
时间:2023-07-21 18:40:53 英语 我要投稿






  1.Mr Smith’s plane _______ . Let’s wait for him here .

  A. hasn’t arrivedB. didn’t arriveC. doesn’t arriveD. couldn’t arrive

  2. Almost all the water _______ gone . Please save water !

  A. areB. isC. haveD. were

  3. — Look ! There is a tall tree over there . Can you _______ , Dave ?

  — Yes , let me have a try .

  A. fall off itB. send upC. come down itD. climb up it

  4. Mr Li is out . But he _______ here ten minutes ago.

  A. wasB. isC. will beD. would be

  5. — Look ! The bus is coming .

  — But it’s full of people . We can’t _______ it .

  A. get offB. get downC. get on withD. get on

  6. It’s six o’clock now . It’s time _______ .

  A. get upB. got upC. to get upD. getting up

  7. Jane _______ a new dress every month when she was in Shanghai .

  A. buysB. is buyingC. boughtD. will buy

  8. Everyone except Tom and John _______ there when the meeting began .

  A. isB. wasC. areD. were

  9. The flowers start to _______ in spring .

  A. come inB. come outC. come formD. come to

  10. Excuse me . May I _______ you to pass me the sugar ?

  A. keepB. makeC. letD. trouble

  11. — Who jumps the farthest in your school ?

  — Henry _______ .

  A. doesB. jumpsC. hasD. is

  12. You were on the farm yesterday , _______ you ?

  A. didn’tB. don’tC. aren’tD. weren’t

  13. The girl enjoys _______ to the radio very much .

  A. listenB. to listenC. listeningD. listened

  14. Mr King _______ in Beijing since 1980 . He teaches English in a middle school .

  A. livesB. is livingC. livedD. has lived

  15. How long may I _______ the library book , please ?

  A. lendB. keepC. borrowD. return

  16. — Where is Tom ?

  — He hasn’t come to school today . I think he _______ be ill .

  A. has toB. shouldC. mayD. need

  17. Let’s _______ a talk about learning Chinese .

  A. hadB. havingC. to haveD. have

  18. There _______ some milk in the glass .

  A. isB. areC. haveD. has

  19. Li Ping studied hard , _______ he ?

  A. wasB. didC. wasn’tD. didn’t

  20. The bag is light . Wang Ping can _______ it by herself .

  A. findB. watchC. carryD. learn

  21. I want to be a doctor when I _______ .

  A. grow upB. talk aboutC. agree withD. get up

  22. It’s very hot here . You’d better _______ your coat .

  A. put onB. get onC. take offD. put in

  23. Both Kate and I _______ ready for the picnic now .

  A. is notB. is gettingC. are gettingD. am getting

  24. He _______ the bus and found a seat next to the window .

  A. gets onB. got onC. gets offD. got off

  25. Please write to me as soon as you _______ Shanghai .

  A. arriveB. reachC. got toD. come

  26. I _______ a letter from him since he left .

  A. didn’t receiveB. haven’t gotC. didn’t haveD. haven’t heard

  27. Remember to _______ the lights after school .

  A. turn offB. turn downC. turn upD. turn on

  28. — _______ I visit Lucy on Sunday , Mum ?

  — Yes , you _______ .

  A. Must ; canB. May ; mayC. Need ; needD. May ; need

  29. A talk on Chinese history _______ in the school hall next week .

  A. is givenB. has been givenC. will be givenD. will give

  30. Do you think _______ an English film tomorrow night ?

  A. is thereB. there is going to have

  C. there is going to beD. will there be

  31. He wasn’t feeling well . He had to _______ .

  A. stops workingB. stop working

  C. stops to workD. stop to work

  32. The twins _______ from Canada .

  A. areB. isC. amD. be

  33. — Excuse me . Where is the zoo ?

  — Sorry , I don’t know . Ask that policeman . He _______ know .

  A. shallB. mayC. needD. would

  34. Mother told me _______ some clothes last night .

  A. washB. to washC. washedD. washing

  35. Miss Gao isn’t here . She _______ to the station to meet Mr. Brown .

  A. wentB. has goneC. has beenD. would go

  36. I will tell you how to get to the place ; you’d better _______ it _______ .

  A. try ; onB. get ; offC. take ; downD. pick ; up

  37. You can _______ what is happening on the other side of the world by telephone .

  A. seeB. makeC, hearD. learn

  38. Germany and Great Britain are _______ countries , but China and India are _______ ones .

  A. developing ; developedB. developed ; to develop

  C. developed ; developingD. to develop ; developing

  39. This key _______ for locking the door .

  A. is usedB. usedC. useD. are used

  40. — Must I finish my homework now ?

