英语试题 百分网手机站


时间:2020-09-01 13:56:37 英语试题 我要投稿


  一、这一大题共有10小题,在每一小题内,你将听到一个句子,并看到供你选择的4个单词或短语,每个句子读2遍。请在每一小题A、B、C、D 4个答案中找出一个你所听到的单词或短语


  ( )1. A.park B.bank C.pay phone D.video arcade

  ( )2. A.between B.bridge C.clean D.street

  ( )3. A.dolphins B.elephants C.lions D.penguins

  ( )4. A.Australia B.Africa C.America D.Brazil

  ( )5. A.olive and cheese B.olive and onion

  C.tomato and cheese D.mushroom and olive

  ( )6. A.in a tree B.in a street C.in a team D.in a room

  ( )7. A.a police officer B.a bank clerk C.a good doctor D.a good actor

  ( )8. A. a bad clerk B.work with C.not many D.his mother

  ( )9 .A.want a pen B.went shopping C.with their friends D.some boys

  ( )10. A.favorite kind B. favorite group C.country music D.his country


  ( ) 1.A.I go out on weekdays B. I don’t go out on weekdays

  C. I didn’t go out on weekdays D. I went out on weekdays

  ( ) 2.A.Three of the boys watched the game over the weekend

  B. Three of them watch the game on the weekend

  C. Three of them watched the exciting game over the weekend

  D. Three of them watched the game over the weekend

  ( ) 3. A.His mother cooked a great pizza for him on weekend morning

  B. My mother cooked a great pizza for us on weekend morning

  C. My mother often cooks a great pizza for us on weekend morning

  D. My mother cooked a great pizza for me on weekend morning

  ( ) 4.A.My father often helps my mother clean the house on weekends

  B. I often help my mother clean the house on weekends

  C. My father and I often help my mother clean the house on weekends

  D. My mother and I often help my father clean the house on weekends

  ( ) 5.A. I studied English over the weekend.

  B. I studied for the test over the weekend.

  C. I studied for the English test over the weekend.

  D. I studied for the math test over the weekend.


  ( )1、Peter can speak a little Chinese.

  ( )2、David is from England, too.

  ( )3、Peter is tall, but David isn’t.

  ( )4、Peter is clever at Maths.

  ( )5、David likes music.


  I. 单项选择(15分,每小题1分)

  1.I _____to be a doctor.

  A..wants B.went C.want D.likes

  2.-Let’s_____football on the playground

  A.play the B.to play C.playing D.play

  3. A:Your son is very smart and intelligent B:________

  A. All right B.No,it doesn’t C.Thanks D.Don’t say so

  4._Which sentence(句子) can’t be used for (被用来) asking your job? _____?

  A. What do you do B. What are you doing

  C. What’s your job D. What are you

  5.What size pizza would you like? _____

  A. No,thanks B .Yes,please

  C.A large one , please D. With a mushroom and cheese

  6. A:How does he like giraffes? B:________

  A.Very much B. No,he doesn’t C.That’s OK D.Yes,he likes a little

  7.-There is a supermarket_____our school.

  A.between…and B.in front C.across from D.on

  8.What kind of _______do you like best? Country.I think it’s great.

  A.singer B.food C.subject D.music

  9.-What you doing? -I’m a book.

  A.do,seeing B.are,looking C.do,watching D.are,reading

  10._______at the jazz section,you’ll find it next to the pop.

  A.Go left B.Turn to upstairs C.Turn left D.Go to upstairs.

  11.My father works with money and people, he is a(an)_______

  A.actor B.bank clerk C.police officer D.reporter

  12.I_______ to the beach over weekend.What about you?

  I______ violin and did some reading

  A.went;play B.go;play the C.went;played D. went;played the

  13______was your last weekend? It was not bad

  A. How about B. How C. What D. What about

  14.There are some ____on the table..

  A.cheese B.meat C.tomatos D.green peppers

  15.What’s your______? It’s NO. 6 on Center Street.

  A. address B.phone number C.place D.home

  II. 完型填空(20分,每小题1分)


  There is ___16___ old woman in England. She 17 children at all. But she loves 18 . She has black cats and white cats. She has 19 cats and baby cats. So the children 20 come to her house. They come to play with the cats. More and more cats come to the woman’s house. Soon(不久) she 21 more and more(越来越多) 22 . The old woman cannot feed(喂养) them at all. Then she has an idea.(主意) “The children love 23 cats,” she thinks. So she 24 each child a cat. Then she is happy. And the children are happy. 25 the cats are