英语 百文网手机站


时间:2021-07-03 12:08:59 英语 我要投稿


  Mouse looks out from his hole and says: "It is cold." Bear says: "Yes, winter is coming."小老鼠从洞里探出头来说:“真冷啊。”熊宝宝告诉他:“对啊,冬天来了。”


  Bear looks at the calendar and says: "Time for bed! I'm so tired. I will sleep all winter long." "But Bear," Mouse cries, "you will miss winter!"熊宝宝看着日历说:“该睡觉了!我好累啊。我要睡一整个冬天。”“可是小熊,”小老鼠喊道,“你会错过冬天的!”

  Bear rubs his eyes and says: "I am so sleepy. I don't care." Mouse says: "You will miss ice skating on the lake."熊宝宝揉了揉眼睛说:“我太困了。我才不介意呢。”小老鼠说:“你会错过在湖上滑冰的。”

  Bear pulls the curtains and says: "I don't care." "You will miss snowmen with carrot noses!" cries Mouse.熊宝宝拉开窗帘说:“我不介意。”“你会错过长着胡萝卜鼻子的雪人的`!”小老鼠喊。

  Bear says: "I don't care." Mouse says: "I will miss you." Bear gives Mouse a hug and says: "I will miss you very much. But my little friend, a bear needs to sleep all winter long."熊宝宝说:“我不介意。”小老鼠说:“我会想你的。”熊宝宝抱住小老鼠说:“我也会很想你的。但是小朋友,熊都是要睡一整个冬天的哦。”

  Mouse tucks Bear into bed and says:"Good night, Bear. Sleep tight. I'll wake you up in spring when flowers bloom and birds sing."小老鼠为熊宝宝盖好被子说:“晚安,小熊。睡个好觉。到了花儿绽放鸟儿歌唱的春天,我会叫你起床的。”




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