  — No , you _______ . You _______ do it this evening .

  A. mustn’t ; canB. needn’t ; mayC. can’t ; mustD. needn’t ; must

  41. The doctor _______ the old man carefully and found something wrong with him .

  A. looked atB. looked upC. looked overD. looked for

  42. The greedy inn-keeper once made the poor heroine _______ twice a day .

  A. danceB. dancesC. dancedD. to dance

  43. The VIPs (Very Important Persons ) from 21 countries will _______ the APEC in Shanghai this autumn .

  A. holdB. take part inC. joinD. attend

  44. The government will _______ some new colleges for more students to receive higher education .

  A. set upB. set outC. put downD. put on

  45. Computers _______ process difficult problems very , very quickly .

  A. mustB. needC. shouldD. can

  46. — Excuse me . Will you please tell me the way to the railway station ?

  — Oh , sorry ,but I don’t know . You _______ go and ask that policeman .

  A. mayB. mustC. wouldD. should

  47. — Do you still remember _______ me somewhere in Beijing ?

  — Yes , of course . Two years ago .

  A. to seeB. seeC. seeingD. saw

  48. If you have got something to ask your teacher in class , you’d better _______ .

  A. stay on your feetB. stay away from school

  C. stay on for a bitD. stay out so late

  49. When the headmaster came into the hall , all the students _______ to welcome him .

  A. sat downB. went outC. stood upD. turned back

  50. — People now can know what is happening in the world quickly .

  — You’re right . With the help of computers , news can _______ every corner of the would .

  A. getB. arriveC. returnD. reach

  51. — It’s a lovely day , _______ it ?

  — Yes . Let’s go out for a walk .

  A. doesn’tB. haven’tC. aren’tD. isn’t

  52. — We can use MSN to _______ with each other on the net .

  — Really ? Will you show me how to use it ?

  A. speakB. talkC. sayD. tell

  53. — What does the sentence “Don’t trouble trouble till trouble _______ you .” mean ?

  — Sorry , I have to idea .

  A. troubleB. troublesC. troubledD. will trouble

  54. — _______ your sweater _______ , please .

  — OK , but there is no room is this clothes bag .

  A. Put ; upB. Put ; downC. Put ; awayD. Put ; on

  55. — I have bought an English-Chinese dictionary .

  — When and where _______ you _______ it ?

  A. do ; buyB. did ; buyC. have ; boughtD. will ; buy

  56. — Let’s have a test , shall we ?

  — Not now . I don’t want to stop _______ yet .

  A. workB. to workC. worksD. working

  57. — What a nice garden !

  — It _______ every day .

  A. is cleaningB. has cleanedC. must cleanD. is cleaned

  58. — Did you work out the problem , Tom ?

  — Yes , of course . I _______ to the teacher’s .

  A. have just beenB. have just got

  C. have just comeD. have just gone

  59. — Please wait for me here . I’ll come back soon .

  — All right . We’ll _______ the library till you come back .

  A. leaveB. reachC. stay atD. wait for

  60. — Will you please go swimming with me ?

  — Of course . I’ll _______ .

  A. glad toB. wantC. want toD. be glad to

  61. — _______ do you _______ about spring ?

  — The flowers and the green trees .

  A. How ; likeB. How ; thinkC. What ; thinkD. What ; like

  62. This book _______ Lucy’s . Look ! Her name is on the book cover .

  A. must beB. may beC. can’t beD. mustn’t be

  63. — I hear your father _______ to Japan once .

  — Yes . He _______ there last year .

  A. went ; has beenB. has been ; wentC. goes ; wentD. has been ; has been

  64. — Mike wants to know if _______ a picnic tomorrow .

  — Yes . But if it _______ , we’ll visit the museum instead .

  A. you have ; will rainB. you will have ; will rain

  C. you will have ; rainsD. will you have ; rains

  65. Their telephone number is 7035707 . Have you _______ ?

  A. written it downB. written down it

  C. written them downD. written down them

  66. — I’m sorry I _______ my homework at home .

