英语 百文网手机站


时间:2021-06-29 16:41:34 英语 我要投稿


  1. 鼓励订货, 保证交货


  Owing to the increase of demand, you will probably make an order.

  If we are right in thinking this, would you care to place your order now?

  We can ensure immediate dispatch from our stock.

  2. 提供各项资料,劝诱订货

  We trust that you have received our catalogs and price-list.

  Now that you have had a chance to examine what we have sent to you, we are enclosing an order form for you to make an order easily.

  3. 通知对方广告 活动将引起抢购, 希望尽早订购

  Our advertising campaign is due to begin next month.

  Experience shows that many orders follow these advertisements, and sales are certain to result.

  We strongly advise you to lay in at least a small stock.

  4. 鼓励在产品涨价前订货

  From April 1st the prices of all our products will be raised by 10%.

  Even with this increase the prices of our products are still slightly lower than those of our competitors.

  Concerning the business you are negotiating, we will charge you old prices on all orders received here up to and including April 30.

  We look forward to your orders.

  For example:

  Dear xx,

  How are you those days, hope everything goes well with you.

  We would like to know your opinion about my quotation.

  Owing to the increase of demand, you will probably make aprompt order.

  If we are right in thinking this, would you care to place your order now? We can ensure provide immediate dispatch from our stock.

  We trust that our experience in doing this products and reliable quality will entitle us to win your confidence.

  Expecting your kind reply.


  客户有好几种:确实有需求的,打探行情的`,在开拓这个产品的等等。只有客户本身在市场中,需求比较急,才会比较快速的下单。如果客户是打探行情的,不是 没有下单可能,往往需要你确实比他目前的供应商有明显优势,他才会考虑换采购渠道。至于在市场开拓阶段的客户,期望值不能太高,客户往往也需要比较长的时 间。我们也需要及时了解市场行情和动态,尽可能配合客户,在联系过程中充分体现我们的实力、优势等等,让我们成为客户下订单的首选供应商。









