英语词汇 百分网手机站


时间:2017-09-17 11:39:56 英语词汇 我要投稿



  1. I think I'll subscribe the newspaper. (x)

  I think I'll take 1 subscribe to the newspaper. (√)

  “订阅报纸/杂志”应该用take / subscribe to sth.

  2. Vitamin pills are no substitution for a balanced diet. (x)

  Vitamin pills are no substitute for a balanced diet.(√)

  substitution是指“替换(人或物)”的.动作或行为,如:The substitution was made ten minutes before the end of the game.(在比赛结束前十分钟做了换人的调整。)substitute是指“替换的人/物”。

  3. Our team suffered from two defeats last week.(x)

  Our team suffered two defeats last week.(√)

  suffer from+疾病/贫穷/饥饿等,表“遭受·一的痛苦”,如:The patient suffers from Alzheier's disease.(这名病人患有早老性痴呆病。)suffer+受伤/疼痛/损失/挫败,不搭配from。

  4. It was a suicidal attack, if I remember correctly.(x)

  It was a suicide attack, if I remember correctly.(√)

  suicidal是形容词,表“想自杀的”,如:The patient has suicidal tendencies.(这名病人有自杀的倾向。)a suicide attack / bombing / mission表“一个自杀式的攻击/轰炸/任务”,是固定用法。

  5. In the morning we did some sunbath on the beach.(x)

  In the morning we did some sunbathing on the beach.(√)

  sunbath这个词并不存在。欲表达“做日光浴”,须用sunbathe或go sunbathing / do some sunbathing。

  6. A lot of medical supply will be sent to the war-torn country.(x)

  A lot of medical supplies will be sent to the war-torn country. (√)

  表“补给”或“供应”的行为时,supply是不可数名词,如:Oil is in short supply because of the war.(因为战争,油的供应减少。)表“补给品”或“需用物资”时,恒用复数的supplies。

  7. Will she take the supportive role in the film?(x)

  Will she take the supporting role in the film?(√)

  supportive表“(态度)支持的”,如:My family was very supportive when I decided to join the army.(当我决定要从军时,我的家人都很支持我。)表影视剧中的“配角”,限用supporting来修饰。

  8. I'll surely stand up for you if anyone criticizes you.(x)

  fll definitely stand up for you if anyone criticizes you.(√)

  陈述你认为某事为真时,可用surely或definitely,如:It is surely / definitely the stupidest thing she has ever said.(这肯定是她曾讲过的最愚蠢的话。)强调某事一定会发生时,限用definitely.

  9. He was taken to the hospital with suspicious concussion.(x)

  He was taken to the hospital with suspected concussion.(√)

  suspicious表:(1)(生性)怀疑的,如:She is suspicious of every stramger.(她怀疑每一个陌生人。)(2)可疑的,如:There's something suspicious about his leaving so soon.(他离开的匆忙,有点可疑。)suspected表“被怀疑(染病/犯罪)”,如:The suspected arsonist was arrested.(这名涉嫌纵火者被逮捕了。)

  10. Let's go for swimming this afternoon.(x)

  Let's go swimming 1 for a swim this afternoon.(√)

  “去游泳”的说法是go swimming或go for a swim或take / have a dip。








