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时间:2021-03-15 09:56:19 英语 我要投稿




英文说课稿 篇1

  The lesson I am going to talk about is from the teaching materialBook One ,Unit 8.the third part that is used by the kids in Grade One .

  一、Analysis of the teaching material (说教材)

  This is a dialogue that happens in the fruit shop .several sentences surround selling and buying the fruit will be learned .During the first and the second part in this unit ,the kids have understood simple instructions and act accordingly ,and they can say simple words ,phrases or sentences by looking at objects and the pictures .eg: lychee, banana, apple,"What’s this ?It’s an apple."In Unit seven ,we grasped the numbers from one to ten .The main language points in this unit is to make sentences using the fruit and numbers freely and communicate with others in English in the fruit shop. And pay close attention to the single and plural forms of the nouns .According to the kids’ English level and the corresponding content in the daily life ,I give them some extra extending .To train their ability of communicate with the others in English ,I prepare the following design .

  Teaching aims (教学目标)

  1. knowledge and skill aims :(知识技能目标)

  Review the names of the ten different kinds of fruit and recognize the numbers from one to ten .

  Understand simple instructions about the numbers and act accordingly.

  Practice English and communicate with others in the situation.

  2. Equip them with the emotion ,attitude and value goals :(情感、态度、价值目标)

  Cultivate the spirit of co-operations in the group work

  Bring up the good quality of protect and make friends with the animals .

  Teaching importance :(教学重点)

  1. Make sentences using the fruit and the numbers . "Six oranges ,please .’

  2. Distinguish the difference between the single form and the plural forms of the nouns ."one apple / two apples …"

  3. The sentences used when selling and buying the fruit in a fruit shop.

  Teaching difficulties :(教学难点)

  1. Distinguish the difference between the single and the plural forms of the nouns .

  2. Train their ability of communicating with others in English .

  Teaching aids ;(教具准备)

  Multimedia , flash cards ,fresh fruit and arrangements and decorations of the fruit shop .

  Teaching methods :(教学方法)

  Task objective teaching method .TPR method , performance and games methods .

  二、Analysis of the learners :(说学习者)

  We are facing the 5 to 6-year-old little kids who just graduated from the kindergarten ,and they can not tell the difference between kindergarten and the primary school. sometimes they even don’t know how to behave in the class. So ,I think the most important thing for me to do is to attract their interests and make them love English and feel confident in this subject .so ,I will play some interesting games with them ,show them the funny cartoon movie and role the plays in the text or have a competation. we should not only focus on the language point itself ,but also set up the real circumstance where I can encourage them to express themselves better .What I try my best to do is to arouse the kids’ interests and protect their enthusiasm.

  三、Analysis of the teaching methods (说教法)

  says that during the Foundation Education period ,the total goal for English lesson is to improve the pupils’ ability of comprehensive using language .It promotes task teaching structure .According to the little kids’ physical and psychological characteristics of keeping curios ,active and imitating and showing themselves .I adopt the "task –research—construct " teaching methods and organize the class to focus on the importance and solve the difficulties .I give the pupils an open and relaxed circumstance in which they can learn to observe ,think and discuss .during this procedure ,the pupils’ ability of thinking and using language is developed very well .

  四、Analysis of the teaching procedures .(说教学过程)

  1. Warm up .(歌曲热身)

  All the class sing English song "Ten little Indian boys " to arouse their interests and help them to step into English learning circumstance happily.

  2. Review the fruit and the numbers those we learned in the first and the second part in this unit .(复习数字和水果)

  A. Watch a funny video . and answer the questions .(learn more fruit and practice more sentence patterns eg: strawberry / watermelon/ pineapple /cherry) ask some questions .

  What’s this ?

  What colour is it ?

  How many bananas are there ?

  Do you like eating bananas ?

  What is your favourite fruit ?

  Encourage them to open their mouth and speak English as much as they can .

  B. Play guessing game .to review the spelling of the words using the basic pronunciation knowledge .

  C. Play a game named "up and down ".emphasis on distinguishing the single and plural forms of the nouns .

  3. Guide the pupils to the main teaching points .(引入新课)To comprehensive use the numbers and the fruit that is a needed in a fruit shop .Ask two volunteers to come to the front and choose the right number cards and stick it beside the right fruit according to the other pupils’ instructions .The quicker one will be the winner .

  Eg: Six oranges ,please .

  4. Time to practice for all the class (全体同学操练)。The pupils choose the right cards they have prepared and put them up above their heads when they hear the teacher’s instructions and give them to the teaching answering loudly: "Here you are .’

  5. Watch a video (观看多媒体,了解本课故事情节),understand what’s happening in the story ,(This part is important, reasonable and effective)and guide them to protect and make friends with the animals .

  Present the situation of a fruit shop .the teacher will act a shopkeeper and invite a better pupil to be the customer and finish all the buying steps .

  Shopkeeper : Good morning .

  Customer : Good morning .

  Shopkeeper : Can I help you ?

  Customer : Yes ,six oranges ,please .

  Shopkeeper : Here you are .

  Customer : Thank you very much .

  Shopkeeper : You are welcome .

