职称英语 百分网手机站


时间:2018-01-25 09:25:19 职称英语 我要投稿


  6. 答案:C. saying--- remarking

  7. 答案:D. increased--- accelerated

  8. 答案:B .polished ---- shined

  9. 答案:D .investigated----- explored

  10. 答案:B. understand--- grasp

  11. 答案:C.magnificent ---- spectacular.

  12. 答案:B. admitted-- confessed

  13. 答案:C. continuous – steady

  14. 答案:D. stand--- tolerate

  15. 答案:A. reason --- motive

  第2部分阅读判断 Lakes, Too, Feel Global Warming

  16. B

  17. B

  18. C

  19. A

  20. A

  21. B

  22. C

  第3部分概括大意完成句子 The ipad

  23. paragraph 2 B.Operating System.

  24. paragraph 3 F.Display and Data Connection.

  25. paragraph 4 D.Feature and Application

  26. paragraph 5 E.Business Usage

  27. In April 2010 the ipad developed by Apple was B. released

  28.The ipad will only run programs approved by Apple if not C.modified

  29.Ipad applications enable the owner’s email accounts to be F. personalized

  30.Ipad usage in office enables employee productivity to be A. increased

  第4部分 阅读理解

  第一篇 Longer Lives for Wild Elephants(B级新增文章)

  31. develop poor health.

  32. They kept detailed records of all the elephants in their care.

  33. died much earlier.

  34. they do not live in family groups.

  35. it may not be wise to keep elephants in zoos.

  第二篇 Cell phones: hang up or keep talking(综合A也考到这篇文章)

  41. People buy cell phones for the following reasons EXCEPT that

  A) they’re popular.

  B) they’re cheap.

  C) they’re useful.

  D) they’re convenient.


  从第一段“popular”,“more than a means of communication”可看出ACD选项,故答案选B。

  42. The word “detected” in paragraph 3 could be best replaced by

  A) cured.

  B) removed.

  C) discovered.

  D) caused.


  原文“Signs of change in the tissues of the brain and head can be detected with modern scanning(扫描) equipment.”大脑和头部组织的变化迹象可以用现代扫描仪器detected

  A) cured.治疗 B) removed.移除 C) discovered.发现 D) caused.引起


  43. The salesman retired young because

  A) he disliked using mobile phones.

  B) he was tired of talking on his mobile phone.

  C) he could’t remember simple tasks.

  D) his employer’s doctor persuaded him to.


  原文“In one case, a traveling salesman had to retire at a young age because of serious memory loss. He couldn’t remember even simple tasks.”销售员提早退休是因为记忆力衰退,表现在他甚至不能记住一些简单的任务。答案选C。

  44. On the safety issue of mobile phones, the manufacturing companies

  A) deny the existence of mobile phone radication.

  B) develop new technology to reduce mobile phone radiation.

  C) try to prove that mobile phones are not harmful to health.

  D) hold that the amount of radiation is too small to worry about.


  原文“Mobile phone companies agree that there is some radiation, but they say the amount is too small to worry about.”他们认为辐射容量很少,不用担心。答案选D。

  45. The writer’s purpose of writing this article is to advise people

  A) to buy mobile phones.

  B) to update regular phones.

  C) to use mobile phones less often.

  D) to stop using mobile phones.


  原文“it’s best to use mobile phones less often.”最好少用手机。答案选C。

  第三篇 The Book of Life

  41. A) there are numerous living species on Earth.

  42. B) work out an easy-to-use catalog of every living species on Earth.

  43. D) the existing scientific databases.

  44. C) beginner.

  45. B) Scientists will review every piece of the information added.

  第5部分 补全短文 Flying into History

  46. B. Eighty years ago, radio and movies were just beginning to have that kind of effect on Americans.

  47. E. He quit school and moved to Nebraska where he learned to be a pilot.

  48. D. Lindbergh used this additional training to get a job as an airmail pilot, flying out of St. Louis, Missouri.

  49. C. Working with an aviation company from San Diego, and with financial help from the city of St. Louis, Lindbergh get a customized(定制的)airplane that could make the journey.

  50. A.He has received a Medal of Honor, the highest United States military decoration.

  第6部分 完形填空











  60 improvers

  61 than

  62 at

  63 association


  65 important








