英语写作 百分网手机站


时间:2018-03-21 10:08:27 英语写作 我要投稿





  Ching Ming Festival, our school holiday three days. Noon meal, I asked Grandma: "grandma, we have the grave?" "No"!" Grandma should. "We're ready to go." Prepare ritual items, I can not wait to go to grave with his family. Halfway, I suddenly have a question "why should the Qingming grave?" So I asked Dad, dad gave up off the reel "Qingming Festival is the first solar term of lunar new year in March, it is a day in the Ming Dynasty Spring returns to the earth, when." Dad paused and then said "Tomb-sweeping Day sweeping custom from the Qin and Han Dynasties began. On the one hand, miss the deceased relatives, on the other hand, worship their ancestors, the ancestors expect family descendants happiness and health." I see to the grave People are hurrying to and fro. situation can not help, help the aged and the young, reminds me of the Song Dynasty Zhang Zeduan "Qingming Festival". It is "Qingming rain have, the pedestrian on the road."


  清明节到了,我们学校放假三天。中午吃过饭,我问奶奶:“奶奶,我们扫墓了没有呀?”“没呢!”奶奶应声道。“我们准备下就去。” 准备齐祭祀物品,我迫不及待随着家人去扫墓了。走到半路,我突然产生了一个疑问“为什么清明要扫墓呢?”于是我询问起爸爸来,爸爸滔滔不绝地讲了起来“清明是农历三月的第一个节气,正是大地回春,一片天清气明的时候。”爸爸顿了顿接着讲道“清明节扫墓的习俗是从秦汉以后才开始的。一方面怀念亡故的亲人,另一方面祭祀先祖,期望祖先保佑家族后人幸福健康。” 我看到人来人往前往扫墓,扶老携幼的情形,不由得让我想起了宋朝张择端的《清明上河图》。真是“清明时节雨纷纷,路上行人欲断魂。”


  There are so many traditional festivals in China, and Ching Ming Festival is one of them. The solar calendar year in April 5th is Tomb-sweeping Day. Tomb-sweeping Day is what we miss and hold a memorial ceremony for the festival.

  Tomb-sweeping Day this year, my grandma and grandpa, dad and mom have to pay homage to their ancestors. I can't tell what it feels like.

  Tomb-sweeping Day day early in the morning, we have one family first ready to pay homage to their ancestors. One car came to the ancestral grave, gave them from food, wine, candles. Give our ancestors burned paper money, put the gun. Then, mom and dad to clear up the paper, my grandmother also told me to use the toilet paper or put it on the top of the stone pressure, said the family has come. Finally, we stand in a row in front of the ancestors of the silent prayer. After that, we will leave the graves of ancestors reluctant to part of the home.

  This is the Qingming Festival in our hometown.







  Tomb-sweeping Day is a Chinese Folk Festival is an important traditional festival, eight important "(spring, summer, Qingming, Dragon Boat Festival, the Mid Autumn Festival, the winter solstice and, in one of the new year's Eve). Tomb-sweeping Day general in April 5th of the Gregorian calendar, but the festival is very long, there are ten days before and eight days after ten days before the ten days after the two claims, the nearly twenty days are Tomb-sweeping Day.

  The origin of Tomb-sweeping Day, reportedly began in the ancient emperor "Muji", later folk also follow, in this day worship graves, ancient lineage and become a fixed custom of the Chinese nation. Originally, the cold food festival and Tomb-sweeping Day are two different festivals, to the Tang Dynasty, the days of grave worship as the cold food festival. The festival is on the right day of the one hundred and five day after the winter solstice, about two days before Qingming, because of similar, so the Ching Ming and cold food into day.

  Tomb-sweeping Day customs, pay attention to the fire, grave, as well as spring outing swinging Cuju, playing polo Liu inserted......

  This is the origin and customs of the Ching Ming Festival