  6. Consolidation and Practice(巩固和练习)

  Group work : Divide the class into eight groups and every group will be decorated into a fruit shop, ask one pupil to be the shopkeeper and the other members in this group will be the customers .Encourage them to buy and sell the fruit with what they learned in this part ,I design a real situation that is common in our daily life and the kids will not feel uncomfortable or unfamiliar with it, The teacher will go around the class and supply the help to the unable ones .In such a peace and pleasant situation they like to speak the dialogue they learned to express themselves .They can feel the success and become confident in speaking English .

  7. Conclusion (总结)

  The teacher would lead the class to read the sentences on the board and ask some more difficult questions .Maybe the pupils can not understand them clearly ,but it doesn’t matter .we just give the pupils more information about the language and give them the better language circumstances that can help them in the future learning .

  8. Homework : (家庭作业)

  Encourage the pupils to design a little fruit shop at home and teach their family the dialogue in the fruit shop .When they practice this , they should take photos and show the other pupils the next day .

  In this lesson , what I design (not only the presentation of the main teaching points ,but also the activities) attract the pupils interests .They learn and practice while playing . I think it’s really a good lesson of high quality.

  Black design ( 板书设计)

英文说课稿 篇2


  1. 教材内容

  本节教材重点围绕节日展开,围绕人们经常如何度过节日展开话题。本课时要求学生能掌握四个节日National Day, Halloween, Christmas, Spring Festival 及句型What do people usually do at …? I… .并能自由交流如何度过假日。在本课中did引导的一般疑问句及回答也是新知之一。因为在前面第三单元己出现了be 动词的过去式,所以学生在学习的时候这方面比较容易掌握。


  本节课所选的教学内容是牛津小学英语6A Unit 6。本单元教学围绕节日儿展开的。在询问节日这部分,学生已有了前面第三单元的知识铺垫,比较易于深入与扩展。这样的安排,既体现了教材循序渐进、由难到易的编排意思,又符合学生的知识水平和认知水平。关于人们如何度过节日这一话题,特别是西方的节日,。则需要学生课后及时收集资料。在实际教学中,本课采用旧话题先教新句型,再用句型引新知的方式展开,这样既便于学生接受掌握,也体现了教学内容之间的连贯性。


  1. 教学目标


  [认知目标] 学生能听、说、读短语及单词:visit relatives and friends , go to parties, dress up in costumes, ware masks , make pumping lanterns, eat lots of delicious food , National Day, Christmas, Halloween, Spring Festival , favourite ; 能运用 When's … ? What do people usually do at …? Did you…last …? Yes , I did./ No, I didn't.等进行口语交际。


  [情感目标] 通过活动、游戏使学生产生学习英语的兴趣;让学生敢于、乐于开口,积极参与交流。并让学生在学习的过程中,培养他们的合作意识和竞争意识。

  2. 教学重难点



  1. 教法设计


  2. 学法指导


  3. 教学手段



  1.热身( Warm up)

  (1)宣布本节课的学习方式:小组竞赛。以座位分成四个参赛小组,按每个同学的课堂表现为本组加星,课末评出WINNER。然后,开始“每课一句”,本节课所教授的句子是“Lite is long if you know how to use it.”

  [设计意图] 学习方式的宣布让学生对本节课充满了兴趣,激起了他们的斗志和为本组争星的表现欲。“每课一句”是我在六年级开始每堂课上设置的一个必备环节。这个环节主要教学生一些妙言警句。这些句子既丰富了学生的词汇量,提高了他们的表达能力,同时也让他们学到了地道的英语表达方式。从而为学习英语创设一个良好的氛围。

  2.以旧带新 [lead in ]

  提供话题Birthday,师生自由交流,然后用“How do you spend your birthday?”引出本课的新句型“What do you do on your birthday?” 进而再导入“ Did you … last birthday? ”及回答。然后用Colour 话题引出句型My favourite …

  [设计意图] 通过旧知识滚出新知识,是我常用的教学方法之一。以旧带新,学生可以比较轻松地掌握本课的句型。同时把新的句型和老话题融合一起。有助于培养学生的语言思维能力的开放性。

  3.呈现、操练(Presentation, Practice)

  承接Colour话题,引出第一个节日:National Day。利用课件呈现中国国旗。教师引导的话如下:

  T:My favourite is red . Because Chinese flag is red . The main colour in China is red on important days. I love China , so I like red. I like red , because I'm from china. Do you like China? Do you like red now?

  S: Yes…

  T: Do you know my country's birthday?

  S: The first of October.

  T: What holiday is on that day?

  S: National Day.

