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-学年八年级下牛津译林版英语单元练习卷:Unit 3

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2018-2019学年八年级下牛津译林版英语单元练习卷:Unit 3


2018-2019学年八年级下牛津译林版英语单元练习卷:Unit 3

  —How often ______ your school sports meeting ______

  —Once a year.

  A. does; hold B. is; held

  C. are; held D. did; hold

  —Where does Michael live

  —Sorry, ______. You can ask Mr White.

  A. I have no idea B. he lives in Paris

  C. I am not D. I got it

  I ______ my supper. I ______ it with our English teacher.

  A. have; had B. have had; had

  C. have; have D. have had; have

  —Jimmy, have you ______ been to Shanghai

  —No, never.

  A. already B. yet

  C. ever D. just

  —Can you ______ people’s life on Mars in the future

  —No, I can’t.

  A. think B. imagine

  C. guess D. remember

  —What’s in ______ box

  —It’s ______ educational CD-ROM.

  A. a; an B. the; an

  C. a; a D. the; a

  After you ______ Beijing, call me as soon as possible.

  A. reach B. get

  C. arrive D. come

  We can type words into the computer with a ______.

  A. printer B. mouse

  C. screen D. keyboard

  —You look tired. What’s wrong

  —I was too excited to ______ asleep last night.

  A. go B. find

  C. take D. fall

  —Can you show me how ______ this online tour of Australia

  —Yes. Just double-click ______ the icon for “Tour”.

  A. to start; on B. starting; on

  C. to start; at D. starting; at

  Hurry up! The plane will ______ in thirty minutes.

  A. take place B. keep out

  C. go away D. take off

  The policemen caught the thief, but he ______ on the way to the police station.

  A. ran away B. woke up

  C. got out D. came in

  —Do you remember ______ when the earthquake happened

  —Yes, I do.

  A. what were you doing

  B. what you were doing

  C. what are you doing

  D. what you are doing

  —I helped clean the small park near my home yesterday afternoon.


  A. Sorry to hear that B. I don’t agree

  C. You’re great D. You’re lucky

  —I was having supper at eleven last night.

  —______ Everyone else was asleep then.

  A. I hope so. B. Never mind.

  C. How time flies! D. You’re kidding!


  Many people like to search the Internet. Using the Internet has______ one of the most important activities today. The Internet makes the outside world closer to people, so some people say the world is _____ than before.

  What’s going on in other countries What sports are popular in India What is the life like in the deepest part of the sea If you want to answer _______these questions, just search the Internet. Of course we can also learn about these_______reading or watching TV, but we can learn better and more easily on the Internet. A lot of information can be collected at a great______ on the Internet.

  Can we go shopping without leaving home Can we see a_______without going to the cinema Can we study without going to school All these things seemed (似乎) to be_______in the past, but now all these things come true.

  The Internet helps us______ our eyes and minds. The Internet often provides us_______new ideas. In a word, it helps us in many ways. Great changes have taken place in our life with the help of the_______.

  1.A. becomes B. becoming C. become D. became

  2.A. smaller B. bigger C. farther D. longer

  3.A. both B. either C. neither D. all

  4.A. to B. behind C. across D. by

  5.A. mistake B. secret C. speed D. pleasure

  6.A. film B. cook C. role D. doctor

  7.A. necessary B. unnecessary C. possible D. impossible

  8.A. get B. open C. give D. close

  9.A. with B. for C. over D. from

  10.A. book B. Internet C. TV D. radio


  I travelled to Canada one summer with students from my French class. It was my first trip outside the United States. It was exciting because I could finally speak the foreign language I was learning and I could hear native speakers (说母语的人).

  Canada is an excellent place to practice French for two reasons.

  First, most people in the French-speaking part of Canada can speak both French and English. I can use French when I’m ready. There wouldn’t be much pressure. If I have something very important to communicate, they can understand me if I speak English.

  Second, people there like it when you try to speak French, even if you only speak a little. They hold French in higher esteem (认为……更高贵) than English.

  Interestingly enough, although I wanted to communicate in my newly learnt language, I soon found I could hardly use any of the words I have learnt when I tried to use them. We learnt the accent (口音) used in France, but the accent used in Canada is different from what we learnt. It sounded a little strange to me. And many words are completely different.

  Although I didn’t get many opportunities (机会) to practice French in Canada, I’m still thankful for this experience.

