小学辅导 百分网手机站


时间:2017-10-29 09:34:09 小学辅导 我要投稿





  1.th__ __ 那么,就 2.l __ t 让

  3.s__ __ __ t __ __ __s 有时 4.g __ __ e 给

  5.n __ __ __ t 夜晚 6.f __ __ m 从...起

  7.pl __ __ gr__ __nd 操场,运动场 8.f __ __ 达,计

  9.h__ __ vy 重的 10.t __ 直到


  1.trick or treat _______________ 2.tidy up ______________

  3.lots of________________ 4.tell stories________________

  5.look different ________________


  ( )1. There are many ________ over there.

  A. sweet B. sweets C. egg

  ( )2.There ________ a clock here before.

  A. is B. isn’t C. wasn’t

  ( )3. - Do you like the park now?

  - Yes, I _______.

  A. do B. did C. don’t

  ( )4. There ______ tall trees now.

  A. were B. are C. is

  ( )5.There wasn’t a _______ in my family.

  A. child B. children C. boys

  ( )6.Please help _____ put the bags in the car.

  A.I B. me C. his

  ( )7.Many families go _____ the supermarkets together.

  A. on B. at C. to

  ( )8.Look _____ the hats and the masks.

  A. at B. in C. to

  ( )9.It’s ______ autumn festival in the UK.

  A. a B. an C. /

  ( )10.How ______ eggs are there?

  A. many B. much C. to

  ( )11.Children wear ______ clothes at Halloween.

  A. beautiful B. big C. scary

  ( )12.How _______ your school?

  A. at B. many C. about

  ( )13.I’m going __________.

  A. playing football B. to play football C. to playing football

  ( )14.Please _____ to my birthday party.

  A. come B. to come C. comes

  ( )15. - What’s that?

  - ____________.

  A. It’s Monday. B. It’s a cat. C. I’m eleven.


  ( )1.You were in China for two years.

  A.你在中国待了两年了。 B.你在英国待了两年了。

  ( )2. Then let’s feed the ducks.

  A.然后我们就可以吃饭了。 B.那么让我们喂这些鸭子吧。

  ( )3. They are my brothers and me.

  A.他是我的哥哥。 B.他们是我的哥哥和我

  ( )4.What a big supermarket!

  A.这个超市真大呀! B.我们一起去超市吧!

  ( )5.This one is heavy. I can’t carry it.

  A.这个太沉了,我搬不动。 B.这个很轻,我能搬动。

  ( )6.You are helpful children.

  A.你喜欢帮助孩子们。 B.你们真是乐于助人的孩子。

  ( )7. Sometimes there are restaurants at the supermarket.

  A.有时超市里有餐馆。 B.我喜欢餐馆和超市

  ( )8. It’s really fun.

  A.你很有趣。 B.它真的相当有趣。

  ( )9. Do you know why?

  A.你知道为什么吗? B.你几岁了?

  ( )10.He’s telling a story.

  A.他有许多故事。 B.他正在讲故事。