英语 百文网手机站


时间:2021-07-03 13:37:52 英语 我要投稿





  第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)


  第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)





  21. The brown bear approached the family in order to _______.

  A. catch shore birds B. start an attack

  C. protect the children D. set up a barrier for itself

  22. The bear finally went away after it _______.

  A. felt safe B. got injured

  C. found some food D. took away the camera

  23. The writer and his family survived mainly due to their ______ .

  A. pride B. patience

  C. calmness D. cautiousness



  24. What is true about Domino's in economic hard times?

  A. It is giving its employees a 20 percent cut.

  B. It has added four or five new cheaper pizzas.

  C. It has to close 15 percent of its stores.

  D. Its business is increasing quite rapidly.

  25. What does the phrase "let off steam" mean in the third paragraph?

  A. Save money.

  B. Free one's feelings.

  C. Kill another player online.

  D. Make money from an online game.

  26. How does the author present his point?

  A. By giving examples.

  B. By showing a sequence.

  C. By explaining causes and effects.

  D. By making comparisons and contrasts.

  27. Which is the best title for the passage?

  A. Domino's Pizza

  B. In-house Economy

  C. Increasing Businesses

  D. Economic Recession



  28. The writer thinks that setting weight loss as a goal is a mistake because _______ .

  A. it is hard to achieve for most Americans

  B. it is focused too much on the result

  C. it is dependent on too many things

  D. it is based on actionable decisions

  29. In Roland Fryer’s research, some students did better than the others because ______ .

  A. they obeyed all the general rules

  B. they paid more attention to exams

  C. they were motivated by their classmates

  D. they were rewarded for reading some books

  30. According to the writer, which of the following statements is a good goal?

  A. “I’ll give up desert.” B. “I’ll study harder.”

  C. “I’ll cut down my expense” D. “I’ll spend more time with my family”

  31. The writer strongly believes that we should ________ .

  A. develop good habits and focus on the outcome

  B. be optimistic about final goals and stick to them

  C. pick specific actions that can be turned into good habits

  D. set ambitious goals that can balance the input and output



  17. The passage serves as a ____.

  A. travel guidelines  B. hotel introduction

  C. service assessment report  D. sales promotion

  Stone Town has a position in the UNESCO’s list probably because of its______.

  A. easy access to attractions  B. perfectly geographic location

  C. historical and cultural richness  D.breath-taking island scenery

  What can be learned about the architecture of Park Hyatt Zanzibar?

  A. The hotel is built on an empty land.

  B. Architect used an existing building and made it part of the hotel.

  C. The hotel presents a brand new style, reminding guests nothing but present.

  D. Besides Mamboo Msiige, Zamani has a story of history and present as well.

  The following statements agree to this article EXCEPT _____

  Zanzibar had a history of being ruled by foreign powers.

  Zanzibar’s culture has been influenced by some Asian and European ones.

  Park Hyatt Zanzibar suits both holiday mood and business atmosphere.

  Park Hyatt Zanzibar offers an affordably low-cost experience.



  "Selfie" (自拍)was named word of the year for 2013 by the Oxford Dictionary. If you want to get in on the trend, here are some tips on taking the best possible selfie.

  Compose yourself

  If you hold the camera too close to your head you might experience some lens distortion(变形), making your face and features look wider than they really are. __36__, but be aware of your arms.

  Background check

  You are the star of your selfie, __37__. Turn around and check out your background. Be aware of strange things, like a tree that would appear to be sticking out of your head.

  Pull in guest stars

  If you find yourself sitting next to someone famous like, say, the president of the United States of America, ask him if he's game to take a group selfie you can show your friends back in Denmark. __38__.

  Try on a style

  __39__. Spanish Insta一gram user Isabelitavirtual posts stunning, artistic fashion photos of herself while keeping her face from view.

  Follow the trends

  __40__. Look out for interesting hashtags(#) and join the fun. For example, Thursdays have become "throwback Thursdays," or #tbt, when people post photos of themselves from years gone by.

  A. Hold the camera far away from your face for the most attractive look.

  B. Sometimes a specific selfie trend will sweep social media

  C. Focusing too much on looking attractive can get in the way.

  D. When taking group shots, always use the front-facing camera

  E. Take a moment to consider what's going on around you

  F. but that doesn't mean you should pay no attention to what's behind you

  G. Some of the most interesting selfie-ographers have picked a specific style or look for their self-portraits

  第三部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)

  第一节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分。满分30分)


  So tired as I was, I bothered myself to open up my cafe shop on the cold morning. With many consumers streaming in, I knew another long business day began. And I had to serve far into the night.

  As I rushed among the tables, suddenly, a __41__ asked if I could mind a child.I was quite __42__ but I could tell the man was quite desperate.So I had to make a __43__ with him that if he wanted his son to stay and wait for him, he had to __44__ something in the shop.

  This was quite __45__ or the man to do; I could __46__ he was quite poor by the __47__ he was dressed. It looked as if he had tried to come in his __48__ clothes. But they still looked a bit old and worn out __49__ he had often worn them, just to make himself look best.Looking down I could see his __50__ were also a bit torn and the heels were in a terrible state. I thought he was going for a job interview. In the end he bought a small box of __51__ for his little son and seated him down in the corner. I could tell the boy was feeling down and only could __52__ with a bit of cheering up.