  1.Where does the writer come from

  A. France. B. Canada.

  C. The USA. D. The UK.

  2.Why did the writer think the summer trip was exciting

  A. Because travelling was his favorite hobby.

  B. Because he could stay with his friends for a long time.

  C. Because he could speak French and hear native speakers.

  D. Because it was the first time for him to go on a summer trip.

  3.There wouldn’t be much pressure for the writer to speak French in Canada because ______.

  A. he liked talking to people in French

  B. French-speaking people there are friendly

  C. his friends would help him to communicate

  D. people there could speak both English and French

  4.The writer talked about ______ difference(s) between French used in France and Canada in the passage.

  A. one B. two C. three D. four

  5.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage

  A. The writer spoke French very well in Canada.

  B. The writer was thankful for his trip to Canada.

  C. Canada wasn’t a good place to practice French.

  D. Canadian people hold English in higher esteem.

  What do you usually do on QQ

  Lan Jiaqi, 13, Shanxi

  I like using QQ a lot. It helps me do a lot of things. When I forget my homework, I ask my classmates for it on QQ. When I want to play games, I always ask friends to play with me. When I come across (遇到) some useful websites or stories online, I like sharing them with my friends and other people I know on QQ.

  Zhang Guanxing, 13, Beijing

  I always chat with my classmates on QQ. Sometimes we talk about how tired we are because our teachers give us too much homework. We talk about interesting things that happen to us in or outside school. Also, we girls usually like talking about popular singers and famous movie stars.

  Wang Rong, 13, Fujian

  It is a good way to communicate with others. For example, one of my friends went to visit the Shanghai World Expo in 20xx. She logged on (登录) to QQ on her mobile phone. She told us the interesting things she saw, such as the special clothes people wore in the pavilions (展馆). She took lots of photos and shared them with us.

  Yang Zhichao, 15, Zhejiang

  I subscribe to (订阅) a free online newspaper on QQ. So I can share the new cartoons with my classmates who are cartoon fans on QQ. We often have a heated debate (激烈的.辩论) on our favourite cartoons because some of my friends like Japanese cartoons, but others, including me, like Chinese cartoons.

  1.Where does Lan Jiaqi come from

  A. Zhejiang. B. Fujian.

  C. Beijing. D. Shanxi.

  2.Zhang Guanxing thinks girls usually talk about ______ on QQ.

  A. fashionable clothes

  B. popular singers and movie stars

  C. computer games

  D. fighting with their classmates

  3.______ friend went to visit the Shanghai World Expo in 20xx.

  A. Wang Rong’s B. Lan Jiaqi’s

  C. Zhang Guanxing’s D. Yang Zhichao’s

  4.Yang Zhichao subscribes to a free online ______ on QQ.

  A. newspaper B. book

  C. magazine D. game

  5.Yang Zhichao often discusses problems about ______ with his friends on QQ.

  A. homework B. cartoons

  C. health D. sports

  As Bobby was getting ready for bed, he heard a loud noise coming from the barn (仓房) outside. Bobby did not know what was making such a loud noise, and he had trouble falling asleep that night. He was scared that there might be a monster (怪物) in the barn. When Bobby woke up the next morning, he went to the barn. Bobby was nervous because he could not find out what would make such a noise. That night after dinner, Bobby got a flashlight and went to the barn again.

  “Where are you going” asked Bobby’s father.

  “I am going to find the monster in the barn. It made a loud noise last night,” replied Bobby.

  “If you are going to look for a monster, you might need some help,” said Bobby’s dad, and he walked with Bobby out to the barn. Bobby shone (把…… 照向) his flashlight into the dark barn but did not see anything.

  “What did that monster sound like” asked Bobby’s dad.

  “It was loud,” said Bobby, “and it was coming from the barn.” Bobby’s dad began to laugh and he took the flashlight from Bobby. Shining the flashlight up, Bobby and his dad saw a small brown owl (猫头鹰).

  “It was only an owl,” said Bobby’s dad. Bobby was happy that it wasn’t a monster, and he thanked his dad as they walked back to the house. Just then they heard a loud noise and looked up to see the owl flying away into the night sky.

  1.What can we learn from the first paragraph

  A. Bobby saw a small owl.

  B. Bobby heard a strange noise.

  C. Bobby and his dad looked in the barn.

  D. Bobby’s dad told him what the strange noise was.

  2.Bobby felt _____ after he went to the barn the next morning.

