英语 百文网手机站


时间:2021-06-21 11:36:54 英语 我要投稿





  1. 从答案选项中预测: Q: What does Tom do?

  A. He’s a truck driver. B. He’s a ship captain. C. He’s a pilot. 录音原文: W: Tom flew to Anchorage last night, then took some passengers from there to Dallas . M: Yeah, but he couldn't land because the airport in Dallas was snowed in. 从选项看,问题应是关于职业方面的,再从flew, passengers, airport这些信息词中可知道Tom的职业。

  2. 从说话人口气预测:

  在A,B两人的对话中,如果B是附和或赞成,往往说“Yes”,“I agree”,“Sure”,“I think so”等。但如A用否定句,B表同意时则用“No”,“Neither / Nor?”等。

  例如: A: Harvey doesn't seem to fit into this class. B: No, he is really a fish out of water.



  例:How much will the man pay for the tickets? A.$18 B. $24 C. $30

  原文:W: Tickets for the movie are $ 6 for adults, half price for children. M: All right, I’d like three tickets for adults and two tickets for children, please. 笔记可简化为:$ 6 A(A代表adult),C代表children,3A+2C或6 A(3)+ half C(2)


  在获取时间信息时,不要误把会话中提到的时间简单确定为问题的答案。高考听力考查时间时往往要进行简单的时间换算。 At what time does the train to Leeds leave? A. 3:00 B. 3:15 C. 5:00

  录音原文: W: Excuse me, could you tell me when the next train to Manchester is? M: Sure. Well, it's 3 now. The next train to Manchester leaves in 2 hours, but you can take the train to Leeds which leaves in 15 minutes, and then get off at Manchester on the way. 对话中提到了三个时间It's 3 now, in 2 hours,in 15 minutes.

  现在是3点,开往Manchester的火车要两小时后才开,即The train to Manchester leaves in 2 hours。若简单机械地把3点和2点相加,会得出火车5点才开的错误选项C。 数字类问题分辨别类和计算类两种:

  1. 要注意区分-teen和-ty及four和five的发音;辨别多位数,如电话号码,门牌等

  2. 计算时间,钱款,距离,年龄,人或物的数量等;听出数字间的关系,更要听清问题,因为对运算方法的要求通常寓于问题中;注意more, less,

  as much(many)as, another, double, a couple of; to, past, quarter; 记住时间是60进制 如出现几个数字,应注意鉴别问的是那一个。 例:At what time does the office open? A. At 8:15 B. At 8:30 C. At 7:45

  从常识判断,办公时间往往以整点开始,而不会在几点几分。 听力原文:M: I wonder why the office is still not open. W: But it's not yet eight. In fact, it's only a quarter to eight.


  听力考试常出现以Where提问的问句,考生要通过对话的具体情节和背景判断对话发生的地点。一般来说,特定场景的用语和关键词是基本固定的,考生要对此多了解,熟悉明白。在遇到Where does the conversation take place?/ Where does sb. work? What’s his job?之类的.问题时,就会派上用场。

  如: restaurant: menu, bill, order, tip, hamburger, beer, soup hotel: luggage, single room, double room, room number, check in(out) hospital: take medicine, temperature, pill, headache, fever, examine post office: mail, deliver, stamp, envelope, parcel airport: flight, take off, land, luggage railway station :round trip, single trip, sleeping car store: on sale, size, wear, color, style, price, change,bargain, fit school: professor, exam, course, term, dining hall, playground library: librarian, renew, date, shelf, magazine, seat


  如:What’s the man going to do?

  A. Run to the airport. B. Wait for another bus. C. Hurry to get the next bus. 根据选项看,对话似乎与bus有关,主要信息捕捉范围是在“Hurry”或“Run”和“Wait”之间。听音范围明显缩小。

  原文M: Excuse me, can you tell me when the next bus leaves for the airport? W: It leaves in three minutes. If you run, you might catch it. 关键词“run”和“catch”正好对上答案C的“Hurry”和“get”。


  抓听首句和首段有助于整体理解文章;结尾部分所给出的信息不一定是题目的正确答案,可能只是一个陷阱;推理思路要正确;语境中抓要点。 独白部分(即第十段材料)可分为四种类型: *人物与故事型:叙述人物的经历和成就,要抓住故事发展线索,所问问题多属事实细节题 *普通知识型:内容涉及面较广,问题以事实细节题居多 *社会科学型:涉及到文化教育,社会治安,代沟问题,就业问题,妇女问题,人口问题,环境保护,国家发展等。问题常涉及独白的主题或题目,故需作推理判断。 *科普知识型:主要涉及自然科学,如生物,物理,海洋,计算机,医学,气象,科学发明等。如遇专业词汇和术语,可利用语境线索猜词义。


