演讲技巧 百分网手机站


时间:2018-01-17 14:29:50 演讲技巧 我要投稿


  And the second reason is that we are not living in a world where everything is depicted as good. We are living in a world of good and evil, evil and holy. So, to that extent, if I am confined in a world where everything is depicted as good, I will feel quite perplexed when I am facing the real world. Does the real world really resemble what I read in the novel? We need something positive, also we need something cynical.

  And the third reason is that our generation, I believe, have the sense of self-discipline. We can make our own decision. For our parents, for our families and for the government, they should resume, assume the responsibility to remind us that what is good, what is bad, what is cynical Make our voice be heard. This is my answer and I am not afraid of tile side effects of those literature.

  Thank you very much. 本段谈论演讲人的第二个观点:世界亦非完美无暇,文学就应该反应真实的.世界。


  Host: And, the topic for your speech will be... In spite of the fact that there is cutthroat competition within the film industry in China, there continues to be a steep increase in the number of applicants for places at Chinese art institutes. According to a Beiiing-based newspaper, more than ten thousand applicants waited in line on a single day to register to apply for the Beijing Film Academy. How do you perceive this struggle for stardom?

  Thank you for the difficult question.

  But in the city where I come as cutthroat as the one in Beijing here

  开场白中difficult的使用充分显示了演讲人的机智。因为这与普通的接题方式Thank you for the question劣势,但她却巧妙的地使用but转而谈到香港的情况;also的使用使演讲的主题不变。同时听众理解到演讲者要从另外一个角度解释同一个问题。这种角度的变换使演讲者的劣势变成了优势。听众既为其率真而打动,又为其智慧而折服。And there's this little five year old boy, and he has won five consecutive championships, and then, of course, there were interviews and the news coverage, and everything. And when the general public read the newspaper. They frown at it. They said, "what a silly idea, to think about becoming a star." And when Andy Lau -- I'm sure all of you blow him, tile famous singer and actor -- when he read the newspaper, he said, "Wow, that's great! But ask the boy to work hard. It's not easy."

  这里演讲人以演唱比赛为切人点,以小男孩的参舞,点出了香港人对当明星十分热衷。以此呼应主持人提问。并且演讲人Support points with specifics.以典型的例子支持论点。明星刘德华在内 地有很高的知名度,他的勤奋也是众所周知,以他的话为例,让人十分信服。本段对general public和Andy Lau不同态度的对 比,可以引起听众的思考。对比之中必有抑扬,也让听众对下段演讲人过渡到自己的观点有了思 想上的准备

  Ladies and gentlemen, I think if we use the word "struggle", isn't it a bit too negative? I think better word for it is "strive." Being a star is also profession. It is also a job that you need to work hard at. Success does not come easy. Well, if we take a look at famous actors and actresses such as lackie Chart, Chow Yun Fat, Andy Lau, Tony Lun, they are all in their mid-forties, and even fifties. Yet, what do they have in common? When they first became..., when they first started their careers as a star, or as an actor, they were described as "Cinema Poison," meaning nobody would see their films. But did they give up? No, they didn't, they didn't give up. They have been working hard all the way. And now they are famous. All over the world. All over Asia. And are they proud of themselves? Well, I suppose so. But still they work very hard. Look at Andy Lau. He's still striving for the best all the time. Every year are awards. 本段中演讲人明确地提出了自己的观点。并且在临场仍然明确地区分struggle和strive,显示出演讲人深厚的语言功底。演讲人接着由例子过渡到谈话主题:当明星是一种职业,巧妙地把struggle的主题过渡到strive,进而谈到Being a star is also a profession.把不熟悉的主题struggle过渡到谈明星的成功这个比较熟悉的话题。这种演讲技巧十分重要,因为在短暂的几十秒钟内谈论一个十分陌生的话题,实在有难度,但是这位演讲者的巧妙过渡,既没有跑题,又谈了熟悉的话题,因此这种技巧值得学习。同时,本段列举众多内地观众十分熟悉地明星成名经历作为brief examples,做论据,支持自己的观点,使论据可靠而有力。这两句话Al lover the world.All over Asia

  possess if you want to be a star. Of Course be like Andy Lau, like Chow Yun Fat. They're all very hard-working.

  industry. This genuine interest is very a lot of people are interested in the the money, well, then, I do can be a star. There are people who have a genuine been acting in secondary schools, in college like that. They have a genuine interest. Yet, then go for it.

  本段讨论了成为明星的第三个素质:感兴趣[genuine Interest],并且列举了生活中的一些实例[people only interested in money rather than film industry)来论证自己的观点。这样在立论的同时也驳斥了为金钱而当明星的错误观点。有立有废,论证严谨

  Ladies and gentlemen, well, I think the competition is also good. When there's a competition, we can ensure the quality. When there's no competition, well, we have to have whatever is given to us. When there's competition, we can pick what we want. Isn't that something good?

  Ladies and gentlemen, it is what I think for that struggle for stardom.

  Thank you very much.