  Seeing that the kid sat there for quite a while, I was a bit __53__ as the poor little kid was sitting __54__ his own. People watched him and some kids even came over to pick on him.I was __55__ to see one of them even knocked his cookies off the table. He quickly went and got them back without saying a word.I was hoping his father would __56__ up and come back for his son's __57__.

  At closing time, the only person left was the little boy. After a while, the father finally came in with a tiresome look.I __58__ he didn't get any job. As they were leaving, I offered the kid a little cake, but the man rejected it. I thought he felt __59__ I had just abused(侮辱) him.Of course I didn't mean to. But I could understand why he felt like that. I only wished them good __60__ whatever happened.

  The man opened the door to leave-father and son hand in hand.

  41.A. voice  B. sound  C. noise D. tune

  42.A. pleased  B. frightened  C. annoyed D. interested

  43.A. deal B. decision C.promise D. date

  44.A. leave B. buy C. do D. eat

  45.A. easy B. natural C. hard D. possible

  46.A. explain B. prove C. think D. tell

  47.A. manner  B. means C. method D. way

  48.A. poorest B. best C. prettiest D. oldest

  49.A. even though B. so that C. as if D. now that

  50.A. socks B. gloves C. pants D. shoes

  51.A. sweets B. cigarettes C. cookies D. cakes

  52.A. laugh B. speak C. do D. help

  53.A. relaxed B. nervous C. satisfied D. worried

  54.A. on B. of C. by D. for

  55.A. touched B. disappointed C. astonished D. excited

  56.A. hurry B. give C. turn D. run

  57.A. chance B. benefit C. future D. job

  58.A. hoped B. imagined C. doubted D. guessed

  59.A. even if B. as if C. since that D. in case

  60.A. luck B. progress C. supper D. night



  Andaz is a Hindi word __61__ (mean) “personal style.” So every Andaz hotel encourages both guests __62__ associates to express their own sense of it. We welcome imaginative thinkers of all ages and backgrounds. Those members of the creative class push boundaries creatively and desire for __63__ connection to other people, places and ideas.

  We know you live a mindful and meaningful __64__ (exist). So we've built locations in destinations __65__(help) develop that passion for exploration. Through rich cultural experiences, simply __66__ (support) by our hosts, our guests __67__(be) able to express their Andaz and gain something valuable __68__ each community they visit.

  For the people __69__ work here, adapting to a constant change stimulates excitement. For the people who stay here, the perpetual unscripted service inspires and fuels __70__ (they) journey. We invite you to express your Andaz.

  单词拼写 (共10小题,每小题0.5分,满分5分)

  71. George Kaiser transformed a small Tulsa oil company into an energy and investments ______ (帝国).

  72. China's efforts to help r______ the global economy have received wide praise during the APEC meetings this week.

  73. His mind would w______, and he would lose track of what he was doing.

  74. Coconut is a basic ______ (原料) for many curries.

  75. We come here once a year expecting a quiet, r______ holiday.

  76. Thousands of football fans packed into the ______ (运动场) to watch the match.

  77. This was a very impressive ______ (表现) by the young player, who scored 12 points within the first 10 minutes.

  78. Emirates Airlines g______ its customers top-quality service.

  79. Dad is in his late 50s, approaching r_______ age.

  80. The seven-time Grand Slam ______ (冠军) has never been beyond the

  quarter-finals at Monte Carlo.

  第四部分 写作(共两节,满分35分)

  第一节 短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)





  注意: 1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;


  Dear Mr.Sadler,

  I'm writing to express my interest for the tourist guide position offering in your advertisement. I've learned English for so long that can communicate with native speakers of English without difficult.What's more, I've worked as a guide ago and know all the tourist attractions in my hometown very well.

  I'11 be available during the winter vacation, from Feb.10 to March 10, but I don't have any problem working evenings and weekends. As for the best places to visit, the first two that comes into my mind are Qufu, Confucious' birthplace, and Weishan Lake, a largest lake in North China.

  If you need further informations about me, here is for my email address: sdjnlihua@163.com.

  Thank you for your consideration.

  第二节 书面表达(满分25分)









  1-5 ABCCA  6-10 BACBA 11-15 CBBCB  16-20 BCBBC


  21-23. BAC  24-27. DBAB 28-31. BDAC

  32-35. BCBD  36-40. AFDGB


  41-45ACABC 46-50. DDBCD  51-55. CCDAC 56-60. ABDBA


  61. meaning 62. and 63. a 64. existence  65. to help

  66. supported  67. are  68. from 69. who 70. their


  71. empire 72. revive 73. wander  74. ingredient 75. relaxing

  76. stadium  77. performance 78. guarantees 79. retirement 80. champion


  81. for-in 82. offering-offered 83. can前加I 84. difficult-difficulty 85. ago- before  86. but-and

  87. comes-come  88. a- the

  89. informations-information 90. 去掉for

  To dear XXX:

  Please allow me to say Happy Birthday to you in advance with all my heart.

  No other words can more precisely depict my initial impression of you than a butterfly in my stomach when I watched your debut performance in that movie. which won you globe-sweeping fame. Your being dorky and cute obsesses me. Since then, your image, deeply rooted in those scenes, has never gone changing. You know, sometimes life can be tiresome. When I am down, your ice-melting smiles are like rays of light, piercing through clouds, evoking my hibernating craving for hope and restoring me to full energy. Anyway, the above contributes just a slice of why you are worshiped by me.

  May you be blessed with bright career prospects and a beloved one.









