
时间:2024-06-07 21:07:51 维泽 小报图片 我要投稿
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  Childrens day is coming. I decided to do many things on that day.

  First of all. That day we will get up early, came to the school, because we now is a junior high school student, so the school wont for us as the primary that give us after 61, although just top junior high school of time, but a little habits, half year after will probably already accustomed to junior middle school life. 61 will be here soon, and now we are facing tests sports add try. Also is in the June 1 day, I hope we can take an examination of teenager years is a good grades.


  A new park for children has been set up towelcomethe coming of Childrens Day,The park is in the south of our city, covering an area of 500 mu. Entering the park you can see statues of children in different races, hand in hand,which is the symbol of the world peace. In the middle is a lake, around Which are all kinds of trees and flowers. There are many boats on the take and some children are boating happily, To the south of the lake is a hill with a lot of monkeys on it. The Childrens Pa]ace lies to the east, in which all kinds of exhibitions are on show. To the west of the lake is a place for children to play, where there are many recreational facilities.

  Im sure the children in our city will have a happy festival this year


  Today is International Childrens Day. I am very happy. In the morning, put on the holiday costumes, and International Childrens Day begins.

  Along the way, the trees waved to us, and the flowers smiled at us, as if to say: "happy International Childrens Day, happy International Childrens Day." Father-in-law sun knew we were going to celebrate the festival. He hid in the clouds. The wind girl was blowing in the breeze. It was so cool. At school, bursts of clear and powerful reading sound floatedfromafar and passed into my ears. The students of the performance show, with smiles on their faces and makeup on, camefromthe school gate to the teaching building. It was a vibrant scene.

  The program began soon. The programs performed by my brother and sister were really colorful, including dancing, chorus and sketch. Soon its our classs turn to perform. Looking at the big stage, Im really nervous for them. I hope our class will win the prize. We applaud and encourage our classmates to play. Today is our festival. We all smile, listen to happy music, enjoy beautiful dance and bring happiness to everyone. After the dance performance, there was a burst of warm applause.

  I had a good time on this June day. When I think of the happy festival, I feel happy and sweet like drinking honey.


  Children, also known as June 1 International Children‘s Day, the annual June 1, the world of children‘s festivals. November 1949, the Women‘s International Democratic Federation council meeting held in Moscow. China and other countries and representatives of countries and anger exposed the imperialist reactionaries kill and poison children. In order to protect the world‘s children to survival, health and education, to improve the lives of children. The meeting decided in the annual June 1 International Children‘s Day.

  The International Children‘s Day (ICD) is celebrated in numerous countries, usually (but not always) on June 1 each year.

  The ICD had its origin in the World Conference for the Wellbeing of Children in Geneva, Switzerland in 1925. It is not clear as to why June 1 was chosen as the ICD: one theory has it that the Chinese consul-general in San Francisco (USA) gathered a number of Chinese orphans to celebrate the Dragon Boat Festival in 1925, which happened to be on June 1 that year, and also coincided with the conference in Geneva.

  June 1 has since been observed as the ICD by numerous countries, especially by Communist countries; in the Western world the ICD is usually celebrated on other days of the year (if at all), and there is often little public awareness about these celebrations. (See the section on Germany below for further discussions.) Consequently there is sometimes a misperception that June 1 as the ICD was a Communist invention. Nonetheless, in recent years even some groups within the United States started observing the ICD on June 1.



  Childhood is really good! Even the memories

  are so beautiful!

  2 、愿你像孩童般开心,像孩童般幸福!

  I wish you happy like a child, like a happy childhood!


  May joy and happiness, and sweet.

  4 、祝福你,祝你儿童节快乐,一切如意!

  Bless you, wish you a happy childrens day, all the best!

  5 、祝所有的朋友今天快乐满溢,找回童趣!

  I wish all the friends happy today is full, tong qu back!

  6 、儿童是希望,儿童是梦想,儿童节快乐!

  Children is the hope, the child is a dream, a happy childrens day!

  7 、儿童节,跟着快乐的节拍,演绎快乐的幸福!

  Happy childrens day, follow the beat, deductive happy happiness!

  8 、快点擦擦鼻涕,把它收好,祝你儿童节快乐!

  Hurry up wiping your nose, put it away, I wish you a happy childrens day!


  May you always carries a childlike heart happy life!

  1 0 、祝你快乐像儿童一样多,幸福像眨眼来的那么快。

  I wish you a happy like a child, happiness come so fast like the blink of an eye.

  1 1、请怀着一颗童心快乐地工作和生活吧,六一快乐!

  With a childlike innocence, please work and live happily, happy children!

  1 2、看,儿童节快到了,我想让你重温童年忘记所有烦恼。

  Look, the childrens day is coming, I want you back to childhood to forget all my troubles.

  1 3、开支红酒,为这不属于我们的节日干杯!儿童节快乐!

  Expenditure of red wine, for this is not belong to our holiday cheers! Happy childrens day!

  1 4、童节到了,不管过去,只管现在,找回童真,尽情快乐!

  The childrens day, no matter in the past, just now, back to tong zhen, enjoy happiness!

  1 5、在儿童节来临之际,我依然要祝你:童心永驻、永葆青春!

  In the childrens day approaching, I still want to wish you: childlike innocence be always and forever young!

  1 6、今天是你的节日,虽然已青春不再,童心需常盈你怀,六一快乐!

  Today is you of festival, although has the youth no longer, childlike innocence to often you, June 1 happy!