  — That’s all right . Don’t forget _______ it to school this afternoon .

  A. forget ; takeB. forget ; to bringC. left ; to takeD. left ; to bring

  67. We usually have six lessons a day , and each of them _______ 45 minutes .

  A. lastB. lastsC. haveD. need

  68. The children are often asked _______ loudly in the library . They must keep quiet .

  A. to speakB. not to speakC. don’t speakD. not speak

  69. I’m going shopping now . I _______ home soon .

  A. returnB. will be backC. come backD. go back

  70. — My good friend Mike wants to be a soldier when he grows up .

  — So _______ I .

  A. doB. amC. willD. should

  71. It _______ ten years since they _______ to France .

  A. was ; movedB. was ; have movedC. is ; have movedD. is ; moved

  72. — Excuse me , could you tell me the way to the post office ?

  — Go along this road , and _______ the first turning on the right . Then you will find it .

  A. turnB. takeC. makeD. walk

  73. Today , the forests have almost gone . People must _______ down too many trees .

  A. stop to cutB. stop from cutting

  C. be stopped to cutD. be stopped from cutting

  * 74. — I’m afraid no one will agree with you .

  — I don’t think it _______ .

  A. mindsB. mattersC. worksD. troubles

  75. — You must come back every month .

  — Yes , I _______ .

  A. willB. mustC. shouldD. can

  76. The doctor did what he could _______ that child .

  A. saveB. to saveC. savedD. saving

  77. Mother said that cooking _______ much time every day .

  A. paidB. spentC. madeD. took

  78. I can’t understand _______ the boy alone .

  A. why she leftB. why did she leave

  C. why had she leftD. why she had left

  79. — Hi , Kate .

  — Hi , Mary . I _______ you were here .

  A. don’t knowB. don’t thinkC. thinkD. didn’t know

  80. He _______ wait until the rain _______ .

  A. won’t ; will stopB. won’t ; stop

  C. will ; stopsD. will ; will stop

  81. Cars and buses _______ stop when the traffic lights are red .

  A. canB. needC. mustD. may

  82. Will you please _______ your shoes on the floor ?

  A. not to dropB. not dropC. don’t dropD. not dropping

  83. Linda often _______ her homework in the evening , but this evening she _______ TV .

  A. does ; watchesB. is doing ; watches

  C. does ; is watchingD. is doing ; is watching

  84. Your daughter is very ill . Have you _______ a doctor ?

  A. sent forB. heard fromC. paid forD. looked after

  85. — Your coat looks nice . Is it _______ cotton ?

  — Yes . It’s _______ Shanghai .

  A. made of ; made byB. made of ; made in

  C. made for ; made byD. made for ; made in

  86. — So you went to see the film with Tom .

  — Yes . Bob _______ with me .

  A. won’t goB. isn’t goingC. doesn’t goD. wouldn’t go

  87. — Excuse me . Where ‘s the Science Museum ?

  — Take No. 3 bus and _______ at the fourth stop .

  A. get onB. get offC. get upD. get to

  88. — How do you like Beijing , Mr Black ?

  — Oh , I _______ such a beautiful city .

  A. don’t visitB. didn’t visitC. haven’t visitedD. haven’t visited

  89. — Did Jack come for the meeting last night ?

  — No . He was so tired that he soon _______ in his room .

  A. fell behindB. fell offC. fell asleepD. fell over

  90. — What do you _______ breakfast ?

  — Fresh oranges , milk , bread and eggs .

  A. cook withB. pay forC. have forD. think of

  91. — Your name again ? I _______ quite catch it .

  — Federico MacAdam .

  A. didn’tB. don’tC. wouldn’tD. won’t

  92. — Is Mrs. Green in ?

  — I’m afraid she isn’t . Would you like to _______ a message ?

  A. takeB. callC. keepD. leave

  93. If you finish reading my book , please _______ to me .

  A. give it againB. give again itC. give back itD. give it back

  94. This is an old photo of mine when I _______ .

  A. have short hairsB. had short hairs

  C. have short hairD. had short hair

  95. This shirt is so nice , but it _______ too much .

  A. paysB. costsC. takesD. spends

  96. — Can I _______ this book ?

  — Yes , but you mustn’t _______ it to othrs .