  当机立断,决不能反反复复,甚至影响后面的答题,切记不可因某个小题未听懂而患得患失,不可因一题失多题,造成一步跟不上,步步皆踏空的结果。 总之,只要掌握基本的听力技巧和方法、排除一切干扰,全身心地投入语境、持之以恒地坚持高考全真模拟听力训练,高考中定能取得理想的成绩。 高考英语听力考试十大必备场景词汇

  高考考试的对话内容场景基本上都是考生所熟悉的,有校园、生活、工作、各种社交场所。了解一些场景下的常用语和常见表达对解题是很有帮助的。对这些常用 词汇和短语不仅要知道其本身的意思,还要知道它们的同义表达方式。这是因为现在听力试题一般不会在选项中出现对话中的原词和词组。以下场景是对话当中所占 比例最大的,掌握了这些场景下的常用短语和表达方式,也就从词汇和短语方面抓住了解题的关键。


  order 点菜 serve 上菜 change 零钱 Keep the change! 不用找零钱了! tip 小费 treat 请客 (This is my treat! 我请客!)go Dutch AA制 (Let’s go fifty fifty. ) steak 牛排 cheese奶酪 sandwich 三明治 bacon 腌肉 soup 汤 plain water自来水(西餐中洗手用的)doughnut 多纳圈 appetizer 开胃物 dessert甜品,水果(作为正餐的最后一道) go out for dinner / dinner out 出去吃饭 snack bar 小吃街;大排挡 hamburger 汉堡包 coke 可口可乐 French fries 炸薯条 dining hall ;coffee shop ;restaurant ;cafeteria ;canteen; buffet 自助餐


  stamp envelope package / parcel 包裹 overweight 超重 extra postage 额外邮资 send / post / deliver a letter / mail 寄 /发信 express mail 快件 airmail 航空信件 surface mail 陆地邮寄open an account 开一个帐户


  library card; borrow; lend; keep; renew; bookshelf; novel; science fiction科幻小说;magazine; periodical期刊; reference book; librarian 图书管理员 pay a fine 交罚款 Can I help you? / What can I do for you?


  aspirin 阿司匹林 regular doctor 私人医生 emergence department 急诊室 ICU (= intensive care unit)特护病房treatment 治疗手段 take one’s temperature / blood pressure 测量体温/血压 medicine: pills / tablets药丸/药片heart attack 心脏病 cold / flu 流感:have/catch a cold; pain; headache; stomach-ache; backache; sore-throat喉咙痛cough; fever。What’s up? (多用于男生之间)How is it going? How are you? 回答:I’m fine. / I feel good/terrific. / I couldn’t be better. / Nothing is very wrong with me. 好。 I am not feeling good. / I feel terrible/horrible/awful. / I am not myself these days. 不好。 (注意听语气:身体好的时候,语调上扬,语气非常欢快; 身体不好的时候,降调,语气非常郁闷。)


  operator 接线员 Extension six two two six, please. 请转6226。 The line is bad/ busy / engaged. It kept a busy line. 电话占线。long distance call 长途电话 collect call 对方付费的电话 put through 接通电话 hold on / up Hold the line, please. Hello! This is …speaking. Who’s speaking? / who is this? call/ telephone/ ring/ phone sb. ;give sb. a call/ ring I’ll call back later / again. I’ll ring him / her up again. I couldn’t get through. Sorry, I’m afraid you have the wrong number.


  make a reservation 预定房间 reception desk 接待处 check in 入住 check out 结帐 single room 单间 suite套间Do you have a reservation Sir? Have you got any vacant room? (= Is there any room available here?)有空房间吗?All the room are occupied. 房间已满。Can I have a suite please? How much do you charge for that? Smoking or no smoking? Meals included. 包括饮食。Can I show you your room? / Can I carry your luggage?


  speeding May I see your license, please? You will be fined by $20.


  store 杂货店 department store 百货商场 shopping center 购物中心 商品信息:size; color; style; price What color/size/kind do you want? 商品论贵贱expensive, cheap 价格论高低high, low bargain便宜货 popular / fashionable流行的 in fashion 流行,时尚 out of fashion 过时的 brand 品牌 counter 柜台 pay in cash 用现金支付 pay in check用支票支付 credit card 信用卡 shop assistant 商店营业员 out of stock 脱销/缺货 in stock 有货


  cloudy 阴天 overcast 多云 thunder 打雷 strong/ high wind 大风 tornado 龙卷风 typhoon 台风 storm 风暴blizzard暴风雨 It rains cats and dogs.(=The rain is pouring.)下着倾盆大雨。downpour倾盆大雨 shower 阵雨 clear up天空放晴 put away clothes 下雨收衣服 weather in London / Seattle 意指不好的天气 weather in California 意指好天气 经常和天气相联系的情况:vacation 和 flight(航班) (be delayed/cancelled by the bad weather)


  flight 航班 Welcome on board 欢迎登机 bound for…飞往……方向去的 check in 办理登机手续 behind schedule晚点 take off 起飞land降落