  [设计意图] 找到话题与所授新知的契合点,让学生很自然地从一个话题向另一个话题过渡,从而开始了本节课Holiday的话题。同时英语并不是仅仅是一种工具,它是能够表现出情感的。在此由红色引出中国,由中国引出它的生日,简单的几句带有感染力的话就能激发学生的爱国热情。

  接着用在谈论生日时所学的句型让学生谈论一下国庆节,使所学知识处于不断的滚动复习巩固之中。用Guess 猜下一个节日Halloween.猜出来之后,利用谜面锻炼学生听与说的能力。



  [设计意图] 在课中关注学生的注意力的放松。高输入量的学习会让学生很快有疲劳的感觉,从而降低学习效率。在此环节,设计了CHANT 和一段了解性文字的阅读,就是给学生创设了一段休息的时间。然后再根据高年级学生的英语阅读能力的培养需要,适时进行一篇短文阅读。

  圣诞节后进行春节的教学。用一封来自外国朋友的信引出春节。这是一个美国的朋友,她先介绍了一下人们如何过圣诞的情况,然后向中国的朋友问了三个有关春节的问题:What holiday is the popular holiday in China? When is it ? What do people do on that day? 教师让学生四人一组讨论后再反馈回答。

  [设计意图] 在这儿出现了一封的书写方式,同时很好地导出了下面的内容,教师给学生提供了广阔的自由想像和发挥的空间,让学生运用所学的语言进行扩展性的练习。

  4. 拓展、巩固(Extension , Consolidation)

  (1) Listen and number

  (2) Say out the holiday


  (3) Try your best


  [设计意图] 检查一节课的教学效果,课外知识的拓展,丰富学生的知识面。选做题的设置,再次调动起学生的积极性。本来无望获胜的小组,此时又有了一次机会,不甘失败的心理会让他们充分发挥潜能;而本来胜利在望的小组,此时又有了危机感,让他们不敢掉以轻心。于是一场比拼实力的竞争又在无形之中展开了。他们不断调动出潜能,能于同学互帮互助,一种为本组争光的主人翁意识也在不断膨胀中。从而形成了一个积极的参与氛围。

  5 课后作业(Homework)

  (1) Look and write

  (2) 用至少五句话介绍一个节日。

  [设计意图] 巩固所学,将课内的学习延伸到课外。

英文说课稿 篇3



  本课是初中牛津英语8B第七单元Water Talk课文的教学。这篇课文是一篇较长的阅读文章。初二的英语教学突出了阅读文章的教学,而长篇文章的阅读也恰是同学们学习的难点。如何处理好此篇阅读文章的教学,如何让学生对文章有整体的把握与理解以及对部分生词有初步的掌握,将是本课着重解决的问题。本课虽是阅读教学,但是在教学中,本课也有针对性地对学生的听, 说, 读, 写进行了一定的操练, 以便提高学生综合运用语言的能力。本课课文所涉及的内容为水的旅程,联系了生活实际,是学生较为熟知的话题;同时将水拟人化,增加了文章的趣味性。本堂课将着眼于课本,充分挖掘文章的知识性以及趣味性。


  Teaching objectives:

  1. Language objectives:

  To learn the new words: precious, vanish, a sewage plant, a water treatment works, thorough, etc.

  To get to know water’s journey.

  2. Skill objectives:

  To find out the information according to the given questions.

  To improve the students’ skills in using some verbs to describe facts.

  3. Emotional objectives:

  To arouse the students’ awareness of the importance and necessity of saving




  1、在课前设定阅读任务, 让学生带着任务进行阅读, 增强阅读的目的,对文本有一个整体把握

  2 、在教学中, 指导学生掌握阅读的步骤和方法,加强泛读与精读的训练。

  3、在教学中, 注意启发和引导学生质疑问题。

  4、在教学中, 指导和训练学生掌握阅读的基本技巧, 比如教给学生圈点、划线﹑改写等方法。



  Teaching procedures:

  Pre-task 环节,激发兴趣,做好铺垫。

  1. Let students read a poem and guess to elicit the topic—Water. (引发兴趣)

  2. Ask students to say something about water to elicit a new word— precious.(以旧带新)

  3. Ask the students to finish Water’s talk in groups. Check whether the students understand the main idea of the passage.(旨在对文章的整体把握)


  1. Introduce Daisy’s bathroom and teach some words--- tap, sink, drain. (由图片引出课文生词,处理文中的开头部分)

  2. Read aloud the rewritten reading part on the slide and tell why water was angry.(阅读被改写过的段落后,同学们就水为什么会生气这一问题进行思考。)

  3. Ask the students to read the first part of the passage and use the new words to replace the expressions in the rewritten part. (对照被改写的段落,在书上圈出不同的地方,看似简单的任务,却很好地调动了学生,让学生轻松地掌握了生词的英语释义。)

  4. Play the recording of the second part and let the students find out the places water passed in order. (听段落,把握大意,筛选信息。)

  5. Show the students some pictures and let them tell what water did and what happened to water. Students are required to use the key verbs.


  6. Get the students to know the end of water’s journey and learn the new word --- a sewage plant. Make sure the students know water’s cycle.(问题设问,铺垫下文)

  7. Prepare some questions about water’s journey and have them wok out the questions in groups.(小组问题竞答,检查与巩固课文内容。)

  Post-task 环节,总结与拓展。

  1. Get the students to have a competition. They take turns to write a flow chart of water’s journey in four and one of them read it out after completing it.(小组比赛,完成水旅程的流程图,更进一步地检测并巩固所学内容。)

  2. Let the students watch a flash on water’ cycle and tell what they think of the journey.

  Try to arouse their awareness of the importance of saving water.(情意升华,珍惜水资源。)

  Homework 作业布置

  1. Read the passage after the tape.

  2. Use the given words to finish a short passage at least 60 words with the topic of ‘Water’s journey’.(写话练习是对所学内容的复习与巩固)

英文说课稿 篇4

  Background of English teaching in primary school: It is not a long history that English is as a subject in primary school in our country and the main instructional aims of teaching English in primary school is to cultivate pupils’ basic abilities of their listening and speaking and their good sense of the English language. Our boys and girls are exposed to English for the first time, so it is very important to develop their keen interest in English.

