英语 百文网手机站


时间:2021-07-06 08:14:23 英语 我要投稿








  The amount of the rubbish that we produce is increasing at an alarming rate.



  The problem thathas been under debate for several decades is that the basic facilities andinfrastructure are unlikely to satisfy the needs of more tourists.



  Students living in their own homes would live a morecomfortable life and have more opportunities to communicate with their parents,which has a beneficial impact on thedevelopment of their personal character.


  Television, the most pervasive means of entertainmentfor the average public, is advancing towards an entirely new era, an era ofextraordinary sophistication and versatility, which is likely to reshape the world.



  1. 当先行词为all、little、much、few、everything、none等不定代词时关系代词用that而不用which。

  Many people hold the view that they can do nothing to protect thefragile environment, and everything thatdoes have good impacts on the environment can only be implemented with thepolitical will.

  There would be few thatcould pursue a career without future.

  2. 当先行词既有人又有物时,关系代词用that,不用which。

  There are a great number ofignorant people and large companies that sacrifice the environment to getthe maximum profits.

  The most important thing is concerned with the reaction of workers and factories thatdo not agreewith this new scheme.

  3. 当先行词有形容词最高级修饰时,关系代词用that,而不用which。

  Many people have extraordinary willingness to bombard their brainswith new experiences, while others avoidthe latest things that they think would make them have the feeling of fear.

  4. 当先行词有序数词修饰时,关系代词用that,不用which。

  The first sight that wascaught at the Great Wall has made a lasting impression on him.

  The first impression that you leave to the interviewer is the most important thing thatdetermines whether you are admitted by the company.

  5. 当先行词被the only, the very, the same, the right等修饰时,关系代词用that,不用which。

  Travelling exposes the students to a variety of cultures andnatural beauty by themselves, the very experience that school educationcannot provide to them.

  This is the very hotel that we lived last year.

  6. 当先行词被all, every,any, much, little, few, no等修饰时,关系代词用that,不用which。

  Much of the blame that needs to betaken should be placed on tourists themselves, who foolishly clambered all over the revered Buddhastatues.

  Every child that has auditory deficitwould have difficulty in learning to reach the maximum potential.

  7. 当主句是以which开头的特殊问句时,定语从句关系代词一般用that而不用which.

  Which of the books that had pictures was worth reading?

  Many people wonder which of the problems that theyare facing is the most pressing one and should be researched and solvedimmediately.

  8. 指代人时,只可以使用that以及who,而不可以使用which。

  In my opinion, there are plenty of opportunities foreveryone in our society, but only those thatare adequately prepared and highly qualified can make full use of them.


  9. 在强调句型“It is ... that ...”中,只用that,不用which。

  It is the lack of financial incentive thatis responsible for the shortage of talents in the athletic field.

  It is talent that determineswhether a person can succeed in any field, particularly in the artistic andmathematic field.



  例如:Those people who strongly support capital punishment havethe following reasons.

  改成:Those people strongly supporting capital punishmenthave the following reasons.

  再如:Those students who study in a foreign country seem tobe more self-confident, independent and well-informed.

  改成:Those students studying in a foreign country seem tobe more self-confident, independent and well-informed.


  例如:The buildings that were knocked down several years ago arewith neither financial nor aesthetic values.

  改成The buildings knocked down several years ago arewith neither financial nor aesthetic values.

  Foods that areexported from a foreign market are more expensive than the local productsof the same kind.

  改成Foods exported from a foreign market are more expensive than the localproducts of the same kind.


  例如:The forest and bush that have been cleared for agricultureare now suffering from soil erosion.

  改成The forest and bush having been cleared for agricultureare now suffering from soil erosion.



定语从句例句 that07-18








