. A card B CD-ROM C hope

  ( ) 4. A bring B use C telephone

  ( ) 5. A him B her C he

  ( ) 6. A lady B grandma C find

  ( ) 7. A dictionary B heavy C newspaper

  ( ) 8. A ate B gave C talk

  ( ) 9. A about B for C use

  ( ) 10. A yesterday B last year C now

  三 选择最佳答案,将序号写在题前的括号中

  ( )1.Five years ago, she _______to school.

  A walk B walked C walking

  ( )2. Lingling is still in Englang ____Sam and Daming.

  A in B for C with

  ( )3.You can find ____about Chinese books in the dictionary .

  A out B about C with

  ( )4. It’s easy ____ a computer.

  A out B about C with

  ( )5.It’s got a panda ____ it .

  A on B or C for

  ( )6 last night, I _____ English.

  A learn B learnt C learning

  ( )7 It will be easy for ____.

  A she B her C hers

  ( )8. My grandpa ____ Now.

  A is retired B was retired C are retired

  ( )9.What did you _____last night ?

  A drank B drink C drinking

  ( )10 Now She ____ to school school bus

  A goes by B go by C went to


  1.You can find out about Chinese food on this CD-ROM.

  2. You can find out about the weather in this newspaper.

  3.Why is she wearing these clothes .

  4.I’ve got an email from Lingling .

  5. It’s got a panda on it .


  ( )1.Can I have your library card , please? A At the zoo.

  ( )2.What did she do yesterday ? B I drank milk .

  ( )3.Did Lingling learn English? C Yes , here you are.

  ( )4.What did you drink last night? D She played football.

  ( )5.Where can you find out about animals? E No , she didn’t.


  bring talking Why take watched

  1. Thank you for______ to my friend.

  2. _____is wearing these clothes ?

  3. Please ____ back the book in two weeks’ time .

  4 Yesterday I _____ TV with my mother .

  5 You can’t _____to China .


  ( )1.这个绿色的书包带有四个轮子。

  A. This green bag has got your wheels.

  B This green bag have got your wheels.

  ( ) 2.这件蓝色的体恤衫对你说有点太小。

  A This blue T- shirt is too small for you.

  B This blue T- shirt is to small for you.

  ( ) 3.我们没有足够的食物。

  A We didn’t have enough food.

  B We didn’t had enough food.

  ( ) 4.今天Amy在学校吃了五个汉堡。

  A Today Amy ate five hanburgers at school.

  B. Today Amy eat five hanburgers at school.

  ( )5. 昨天他吃了一个鸡蛋和香肠。

  A She have eggs and sansages yesterday.

  B She had eggs and sansages yesterday.

  ( )6.十年前,陈海在他的班级了。

  A Ten years ago, Chen Hai is in his class.

  B Ten years ago, Chen Hai was in his class.


  Dear Amy:

  Today I had a hamburger for lunch .I like hamburgers .But my mum doesn’t like hamburgers at all. She drank juice .Tomorrow is my birthday. My mum is going to make a cake for me .I’m going to eat lots of delicious food ! I hope you are with me. With love Daming .

  1)Daming ate____ today .

  A a hamburger B hamburger C a sandwich

  2)Daming’s mum_____ hamburgers very much .

  A likes B doesn’t like C don’t like

  3) Daming ‘s mum is going to make some____ for Daming .

  A juice B cake C soup

  4)Daming is going to eat _____tomorrow

  A lots of delicious food B lots of noodles C a cake

  5) Tomorrow is _____birthday.

  A Daming’s B Amy’s C Lingling’s


  1. Go , library, let’s , to ,the (.)

  2. Have ,please, I , library, can ,your, card (?)

  3. From, have got, letter , I ,Lingling , a (.)

  4. Easy, it , with , is , a , computer (.)

  5. Are, on , they , Shelf B (.)