  I. Contents:

  Today I’m going to talk about Part B of Unit 2, PEP Primary English, Book 3. This lesson includes two parts: Let’s talk and let’s practice. In section 1, it mainly deals with the dialogue about “What’s in the schoolbag?” and the answers. And in section 2, it provides a real situation for the Ss to prastise the pattern: How many +n.(pl.)+ do you have? And the answer: I have 23 +n.(pl.)

  II. Teaching aims

  1. Aims on the knowledge

  (1) To enable the Ss to understand and speak: “My schoolbag is heavy. What’s in it? Thank you sooooooo much.” Make sure that Ss can use these sentences in real situations.

  (2) To help Ss to finish the survey.

  (3) Let Ss finish the assessment of “Let’s check” in this unit.

  2. Aims on the abilities

  (1) To develop Ss’ abilities of listening and speaking.

  (2) To train the Ss’ ability of working in groups.

  (3) To foster Ss’ abilities of communication and their innovation.

  3. Aims on the emotion

  (1)To foster Ss’ consciousness of good co-operation and proper competition.

  (2) To lead Ss to show their loveliness to the poor.

  III. Key-points of this lesson

  (1) To help Ss ask and answer the question: What’s in it?

  (2) To enable Ss to study in groups and co-operate skillfully.

  (3) To develop Ss’ interest in English.

  IV. Difficult points

  (1) To help the Ss ask and answer the question “What’s in it?” and make sure they can use the plural nouns correctly.

  (2) To finish the survey by themselves.

  V. Teaching methods

  As we all know: the main instructional aims of learning English in primary school is to cultivate pupils’ basic abilities of listening and speaking and their good sense of the English language. So in this lesson I’ll mainly use “Task-based” teaching method. That is to say, I will let the Ss learn in real situations, finish a task by making a survey to help the Ss to get a better understanding of the key structure of the dialogue. I will arrange four kinds of activities: singing, guessing game, finishin

  g a survey and having a competition. And in this lesson a recorder, CAI, school things and a printed form will be needed. Students should prepare some school things.

  VI. Teaching procedures and purposes of my designing.

  I’ll finish this lesson in five steps.

  Step 1. Warm-up and preview

  1. Free talk between T and Ss about things in the classroom.

  2. Sing the song together: Books and pencils.

  3. Do some TPR, for example: Show me your English book. Show me your crayon.

  4. Review the numbers by asking: “How many crayons do you have?”

  Purpose: It is important to form a better English learning surrounding for the Ss by singing and doing some total physical response and at the same time it provides situations to review learned knowledge for the next step.

  Step 2. Presentation

  Now I’ll mainly talk about this step.

  1. Present the pattern: “My schoolbag is heavy.” “What’s in it?.”

  (1) Show a bag and say: “Look! I have a bag.” Carry it and say: “Oh, it is heavy. My schoolbag is heavy.” Help the Ss understand the meaning with the help of my body language. Then lead the Ss to read the sentence. Make sure they can say it correctly.

  (2) T: My schoolbag is heavy.

  Open the bag and say: “What’s in it? What’s in my schoolbag?”

  Take out a Chinese book. Then do the action again. Let the Ss read the sentence.

  2. Play a guessing game. Divide the whole class into four groups to have a competition.

  Let them guess: What’s in the bag? How many? Purpose: To present the key structures one by one is much easier for the Ss to learn and grasp the meanings. Proper competition can arouse the Ss’ interest in English learning.

  3. With the help of the CAI to present the dialogue. Set a situation to help Ss understand: Two Ss are coming. One girl is carrying a heavy bag on her back. They are talking.

  Girl: My schoolbag is heavy.

  Boy: What’s in it?

  Girl: 20 story-books, 32 pencil, 9 rulers, 12 crayons and 30 picture-books. Etc.

  Boy: What will you do?

  Girl: They are for the poor.

  Boy: Great! I’ll bring some school things too.

  The boy comes back home and puts a lot of things into the bag. Then he goes to school again and gives them to a teacher. While he is taking them out, he is counting the numbers of all things. The teacher says: Thank you soooooooo much.

  4. Mention that we should take care of the poor.

  5. Play the cassette. Let the Ss listen and imitate the dialogue.

  Pay attention to their pronunciation and intonat

  ion. Purpose: CAI can provide a real situation for the Ss to understand the dialogue and the relationships between people better. Tell the Ss we should show our loveliness to the Ss.

  Step 3. Practice

  Divide Ss into groups of six children. Each one would finish the printed form by asking and answering: How many storybooks do you have? Find out which group finishes faster. Story books picture-books sharpeners crayons pencils erasers pencil-cases rulers Chen Jie 8 24 3 32 26 4 1 3 Purpose: Task-based teaching method is used here to develop Ss’ ability of communication and also their ability of co-operation will be well trained.

