

时间:2024-02-01 09:40:31 帅帅 英语试题 我要投稿
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  四年级下册英语期中试卷及答案 1

  一、Read and find. (找出下列每组单词中不同类的一项。)

  ( ) 1. A. teacher B. library C. art room D. music room.

  ( ) 2. A. nice B. expensive C. pretty D. umbrella

  ( ) 3. A. hurry B. dinner C. breakfast D. lunch

  ( ) 4. A. hen B. horse C. animal D. sheep

  ( ) 5. A. tomato B. farm C. carrot D. potato

  ( ) 6. A. skirt B. jacket C. white D. dress

  ( ) 7. A. baby B. whose C. what D. where

  ( ) 8. A. weather B. sunny C. snowy D. warm

  ( ) 9. A. yours B. ours C. mine D. clothes

  ( ) 10. A. hot B. cool C. sun D. cold

  二、Read and judge. (判断划线部分的发音是否一致,一致的画“√”,不一致的画“×”。)

  ( ) 1. horse homework

  ( )2. girl nurse

  ( )3.dinner eraser

  ( )4. little table

  ( )5. car wall

  三、Read and choose. (单项选择。)

  ( ) 1. I like ________ white shorts. _______ nice.

  A. this; It’s B. those; They’re C. those; It’s

  ( ) 2. It’s very cold .______ your coat.

  A. Take off B. Put on C. Put away

  ( ) 3.--- How _____ horses do you have?

  --- Seventeen.

  A. mine B. much C. many

  ( ) 4. It’s 12 o’clock. It’s time ____ lunch.

  A. for B. to C. of

  ( ) 5. --- Where _____ my sunglasses?

  --- They’re the floor.

  A. are; in B. is; on C. are; on

  ( ) 6. --- Are these green beans?

  --- _______.

  A. Yes, they are. B. No, they are. C. Yes, it is.

  ( ) 7. These are _______ and ________.

  A. tomatos; carrots B. tomatoes; carrot C. tomatoes; carrots

  ( ) 8. Whose sweater is this?____

  A. It’s my. B. It’s my sister. C. It’s my brother’s.

  ( ) 9. --- ______ do you like this scarf?

  --- It’s very pretty.

  A. What B. Whose C. How

  ( ) 10. --- Can I ________?

  --- Sure. Here you are.

  A. try on them B. try them on C. like them

  四、Look, read and write. (根据所给图片的提示写出单词或短语,将句子补充完整。)

  1. It’s in London.

  2. --- Are these goats?

  --- No, they aren’t. They are .

  3. --- That skirt is pretty. How much is it?

  --- It’s 399 yuan.

  ---Oh, it’s too .

  4. The are so big.

  5. It’s 12 o’clock. It’s time for .

  五、Read and choose. (读句子,选择合适的.答语,将字母代号填在括号里。)

  ( ) 1. What are those? A. It’s next to the library.

  ( ) 2.Are these carrots? B. It’s five o’clock.

  ( ) 3. Where is the teacher’s office? C. It’s cold.

  ( ) 4. What time is it? D. They’re horses.

  ( ) 5.What’s the weather like in Sydney? E. Yes, they are.

  六、Read and judge. (看图片,读句子,与图片内容相符的画“√”,不相符的画“×”。)

  ( )1. Hang up your dress.

  ( ) 2. --- Do you like green beans?

  --- Yes, I do.

  ( ) 3. It’s time for English class.



  ( ) 4. It’s cold and snowy in Beijing.

  ( ) 5. ---What time is it?

  --- It’s two o’clock.

  七、Read and choose.(读一读,找出选项完成对话。)


  B: Yes, These shoes are nice. 2.__________ Size 6, please.

  A: Of course. 3._________

  B: Are they OK?

  B: Yes. They’re just right. 4.___________

  A: They’re 300 yuan.

  B: Oh, 5.______________

  八、Read and write. (连词成句。)

  1. green beans those Are (?)

  2. time It’s go to home (.)

  3. I help Can you (?)

  4. those are Whose pants (?)

  5. is How this much dress (?)

