
时间:2023-11-02 09:21:11 宜欢 英语 我要投稿
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  定语从句英文歌 1

  Baby wont you tell me there is sadness in your eyes 宝贝,你能否告诉我为何你的眼中充满忧郁和悲伤

  I dont wanna say goodbye to you 我不想和你说再见

  Love is one big illusion I should try to forget 爱是一种假象,我应该试图去忘记它

  but there is something left in my head 但是总有一些事情停留在我的脑海里挥之不去

  Youre the one set it up now youre the one to make it stop 你就是让我产生爱的那个人,但是你现在也要让它停止

  Im the one s feeling lost right now 此时此刻我感到迷茫

  Now you want me to forget every little thing you said 你要我忘记你说的任何事情

  but there is something left in my head 但总有些事情我忘不掉

  I wont forget the way youre kissing 我忘不了我们的吻

  The feelings so strong were lasting for so long 那感觉多么强烈,而且会永远留在我心中

  But Im not the man your heart is missing 但是我不是你心所思念的那个人

  Thats why you go away I know 我也知道那就是离去的原因

  You were never satisfied no matter how I tried 无论我怎样努力你都未曾感到满足

  Now you wanna say goodbye to me 而现在你要和我说再见了

  Love is one big illusion I should try to forget 爱是一种假象,我应该试图去忘记它

  but there is something left in my head 但是总有一些事情停留在我的脑海里挥之不去

  I wont forget the way youre kissing 我忘不了我们的吻

  The feelings so strong were lasting for so long 那感觉多么强烈,而且会永远留在我心中

  But Im not the man your heart is missing 但是我却失去了你的.心

  Thats why you go away I know 我也知道那就是离去的原因

  Sitting here all alone in the middle of nowhere 独自一个人迷茫地坐在这里

  Dont know which way to go 没有方向

  There aint so much to say now between us 我们之间已经没有什么好说的了

  There aint so much for you 我们之间对于你已经不再重要

  There aint so much for me anymore 对于我也不再重要了

  定语从句英文歌 2

  There is a beautiful girl whose name is Xiaowei. 《小薇》有一个美丽的小女孩,她的名字叫做小薇.

  2. That’s the day when you come in the quiet summer. 《宁夏》那是个宁静的夏天, 你来到宁夏的那一天.

  3. Love is a wonder which takes my breath away. (taking my breath away.) 《爱情三十六计》 爱是个奇迹,会让人突然不能呼吸.

  4. Your hand is a tender universe in which I’m turning around.你的手不是手, 是一个温柔的小宇宙, 我这个小星球在你的`手中转动. S.H.E

  5. You’d better learn from Chen, who keeps fighting no matter how many times he loses. 你要学学那个屡战屡败的陈小春… 《算你狠》

  6. All that I want to say is written in my eyes. 我想要说的全部写在眼里面… 阿杜《哈罗》

  7. The strong wind is blowing at those who fall in love at the first sight. 《睫毛弯弯》 大风吹吹什么, 吹一见钟情的人.

  8. The love that you give me makes me you. 《不得不爱》可是你给我的爱让我养成了依赖.

  9. There is never a wound that cannot be cured. 《黄种人》从来没有治不好的伤…

  10. I will turn my tears into a lake, by which you can camp when tired. 梁静茹《丝路》 我将眼泪流成天山上面的湖, 让你疲倦时能够扎营停驻.

  定语从句英文歌 3

  Find out the attributive clause in the song and try to sing it. The One You Love By Glenn Frey

  I know you need a friend

  Someone you can talk to

  Who will understand what youre going through When it comes to love

  Theres no easy answer

  Only you can say what youre gonna do

  I heard you on the phone

  You took his number

  Said you werent alone, but youd call him soon Isnt he the guy

  The guy who left you crying

  Isnt he the one who made you blue

  When you remember those nights in his arms You know youve gotta make up your mind Are you gonna stay with the one who loves you Or are you going back to the one you love

  Someones gonna cry when they learn theyve lost you Someones gonna thank the stars above

  What you gonna say when he comes over

  Theres no easy way to see this through

  All the broken dreams

  All the disappointments

  Oh girl -- What you gonna do

  Your heart keeps saying its just not fair

  But still youve gotta make up your mind

  Are you gonna stay with the one who loves you Or are you going back to the one you love

  Someones gonna cry when they learn theyve lost you Someones gonna thank the stars above

  定语从句英文歌 4

  When I find myself in times of trouble 当我发现自己深陷困境

  Mother Mary comes to me 圣母玛利亚来到我身边

  Speaking words of wisdom,let it be 述说着智慧的话语 顺其自然

  And in my hour of darkness 在我最黑暗的时刻

  She is standing right in front of me 她就站在我面前

  Let it be,let it be 顺其自然 顺其自然

  Whisper words of wisdom,let it be 低语着智慧的话语 顺其自然

  And when the broken hearted people 所有伤心的`人们

  Living in the world agree 生活在这个世界上

  There will be an answer,let it be 都将会有一个答案 顺其自然

  For though they may be parted 即使他们被迫分离

  There is still a chance that they will see 他们仍有机会看到答案

  And when the night is cloudy 阴云密布的夜空

  There is still a light that shines on me 依旧有光照耀着我

  Shine until tomorrow,let it be 直到明天 顺其自然

  I wake up to the sound of music 我被音乐之声唤醒

  Mother Mary comes to me 圣母玛利亚来到我身边

  Whisper words of wisdom let it be 低语着智慧的话语 顺其自然