  Step 4. Assessment

  Help Ss finish “Let’s check” of this unit and workbook.

  Purpose: To check the knowledge Ss have learned in this period.

  Step 5. Add-activity

  1. Let Ss tell each other how many school things they have after class. Tell their parents how many school things they have at home.

  2. Take care of everything they have.

  Purpose: Revision is so important that Ss should speak English as much as they as in class or after class. It is necessary for the Ss to do some extensive exercises after class to consolidate the knowledge they learned.

英文说课稿 篇5

  Unit 10 Ifyou go to the party, you’ll have a great time!

  Reading 说课稿

  Ⅰ. The analysis of the teaching material

  This lesson is a reading passage which focused on the topic of sharing your problems with others when you have worries.The students will learn that it’s normal to have trouble. Talking to someonecan help a lot. Such a topic is related to our daily life, so it is easy toarouse the students’ learning interest.

  Teaching objectives:

  A.knowledge objective:

  a. Students can master the usage of the keywords and phrases: teenager, normal, unless, mistake, angry, careful, careless,in half, keep…to oneself, etc.

  b. Students can understand the main idea ofthe article.

  B. abilityobjective:

  a. Students can use the proper reading skillssuch as anticipating, skimming, scanning to achieve the reading tasks.

  b.Studentscan use the new words and phrase to finish the exercise.

  C. emotionalobjective:

  a. To develop the spirit of cooperationthrough teamwork and pair-discussion.

  b. To arouse students’ interest in Englishlearning.

  c. To help students get the proper ways tosolve problems.

  Key and difficult points:

  A. keypoints:

  a. To master the usageof the key words and phrases.

  b. To use the properreading skills to achieve the reading tasks.

  B. difficultpoint:

  Enable students to use the new words andphrases to express their ideas in daily life.

  Ⅱ. Theanalysis of students

  The Students have been learning English forsome years. They understand some words and simple sentences. They are curiousand active. They enjoy learning through cooperation in a relaxing atmosphere. However,their English learning levels are different from each other. Most of them don’thave enough English to express what to do when they have problems. They need theteacher’s help and encouragement in their further study.

  Ⅲ. Teaching methods

  In this lesson, I will use audio-visualteaching method, communicative teaching method and task-based teaching method.Besides, (www..Com)multimedia, blackboard, tape recorder are needed as the teaching aids.

  Ⅳ. Teaching procedures

  Step 1 Warming-up (5 minutes)

  Play a video. Students watch it and talk about thefollowing questions:

  What kind of things do they worry about?

  What will you do if you have the same problem?

  Step 2 Pre-reading (8 minutes)

  1. Show some funny pictures and sentences onPPT. Lead students to guess the meaning of the new words. Learn the new wordsand phrases.

  2. According to the picture on the textbook,ask students to predict the main idea of the passage.

  Step 3 While-reading (18 minutes)

  1. Skim the passage quickly and choose the main idea(a, b or c)。

  2. Scan the article and find the answers to the questionsin 2c in pairs.

  3. Read carefully and finish the mind map.

  Students these days often have_______ with their_____ and ______.

  Some people believe_________________________________.

  Laura’s problem:__________________________

  At first, she______________________________.

  In the end, she____________ and her parents______________.

  and her parents______.

  Laura’s opinion:


  Robert Hunt feels the same way as Laura.

  It’s best not to______________________________.

  The first step is to___________________________.

  In English, we say that _______________________.

  Step 4 Post-reading (10 minutes)

  1. Solve difficulties in groups. Just now students metsome difficult points while reading. Now they can work them out in groups. The Teacher will help to solve the problem that they can’t solve by themselves.

  2. Finish 2 tasks.

  Task 1: Fill in the blanks with the new words andphrases.

  Task 2: Make a survey. Let each student ask 2-3 groupmembers some questions and take note of their answers. Then make a report.(Students can use the mind map to finish this task. )

  Step5 Summing up (3minutes)

  Ask students to summarize what they have learned in this class. And the teacher will complete what the students summary.

  Step 6 Homework (1 minute)

  Level A: Choose 10words and phrase to make your own sentences.

  Level B: Complete your report and write it down.

  Ⅴ. Blackboard designing

  I will divide the blackboard into 3 parts:

  Unit 10 If you go to the party, you’ll have a great time!

  key words and phrases

  key sentence structures

  mistake, careful, careless, understanding, unless, in half, keep… to oneself


  If …, they will…

  It is best (not) to do sth.

  Unless… , I will…

英文说课稿 篇6


  1、能听懂、会说:“I have a new water bottle. Can I see it? Sure. Here you are.” 并能在实际生活中运用。

  2、能听说读单词storybook和water bottle。

  3、学歌谣“I have a storybook . Me too.”


