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牛津小学英语Unit11A good idea教案

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牛津小学英语Unit11A good idea教案

  Unit 11 A gd idea

牛津小学英语Unit11A good idea教案


  Teaching cntents:

  1.A2 A4 : Let’s g swiing .That’s a gd idea .Let’s g sating .Gd idea .

  2.B L and learn : fishing,gging ,rwing .

  Teaching Ais:

  1.Enable the Ss t understand and sa : fishing,gging。 rwing .

  3. Encurage the Ss t have gd cperatin with ne anther and≈, nbsp;use the cunicative sentences : Let’s g … Gd idea ,That’s a gd idea .

  Teaching Steps:

  Step1 War up

  1. Free tal :…Let’s g (t )…

  2. Listen and d .

  3. Pla a gae :抢座位。


  4. Draw (画关于夏天的.图)。

  生发挥想象:ice –crea glasses swiing …

  师补充: fishing rwing .

  Step 2 Presentatin

  1.Learn t sa : fishing rwing gging .

  2.Tal .

  T:D u lie fishing /…? S: Let’s g fishing .

  T: Let’s g fishing . S: Great !/ Sunds gd/ Gd idea .

  3.Learn t sa : Gd idea /That’s a gd idea .

  4. Chant :

  Fishing ,fishing ,let’s g fishing .

  Gd ,idea ,that’s a gd idea .


  5.Listen t the tape and tr t iitate (A Learn t sa )

  Read after the tape .

  6.Grup wr .

  7. Pair wr. Act .

  Step3 Have a rest : Rain ,rain ,g awa .

  Step4 Cnslidatin .

  1. 领读单词:游戏—‘碰地雷’。

  2. Tal abut ur hbb : I lie …

  3. Free tal .

  生下位和其余人交流: I lie…What d u lie?Let’s g …


  Unit 11 A gd idea

  Let’s g …图1 图2 图3

  (That’s a ) gd idea .

  Phnetic sbl:

  swiing/5swiiN/ fishing /5fiFiN/ running /5rniN/    clibing /5laiiN/  sating/5seitiN/ siing /5si:iN/

  gging /5dVRgiN/ rwing/5r[UiN/  idea /i5di[/ en/5indVRi/ hurra/hU5rei/

  The third perid

  Teaching Cntents:

  C L and sa .

  D L ,read and write.

  Teaching Ais:

  1. 继续学习本课日常交际用语并熟练运用。

  2. 能正确地听说读写字母Xx ,,Zz.

  Teaching Steps :

  Step1 War up .

  1.Sing the sngs:ABC sng We stud and we pla .

  2.Intrduce urself and tal abut ur hbb .

  M nae is … I’ fr… I’ … I lie …

  3. Grup wr.

  Let’s tal in English : Wh’s he ? Is he ur …?

  Where’s ur cpb?

  4. 放电影:Hw an wrds have u learnt ? swiing sating clibing siing rwing fishing gging running

  5. “碰地雷”在其中一个单词下面“埋”一颗“地雷”,生在跟读时要避开“地雷”,否则……(1 2 3 bb!!!)

  Step 2 Presentatin .

  1. Mae a sentence .


  D u lie…? es ,I d .

  N ,I dn’t .

  What d u lie? I lie…

  2. L and sa .

  a. Shwing the teaching picture : Please l at the picture carefull and thin ver :What are the saing ?

  b. Discuss.

  c.Act .

  Step 3 Have a rest .

  Sa a rhe after the tape: En the da .

  Step4 L ,read and write .

  1. Spell the wrds : vest e z rwing stud bx

  2. Read after the T:Xx,,Zz.

  3. Learn t write .

  4. Cp the letters: Xx ,,Zz .

  5. Sing a sng : ABC sng .

  The furth perid

  Teaching Cntents:

  E Fun huse ≈WB

  Teaching Ais:

  1. The Ss can understand what the have listened.

  2. The Ss can use the wrds crrectl .

  3. Encurage the Ss t have gd cperatin with ne anther .

  Teaching Steps:

  Step 1 War up

  1. Listen and d : rwing gging …

  2. Sa a rhe after the tape:En the da .

  3. Sing and dance .

  Step 2 Mtivatin .

  1. 字母接龙(分四小组竞赛)

  2. 游戏:抢座位。



  Step 3 Fun huse .

  1. Listen and circle.

  2. Act and guess .

  Mdel: S1在S2耳边说:Let’t g sating .



  S2评价:es r n .

  3. Sa a rhe: En the da .

  要求:多听 多读 多说

  Step 4 D the wrb.


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