  A. lend ; borrowB. borrow ; keepC. borrow ; lendD. lend ; keep

  97. When we were on holiday , we _______ too much money .

  A. spentB. costC. tookD. paid

  98. — _______ to the United States ?

  — No , never , but I went to Canada a few years ago .

  A. Have you beenB. Have you goneC. Did you goD. Will you go

  99. _______ cross the road before the traffic lights turn green .

  A. NotB. Won’tC. Don’tD. Doesn’t


  1. A2. B3. D4. A5. D6. C7. C8. B9. B

  10. D11. A12. D13. C14. D15. B16. C17. D18. A

  19. D20. C21. A22. C23. C24. B25. B26. B27. A

  28. B29. C30. C31. B32. A33. B34. B35. B36. C

  37. D38. C39. A40. B41. C42. A43. D44. A45. D

  46. A47. C48. A49. C50. D51. D52. B53. B54. C

  55. B56. D57. D58. A59. C60. D61. D62. A63. B

  64. C65. A66. D67. B68. B69. B70. A71. D72. B

  73. D74. B75. A76. B77. D78. A79. D80. C81. C

  82. B83. C84. A85. B86. D87. B88. C89. C90. C

  91. A92. D93. D94. D95. B96. C97. A98. A99. C



  It was getting dark when I__1__(get) home.It was cold and I__2__(wear) a coat.I walked up to the door and put my hand into my pocket to take out my key but I__3__(can) not find it.I suddenly remembered that I__4__(leave) it on my desk in the office.It really didnt make any difference.I knew my wife__5__(be) at home and the children must have come back from school by now,so I__6__(knock) at the door.

  There was no answer.So I knocked again.I continued knocking at the door for some time.I was getting angry.Then I remembered something the office boy__7__(tell) me at noon.He said that my wife__8__(phone) saying that she__9__(go) shopping in the afternoon with the children.

  There__10__(be) only one thing for me to do:I had to climb in through a window.






  答案:was wearing




  答案:had left





  7.解析:tell这一动作先于remembered发生,表示“过去的过去”,故答案为had told。

  答案:had told

  8.解析:phone这一动作先于said发生,表示“过去的过去”,故答案为had phoned。

  答案:had phoned


  答案:would go

  10.解析:主语为only one thing且设空处应该用一般过去时,故答案为was。



  1.It is reported that by the end of next month the bridge ____.

  A. will be built B. has been built C. will have been built D. will have built

  解析:由by the end of判断应选完成时,next month 是将来标志,故选择C.

  2. Our teacher has a strict rule. She said yesterday that all the students ___ to class on time.

  A. came B. might come C. must come D. must have come


  3. One of the requirements for a fire is that the material ____ to its burning temperature?

  A. be heated B. is heated C. would be heated D. to heated

  解析:A)项requirement 这个词和idea, suggestion等一样,要求从句里的谓语动词用(should)+动词原形。故选A

  4. ____ what may, we’re not going to make any concessions to his unreasonable demands.

  A. Come B. Came C. Coming D. Having come


  【难点】come what may 是一个固定的用法,其中come总是用原形动词,在这一用法中,主谓必须倒装,此句相当于whatever may happen (不管发生什么情况)。

  5. Every means ____ tried out but never with success, as far as my knowledge goes.

  A. is B. are C. has been D. have been



  6. He concluded his speech with a remark that failure ____the mother of success.

  A. is B. were C .was D. must be .



  7. The design liaison meeting ____ ten days by the time it ends.

  A. must have lasted B. will have lasted C. would last D. has lasted


  【难点】by the time意指no later than the moment that something happens,常与过去完成时和将来完成时连用。

  8. ____ before we depart the day after tomorrow, we should have a wonderful dinner party.

  A. Had they arrived B. Would they arrive C. Were they arriving D. Were they to arrive

  8. D)


  【难点】表示将来不可能发生的事实,常用虚拟语气,主句的谓语为should+动词原形(适用于第一人称主语)或would,could,might+动词原形(适用于其余人称主语);而条件句的谓语应该用should+动词原形,were to+动词原形或直接用动词的过去时(如be 改用were)。

  9. As ___ clear from his manners, he is a teacher.

  A. being B. is C. to be D. been

  9. B)



  10. Great as Newton was, many of his ideas ____ today and are being modified by the work of scientists of our time.

  A. are to challenge B. may be challenged C. have been challenged D. are challenging

  10. C)