  重点:能听懂,会说:“I have ….”句型和单词storybook 和water bottle。

  难点:在实际生活中运用“I have….”句型。





  1、 热身(Warm-up)


  (2)、复习上学期所学句型“I have a ….”教师拿出一个玩具汽车并说“I have a new car.”把它递给学生让他来说“I have a new car.”拿出多个玩具练习这个句型,让每一个学生都说一遍。


  (1)、教师拿出一本故事书说“I have a new storybook.”,学生也拿出一本故事书说“I have a new storybook.”教师紧接着说“Can I see it.”学生答“Sure. Here you are.”和多个学生进行这个对话练习。


  (3)、通过观看教学片,在几遍后让学生试着跟读Just speak部分的内容。





  (8)、用图片展示生词storybook和water bottle,通过抢答游戏的方式让学生能听、说、读这两个单词,具体步骤如下:教师把图片快速从学生眼前闪过,然后学生举手抢答。答对者奖励一个小贴纸。

  (9)、让学生使用所学过的玩具或文具对Just speak部分的对话进行改编并表演出来。例如:

  A: Hi, ….I have a new doll.

  B: Hi, …. I have a new ball.

  A: Oh, cool. Can I see it.

  B: Sure. Here you are.

  A: Wow! It's super.


  五、巩固与延伸(Consolidation and extension)



英文说课稿 篇7

  Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. It’s my great honor and pleasure to be here sharing my lesson with you.

  I have been ready to begin this representation with five parts. Analysis of the teaching material, the teaching aims, the important and difficult points, the studying methods, and the teaching procedure.

  Part 1 Teaching Material

  The content of my lesson is New Senior English for China Book___ Unit____________________. This unit is about____________________ (topics). By studying of this unit, we’ll enable students to know_________________________ and develop the interest in___________________. At the same time, let the students learn how to____________________ (functional items). From this lesson, it starts___________________________(structures). (As we all know, reading belongs to the input during the process of the language learning. The input has great effect on output, such as speaking and writing.) Therefore, this lesson is in the important position of this unit. If the Ss can master it well, it will be helpful for them to learn the rest of this unit.

  Part 2 Teaching Aims

  According to the new standard curriculum and the syllabus , and after studying the teaching material, the teaching aims are the followings:

  1.Knowledge objects

  (1)The Ss can master the usage of the important words and expressions.

  (2)The Ss can use the __________________ (grammar) in the proper situation.

  (3)The Ss can understand the content of the lesson, talk about _______________________ (information) and get their own idea about _______________________________.

  2.Ability objects

  (1) To develop the Ss’ abilities of listening, speaking, reading and writing

  (2) To guide Ss to set up effective studying strategies.

  (3) To improve the student’s reading ability, especially their skimming and scanning ability.

  (4) To train the Ss’ abilities of studying by themselves and cooperating .

  3.Emotion or moral objects

  (1)By completing the task, the Ss increase their interest in ____________________and set up self-confidence in _____________________.

  (2)Teach the Ss_________________________, put the moral education in the language study.

  Part 3 the Important and Difficult Points

  Based on the requirement of the syllabus.

  The important points are__________________________ such as ______________.

  The difficult points are_________________________ for example_____________.

  Part 4 Teaching Methods

  As is known to us all, a good teaching method requires that the teacher should help Ss develop good sense of the English language. For achieving these teaching aims, (after the analysis of the teaching material and teaching aims,) I will use the following methods according to the modern social communication teaching theories.

  1.Communicative Approach

  2.Whole Language Teaching

  3.Task-based Language Teaching

  4.Total Situational Action a “scene — activity” teaching method , it establishes a real scene and the interaction between the teacher and the Ss. At the same time, CAI can provide a real situation with its sound and picture, it can develop the Ss creativity in learning English.

  Part 5 Teaching Procedure

  Step 1. Lead-in. (_____min)


  Purpose of my design: (1) to catch Ss’ attention about the class/topic/passage.

  (2) To set up suspense/develop interest in _______________.

  Step 2. Pre-reading

  Task 1. (Individual work, pair work, group work, class work; _____min)

  Let Ss _____________________________________________________________

  Task 2. (Individual work, pair work, group work, class work; _____min)


  Now, let’s see what happened to the_______________/ let’s check whether it is right or not.

  Purpose of my design: (1) to get to know something about the _________________.

  (2) To have a better understanding about the importance of ___________________.

  Step 3. While-reading

  Task 1. (Individual work, pair work, group work, class work; _____min)

  Skimming: Ss should read the material fast to find out the main idea/topic sentence for each paragraph.

  Para 1 ___________________

  Para 2 ___________________

  Para 3 ___________________

  Task 2. (Individual work, pair work, group work, class work; _____min)

  Scanning: Listen to the tape part by part to finish ___________________________.

  Task 3. (Individual work, pair work, group work, class work; _____min)

  Scanning: Guide Ss to read the material carefully and take some important notes, then answer the following questions.

  Task 4. (Individual work, pair work, group work, class work; _____min)

  Scanning: Ask Ss to read the material carefully and find out the correct answers to finish the following chart.

  Purpose of my design: Enable students to understand the given material better by using different reading skills. And proper competition can arouse the Ss’ interest in English learning. “Task-based” teaching method is used here to develop the Ss’ ability of communication and also their ability of co-operation will be well trained.

  Step 4. Post-reading

  Task 1. (Individual work, pair work, group work, class work; _____min)

  (task1)Ask Ss to close books and finish the summary according their notes.

  (task2)Retell the story /Sum up the passage in Ss’ own words according to the chart.