  九、Read and choose. (阅读短文,判断正T误F。)

  My grandpa has a farm. The farm is very big and beautiful. There are many animals on the farm. There are ten horses, seven goats, nine cows and many hens. The cows are black and white. The goats are white. The hens are very fat. My grandpa likes vegetables. So there are a lot of potatoes, green beans, carrots and tomatoes. I like potatoes. My sister likes green beans. We all like this farm very much.

  ( )1. My grandpa has a big farm.

  ( )2. There are ten horses, seven sheep, nine cows and many hens on the farm.

  ( )3. The goats are black and white.

  ( )4. I like tomatoes.

  ( )5. My sister and I like this farm very much.

  四年级下册英语期中试卷及答案 2


  ( ) 1. A. what B. want C. men

  ( ) 2. A. take B. talk C. bookm

  ( ) 3. A. draw B. drink C. dance

  ( ) 4. A.tomato B. potato C. dumpling

  ( ) 5. A.behind B. beside C.betweet


  A B C D E

  1. 2. 3. 4. 5.


  ( )1.A.Can you jump high? B. Can you jump far?

  ( ) 2. A. How much is it? B.How many girls?

  ( ) 3. A. The kids are singing. B. The children are dancing.

  ( ) 4. A. Do you want some noodles? B. Do you want some rice?

  ( ) 5. A. What are you drinking? B. What are they doing?


  四.根据词组找到相对应的图片,将序号写在选项里。( 10分)

  ( )1. fast food A.

  ( ) 2.listen to music B.

  ( ) 3. read a book C.

  ( ) 4.make dumplings D.

  ( ) 5.play football E.


  ( )1. Look at pictures.

  A. that B. these C. this

  ( ) 2. -Do you want some noodles? - I want some juice.

  A. Yes, I can . B. Yes, please. C. No, thank you.

  ( ) 3. What are you doing? – I’m taijiquan.

  A. doing B. playing C. row

  ( ) 4. My mother making dumplings.

  A. am B. is C. are

  ( ) 5. –Can you a bike ?

  A. riding B. rides C. ride


  ( )1.Can he fly a kite? A. It’s at the station.

  ( ) 2.Do you want some apples? B. No, he can’t.

  ( ) 3. Where is the bus? C. I’m reading a book.

  ( ) 4.What are you doing? D. It’s twenty yuan.

  ( ) 5.How much is it? E. Yes, please.


  1. bike / they / a / riding / are ( . )

  2. is / Amy / what /doing ( ? )

  3. station / the / It’s / at ( . )

  4. Amy / play / can / football ( ? )

  5.rice / do / some / want / you ( ? )

  八.情景交际。( 10分)

  A:1 Where is the supermarket?

  B: 2 It’s near the bus station.

  A: Thank you .

  B: 3

  ( in the supermarket )

  A: Look, Amy . 4

  B: Oh, it’s a toy car.

  A: 5

  B: It’s twenty-five yuan.

  A: Ok, let’s buy it.

  1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

  九.选词填空。( 10分)

  Let’s get on the bus, we can see lots of things. Look at the people in the park, they’re taijiquan. Look at the people on the lake, they’re a dragon boat. Look at the men between the trees, they’re chess. Look at these girls, they’re soya milk.

  十.阅读理解。( 10分)

  This is the Bailu Park. There are many trees and flowers in it .We can see lots of interesting things .Look at the men .One is doing taijiquan. Another( 另一个人 ) is looking the him. Look at the young ( 年轻的) men. They are singing songs. Oh, what are the children doing? They are running. They are very happy.

  ( ) 1. The people are .

  A. in the park B. in the supermarket C. in the school

  ( )2. There are lots of in the park.

  A. birds B. trees and flowers C. dogs

  ( ) 3. An old man is .

  A. playing chess B. listening to music C.doing taijiquan

  ( ) 4. Children are .

  A. running B. playing football C.drinking milk

  ( ) 5. The young men are .

  A. dancing B .singing C. riding a bike


  写出单词的适当形式。( 10分)

  1.-What is he doing ? -He is ( take ) pictures.

  2. Listen ! A bird is ( sing ).

  3. They are ( run ).

  4. I am ( ride ) a bike .

  5. Look ! Sam is ( swim ).










