英语 百文网手机站


时间:2021-08-10 08:45:48 英语 我要投稿


  一. 教学目标:


  (一) 知识目标

  1学生能掌握下列单词(词组)的读音、拼写和意思:fight sail ship tonight

  act character face action play scene funny although opinion except advise理解下列单词:pirate believable lost fighting romantic

  2 学生能掌握下列词组:face to face in one’s opinion true to life except for.

  3 在具体语境中进一步体会和掌握直接引语和间接引语转换规则。

  4 在阅读中提高阅读与写作技巧,阅读后能写出关于娱乐评论的文章。


  (1)听: 通过听文章来获取有关娱乐话题的主要信息和细节。.

  (2)说: 能根据文章内容运用直接引语和间接引语转换规则进行问答、讨论、复述等。

  (3)读: 能读懂电影简介及评论、明白文章主旨大意,提高理解文章结构的技能。.

  (4)写: 能运用间接引语转述别人的话。

  (三) 学习策略

  1 自学策略:学会用英文与别人交流看法。

  2 合作学习策略:积极参与讨论、倾听他人看法、发表个人观点,在小组内学生合作学习、探究学习。




  1 重点:理解掌握应知应会的`单词及词组。理解整篇文章,基本掌握阅读策略。学会发表自己对影视节目的看法和喜好;能利用所学知识写一个关于电影或电视节目的评论。


  step1 revision

  1.ask ss to look at the screen and answer questions using the indirect speech.

  2.the teacher point out the green words on the screen.



  do you like the film stars and their films? do you agree with their words? do you want to see the flim pirates of the caribbean? it is a foreign film ,so before we see it let’s learn about the introuduction of it.(give the title of this unit.)


  step3 warming-up

  a1. look at the picture below. which words can you use to describe it?

  1.ask someone to read the words in the box.

  2.use these words to infer what the film is about.


  step4 reading

  1.read the passage

  1)listen to the tape and answer the questions on the screen.


  2)scan the passage and complete the table on the book .共4页,当前第1页1234

  3) skim the passage and check the main idea of each paragraph

  (activity 3)

  4)read the passage again and answer the question in activity4


  2.analyze each paragraph

  1)read the first paragraph and answer the questions

  a.questions: who is the speaker?

  what is he talking about?

  b.use the indirect speech to introduce this paragraph.

  2)read the second paragraph and complete the table

  name of the film

  place &time

  actors and actress

  how are they?

  .3)read the 3rd paragraph

  a.questions: what is the story about?

  what do depp and bloom try to do ?

  what happens to them?

  what about the fighting?

  how are the scenes with knightley and bloom?

  b.ask the students to use the pictures to retell this paragraph.

  4)read the fourth paragraph

  the teacher point out the language points

  (1) this film isn’t true to life.

  true to life 反映现实

  i like reading this book, it’s true to life.

  (2) it’s an enjoyable film, although in my opinion there’s too much fighting.

  although he is young , he can look after himself.

  although / though he is young , he can look after himself.

  = he is young , but he can look after himself.

  in one’s opinion:以某人的观点来看

  in his opinion, he is right, but i don’t agree with him.

  in my opinion, this story is very funny.=

  i think this story is very funny.

  (3)but except for that ,it’s an excellent film.

  (4) i advise you to go and see it now.

  advise sb to do sth 建议某人做某事



  1 fill in the blanks with new words and phrases to sum up the main idea of the passage.共4页,当前第2页1234

  pirates of the caribbean is a _______ _____ film. depp and bloom act well in this film. knightley _____ elisabeth. they make their ________ believable. the story is about __ ____ _____. it _____ _____ the caribbean islands. depp and bloom try to find some ______ _____. they come ___ ___ ____ some pirates and _____ with them. the film isn’t _____ _____ life. there is _____ _____ fighting. after all, it is an excellent film.


  2 ask the students to retell the passage with the help of the pictures.

  3.have the students use the indirect speech to retell the third paragraph.if possible to retell the whole passage.

  step6 writing

  1.summarize for writing.

  (1) now let’s come back to the whole passage again .after learning the passage, we know that we write a short report about a movie or a play like this:

  firstly, the main characters

  secondly, the main idea

  thirdly, the comment

  2write a short report about the movie that you have seen.give the students some posters of the movies

  【设计意图】:让学生重新梳理文章, 明确写什么,把握文章的结构.在小组合作中完成写作任务, 点评优秀作文,给与写作指导

  11 homework

  (1) go on to write the short report about the movie you haven’t finish in class.

  (2) retell the text using the indirect speech.






  2 在阅读过程中通过查读、粗读、细读等方式,让学生初步感知了课文,完成了书中的activity2&3习题。不仅节约课堂时间,并且还培养学生阅读技能。对于a4问题的回答,实际是属于深入阅读文章,并为精读每一段打下基础,做好铺垫。

  3 在精读每一段过程中我觉得第三段中的复述方法是比较可取的,让学生在短时间内通过图片复述课文,且在熟练复述的基础上趁热打铁用间接引语来转述课文。




  t: who are your favourite film stars?

  s: my favourite film star is …

  t: here are some pictures of the film stars. let’s have a look.共4页,当前第3页1234

  who is he/she?

  what did …say?

  (give the students four pictures)

  s: he/she said …

  t: you are very clever. when you change someone’s words into the indirect speech, you must pay attention to the changing of the green words.

  step3. lead-in

  t: do you like these film stars and their films? do you agree with their words? do you want to see the film pirates of the caribbean? this is a foreign film. so before we see it ,let’s learn about the introduction of it .after class i’ll show you the film.