  Task 2. (Individual work, pair work, group work, class work; _____min)

  Discuss _______________________________________________with other group members and then choose a reporter to share their opinions about ____________________________________ with the whole class.

  Purpose of my design: I think If the Ss can finish this task well, they will benefit a lot in their spoken English. Most Ss can take their parts in the activities, especially for the Ss who have trouble in English study.

  Step 5. Homework



  Purpose of my design: Homework is so important and necessary for to master the knowledge they learned after class. It will check whether the Ss achieve the teaching aims.

英文说课稿 篇8






  (1)that 与which 用法区别

  (2)对the way的考查



  (1)as 的使用

  (2)对where 的考查




























  指时间在从句中) 作状语





















  如果定语从句的先行词是地点(或时间)类名词,而关系词又代替先行词在从句中充当主干成分,从句用that /which引导;如果是关系词在从句中充当状语类成分,用where /when/in which。










英文说课稿 篇9

  一、 说教材

  今天我说课的内容是外研社的小学英语新标准三年级起始第一册module 6 school, unit2 what’s this? 我采用多样化的教学手段将听、说、玩、唱溶于一体,激发学生学习英语的兴趣和愿望,使学生通过合作学习体验荣誉感和成就感,从而树立自信心,发展自主学习的能力,形成初步用英语进行简单日常交际的能力。


  三年级的学生于本期刚接触英语,对学习英语充满了好奇和兴趣,渴望获得更多的英语信息和知识。经过本模块第一单元的学习,学生已经初步掌握了询问并识别物体的句型:what’s this? 和what’s that? 学生已掌握的知识和心理状态为本节课的自主探究打下了基础。

  三、 说教学目标


  (1) 让学生能听、说、认、读pen,pencil,book,bag等单词。

  (2) 通过学习让学生熟练掌握句型 what’s this? 和what’s that?


  (1) 能听懂let’s do中的指令并做出相应动作,如point to the …

  (2) 根据图片或在场景下进行简单的英语交流和表达,培养学生灵活运用所学知识进行交流的能力.


  (1) 通过学习活动,使学生有兴趣听、说英语,培养学生注意观察、乐于模仿的良好习惯和主动竞争的竟识。

  (2) 让学生在鼓励性评价的中树立学习英语的自信心。

  (3) 通过小组活动培养学生合作交流的能力,从而让学生意识到学习英语的重要意义。



  1、学习新单词 pen,pencil,book,bag ,能正确认读。

  2、巩固已学句型:what’s this? 和what’s that? 并能用 it’s a…作出相应的回答。


  教具准备:课文录音;带单词的物品图片;实物pen,pencil,book,bag;魔法包;奖品(贴画)。 学具准备:单色物品的图片(学生课前画好)



  (一) 小组活动学习法


  (二) 情境教学法


  (三) 课堂评价主要以鼓励性评价为主。





  教育家托尔斯泰说过:“成功的教学所必须的不是强制,而是激发学生的兴趣,激发学生参与学习的兴趣,是新课导入的关键。精彩的课堂开头,不仅能使学生迅速地兴奋起来,而且还会使学生把学习当成一种自我需要,自然地进入学习新知的情景。因此,在热身的时候,首先让学生演唱歌曲“plese stand up ”,并做上相应的动作,这样的导入能很快吸引住学生,还渲染了学生学习英语的良好气氛。同时,歌曲中的'物品也可勾起学生们对已学物品单词的回忆,对复习句型what’s this? 和what’s that?作好铺垫。


  教师出示tom的图片,谈话向孩子们引出本节课的新朋友:“it’s tom.” ,并让学生热情地和他打招呼。告诉学生们他是amy的弟弟,今年才三岁。小tom有些物品不认识,由于刚和大家见面,有些害羞,要老师代问,让孩子们帮帮他。孩子们对帮助他人都比较热心,反应都很积极。于是老师拿着tom的图片,在教室里四处走动,随意拿起一件物品或指向一件物品,向学生提问:what’s this? 或what’s that?让学生作出相应的回答。适时还可用what colour is it?进行询问,借以复习表示颜色的单词。大力夸奖乐于助人的娃娃。这样不仅复习了旧知识,渲染了学习英语的良好气氛,而且渗透了思想品德教育。



  1、教师拿着tom的图片继续指向教室里的物品,向学生提问。课前教师在离讲台较近的墙壁两侧和较远的后墙两边分别贴上pen,pencil和book,bag的图片,分别使用what’s this? 和

  what’s that?向学生提问,学生可用中文来回答。教师引导用“it’s a…”来回答,自然引出新单词,进行单词教学。





  1、游戏——say and point

  请四位学生上来,分别站在四个不同的方位,手里分别拿着实物pen,pencil,book,bag再请一名学生发出指令:point to the…其余学生做出相应的动作,以达到对新单词的熟练掌握。这个活动完全由学生来操作,既锻炼了学生的胆量和能力,又激发了学生学习的兴趣。

  2、演一演。这个部分是由学生导学。指派一生扮演tom,在教室随意走动,指向任一物品,用what’s this? 和what’s that?进行询问,其余学生扮演amy作答,以答到操练句型的目的。为了激发学生学习的积极性和主动性,可多抽几名学生扮演tom练习。这个环节主要是操练学生能正确使用what’s this? 和what’s that?来提问。对能正确使用this和 that来询问的学生要加以大力表扬和奖励。

  3、小组活动:ask and answer

  以学习小组(四人)为单位,摆出pen,pencil,book,bag等文具,可故意将其中的一件放远一些。然后指派一人分别用what’s this? 和what’s that?进行询问,其他学生作答。依次轮流进行,借以达到熟练掌握句型的目的。若组内成员不懂,其他成员帮助,团结一心,完成任务。教师巡视指导。

  4、学习课文 what’s this?