  结论部分是one—sentence review of the points she presented in her talk.由“为当明星而打拼”引申到一般意义上的竞争,既紧扣主题,又加以升华。以一个反问句Isn't it something good?结尾,进一步强化了演讲人的观点。这样的结尾达到了short and to the point的效果。通过Ladies and gentlemen提示听众演讲接近尾声,重提主持人的问题,以告知听众她一直围绕这个主题展开演讲,给听众一个完整的结尾。


  即兴演讲(impromptu speech),顾名思义,就是指临场的、毫无准备的演讲。在前面所提到的两大比赛中,即兴演讲所占时间为1~3分钟,分值所占比重为30%~40%,在比赛中的地位十分重要。如果参赛选手想要取得优秀的成绩,那么就一定要在该部分取得高分。 即兴演讲对于使用母语演讲的人来说都非常困难,更何况是使用非母语演讲的选手?这部分非常具有挑战性,主要考察选手多方面能力:思维能力、逻辑能力和语言能力。思维能力是指选手在毫无准备的情况下对某一问题的分析能力,对问题理解的深度和宽度等;逻辑能力主要指选手是否有全局观,是否能合理搭筑整个演讲的框架,所阐述观点的层次性是否清晰;而语言能力则是指选手即席用英语进行交流沟通的能力,可检验选手的英语语言熟练度和准确度如何。那么如何应对即兴演讲呢?



  Is marking western holidays a sign of a traditions sacrificed to commercial interests

  If you were one representative of what advice would you give the government?

  极强挑战性的原因之一。 便谈论起某一个话题时言之有物,有的放矢;要求演讲者平时养成思考的习惯,多听不同的声音,从不同角度看问题,看问题有想法、有深度。这些都是赛前的准备工作,应多积累、丰富自己的知识内容,强化自己的观点。





  "If indeed I had a chance to choose for my life again, I think the time setting I would

  choose is in the late 1970s and the early 1980s. That was when the Chinese government began to adopt the policy of reform and openness. And the place setting I would choose is in some places in the western part of China. Why? Let me share with you my reasons. Well, when I firstly saw this, errr, heard this topic, I think it reminded me of an experience a few years ago. I still clearly remember that, uhh, at that time, some fellow students and I went to visit a primary school in a very poor village and we were working as tutors there. There, all the classrooms were in a very old building and many windows and doors were broken, so, when it was raining, all the children had to move to a corner in order not to get wet. Inside the classroom, five to six children were sharing one desk normally shared by two and many of the desks and chairs were broken, too.

  And immediately after we began to teach them English, it became very clear to us that many of these students were very diligent and were very willing to work hard. But later on, as we talked among ourselves, we got to know that they, many of them, could not finish their schooling just because of poverty. I think that this experience enabled us to see that we belong to a few group of, a group of few people that are fortunately enough to receive a college education."






  在“21世纪(澳门之星杯”2006年第11届全国英语演讲比赛中复旦大学的胡懿在即兴演讲(Should laws be fixed or flexible?)中是这样说的,

  "Well, actually, very accidentally this morning, when we were sort of "imprisoned" in that

  preparing room, actually we had a fierce debate over law. And now I would like to share some of my thoughts with you on whether we should adopt flexible laws or fixed laws.

  Well, first of all, I admit that there are some cases of injustice in our society. For example, last year there was a famous case of Wang Bingyu, which aroused a great controversy in society. Actually Wang Bingyu was a migrant worker, who failed for several times to get his payment from his boss. And obviously that boss treated him very badly. He didnt send him to hospital when he was ill, and he didnt treat him with very good food and also made him make, do extra work without any extra money. And out of a rage, Wang killed several of the, several people in charge, out of a great rage. And that case aroused a great controversy in society. Actually when I read the story, I did show some sympathy for that guy, because I think it was the fault of the boss in the first place. It was him that didnt pay him the payment that he deserved. So I feel sympathetic for him."





  难胜出。这点在CCTV如在2005年CCTV, “Who should be the focus of investment in sports, the general population or potential Olympic champions?”当时他的回答是不偏不倚的,很显然二者都应该被照顾到,给予资金的扶持。但问题是,在这种情况下,他必须要做出选择,而不能徘徊于两者之间。否则,评委和听众就会怀疑你的态度和出发点,演讲效果自然也就大打折扣。

  (2) 观点的严谨性


  * 观点本身能够站得住脚,有充足的材料可以说明论证。

  * 表达观点的语言本身要严谨,准确,尽量避免绝对化的字眼,如 “never, every, all, nothing, nobody“等,这些绝对化判断太容易遭到攻击。

  * 观点需要限制和修饰。要用发展性的眼光来处理你的观点。以上面那个题目来为例,如果既有大量资金扶持运动员又能让普通群众受益,那是最好的,但这是一种理想的画面。现实往往和理想有一段距离,现阶段没有足够的资金平衡二者的利益,答案又是什么呢?你可以有自己的看法和答案,但一定要有充足的论据支持。请注意:刚才我使用了现阶段三个字。这就意味着是用发展的眼光来看到问题,不仅要看到事物的现阶段,也要看到将来发展的方向——也就是期望得到的理想状态,即两类人群都会受益。

  * 承认你的观点有修正和完善的余地。你的观点可能只是你目前认识的一个方面,或者是现阶段你的一种想法,它仍然有完善的余地