  A. surprised B. sad

  C. nervous D. excited

  3.How many times did Bobby go to the barn to look for a monster

  A. Once. B. Twice.

  C. Three times D. Four times.

  4.How did Bobby’s dad help him look for a monster

  A. By climbing up the barn.

  B. By giving him a flashlight.

  C. By walking with him to the barn.

  D. By showing him the picture of an owl.

  5.This passage is mainly about _____.

  A. playing in the barn

  B. dreaming of monsters

  C. looking for a small owl

  D. finding where a noise came from

  Justin was excited because his class would visit the fire station. His uncle Frank was one of the firemen (消防队员) and would show the class around during the visit.

  The next day, Justin’s class left for the fire station and waited for Uncle Frank to come and start their visit. They began by looking at the big fire trucks (消防车).“Being a fireman is a hard job,” said Uncle Frank. “You need to be in good health and get enough rest.” The kids got to try on some fire hats and climbed on the trucks. After looking at all the trucks, the class went inside, and Uncle Frank showed them where they stay when they are not fighting a fire. Uncle Frank told them that when there is a fire, the alarm rings (警报响起). Just as he finished showing them the alarm, it rang! All the men ran to get ready to leave for the fire. “I am sorry,” said Uncle Frank to the class. “We need to leave now, but Mr Martin will stay with you.” The firemen ran quickly to the fire trucks and left the station. Mr Martin showed the class around inside the station.

  That night Justin told his parents about the great trip to the fire station. “We learned some ways to prevent (预防) fires and what to do if our house ever had a fire,” said Justin. “It sounds like you learned a lot of good information,” said Dad. “We sure did,” said Justin. “I think I’m going to be a fireman when I grow up.”

  1.What did the class do first after they arrived at the fire station

  A. They tried on some fire hats.

  B. They looked at the fire trucks.

  C. They learned about the fire alarm.

  D. They saw how the firemen fought a fire.

  2.What happened after the class saw the fire alarm

  A. It rained hard

  B. The class ate a snack.

  C. The class had to go outside.

  D. The alarm rang for a real fire.

  3.Who finally showed the class around inside the station

  A. Mr Martin. B. Uncle Frank.

  C. Justin’s dad. D. Justin’s teacher.

  4.Justin felt _____ about his trip to the fire station.

  A. sad B. nervous

  C. happy D. worried

  5.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage

  A. The class learned what to do if the house had a fire.

  B. Justin told his teacher he learned a lot from the visit.

  C. Justin learned some ways to fight fires from the visit.

  D. Uncle Frank allowed the class to drive the fire trucks.



  If you are interested in NBA (the National Basketball Association) games, you must know there is a NBA star — Jeremy Shu-How Lin (Lin Shuhao)!

  Lin was born in America on August 23, 1988. He is now playing for the Houston Rockets of NBA as a professional basketball player. Lin is one of the few Asian-Americans and the first Chinese-American player in NBA history.

  Lin has two brothers. His parents don’t like sports, but they like watching NBA. His father often taught them to play basketball. Lin and his brothers joined the basketball teams at high school, but Lin played best. He graduated from Harvard University in 20xx. In late 20xx, Lin spent less than two weeks with the Houston Rockets, and then he moved to the New York Knicks at the very end of the year. He got famous in New York because of his excellent basketball skills.

  In the first several matches in 20xx, he played so well that people all over the world cheered for him. He even received praise (赞扬) from President Barack Obama. His cool picture also appeared on the cover of TIME magazine on February 27th, 20xx, with the words “Jeremy Lin lights up the NBA”.

  In summer of 20xx, Lin returned to the Houston Rockets again and has stayed there till now. We really hope he can bring us more wonderful basketball performances.

  Lin Shuhao

  In 1.

  Lin was born in America.

  At high school

  Lin and his 2.joined the school basketball teams but he played best.

  In 20xx

  Lin3.from Harvard University.

  In 20xx

  Lin spent less than two4.with the Houston Rockets, and then he5.for the New York Knicks at the very6.of the year.

  In 20xx

  Lin played so well in several 7.that he got high praise from the 8.of the USA. His picture also appeared on the9.of TIME magazine. Lin is the first 10.player in the NBA history. In summer, he returned to the Houston Rockets again.



  请根据下列内容提示,以My travel plan为题,写一篇80—100词的英语短文。


  1. 今年暑假我打算和家人去大连旅行。大连很美,天气也很好,适合旅游;

  2. 我们可以在海里游泳,品尝可口的海鲜。回来之前,我们打算给朋友们带一些纪念品;

  3. 我们将会在那里度过一个轻松愉快的假期。

  My travel plan

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