  1、完成运用任务(1):赛一赛——将sb24页的activity 3设计为一个抢答赛。

  教师出示单色物品,用what’s this?询问,学生抢答。在这个环节,教师要注意引导学生加上颜色作答。不仅巩固了新知,也复习了旧知。这个练习有一定的难度,教师要多加诱导,多给孩子思考的余地。通过努力,相信孩子们一定能完成得很好的。对答得对的要大加赞扬和奖励,比如说:呀,你真了不起!能说那么长的英语句子了!太棒了!

  2、完成运用任务2:将sb 25页的activity 5设计为小组活动——show and ask

  学生展示出课前画好的单色物品图片,在小组内互相用的what’s this? 和what’s that?来进行问答。提醒学生在问时把图片拿出来,做出合适的动作;在答时尽量加上表示颜色的词,教师巡视指导。 此任务的设计,重视了对学生思维能力、观察能力的培养,特别是对学生合作学习能力的培养,让学生们在师生,生生,小组等不同的合作方式中,学会倾听,学会评价,为学生的终身学习奠定基础。

  (五) 课堂小结和课堂延伸








  Module 6 School Unit 2 What’s this? What’s this?

  It’s a red pen. yellow pencil. What’s that?

  It’s a blue bag. green book.

英文说课稿 篇10



  我说课的内容是人民教育出版社九年义务教育课程标准实验教科书四年级上册中的Unit2 My Schoolbag。这一单元呈现了教科书的名称。本单元通过一系列的活动与对话来讲解大家在日常生活中描述书本的单词和句子。本单元需要6个课时完成。我现在要说的是第一个课时。






  a、能够听、说、认读本课时主要生词English book, math book, Chinese book, story-book, notebook, schoolbag。

  b、能够听懂、会说How many … do you have? I have….并能在实际情景中运用。

  c.能听懂指示语,并按照指令做出相应的动作,如:Put your English book on your head….





  本课时的重点是能够听、说、认读本课时主要生词English book, math book, Chinese book, story-book, notebook, schoolbag。语音的教学是这一环节的重点,预计学生初学时会出现较明显的语音错误,因此我要注意指导学生仔细听音、让学生观察老师的口型,认真模仿、及时结合学生发音进行评价纠误。另一方面,在所学单词中很多都于book有关,这些单词的书写形式有所不同,学生很容易出错,要及时相机指导,而且这些单词中还设计到合成词,如:school+book=schoolbook,所有的这些都要让学生抓住,抓牢。

  难点是能够听懂、会说How many … do you have? I have….并能在实际情景中运用。在这个句型设计到单词的复数形式,对于学生来说是个难点,要详解。




  2. 学法指导


  五、 课前准备






  Step1:Warming up 创设情景,引入新知

  (1) Sing a song.

  唱一唱学过的歌曲《In the classroom》,既活跃了气氛,又能使学生尽快地融入英语课堂学习的氛围。

  (2)通过听指令做动作(如:point to the window , point to the door ….)等复习第一单元的知识,同时为进入本单元的schoolbag作铺垫。

  Step2:. Presentation 激情引趣,学习新知

  (1)由point to the bag 导入课题 (板课题) 并引导学生说。

  (2)多媒体课件呈现所学新单词。学习单词按易到难,由浅入深原则逐一学习。先从大家熟悉的English book入手,然后到Chinese book, math book, notebook ,由于story-book比较难发音,因此安排在最后。


  (4)Guessing game .让学生快速抢猜单词。

  (5)教学句型:How many …do you have? I have….

  通过学生与老师 ,老师与老师之间的对话来加强学习,在同学们熟悉单词后,引导他们加入How many …do you have? I have….进行操练。

  Step3:. Play time 深化新知,体验参与

  (1) Let’s do.

  学生在老师的带领下进行let’s do. 需特别注意事物间的方位关系以及介词的用法:in, on, under, near(出示课件帮助理解).这部分是对所学单词的巩固并应用。

  (2) Let’s sing “Books and Pencils ”让句型化难为易。伴随着音乐的节拍,学生在轻松愉悦的气氛中学习兴趣浓厚,使得整节课在充满乐趣的氛围中度过。


  Step4: Practice. 巩固新知,运用新知


  E.g. Show me your notebook

  Show me your English book

  E.g. __How many English books, math books, Chinese books, story-books, notebooks, schoolbags do you have?

  __I have……


  Step5: Extension完善新知,拓展延伸






  Unit2 My Schoolbag

  schoolbag English book Chinese book,

  math book, notebook story-book,

  How many books do you have?

  --- I have 6.









