英语词汇 百分网手机站


时间:2018-03-28 09:04:05 英语词汇 我要投稿


  35. church go to church; attend church 去教堂做礼拜

  36. cinema 电影院 go to the cinema

  37. circle n. 圆圈 vi 环绕,盘旋 The plane circled over the airport before landing.

  38.●circulate v. 循环,流传,传阅

  circulate sth (to sb.) The document will be circulated to all members.

  39.●clarify v.澄清,阐明,使…..纯净 clarify a situation/ problem/ issue

  clarification n. seek clarification of

  40. class after class; have classes; the first class 头等; the working class 工人阶级

  41.●classify把……分类为 classify…into…

  classify sb./ sth as … Only eleven of these accidents were classified as major.

  42. clean v. 打扫;弄干净 clean up;clean the table/the room adj. 清洁的

  43. clear adj. 清晰的 clear water; clear glass; a clear explanation; make oneself clear

  v 清除,放晴 clear away 雾烟等消散;clear up (天气)放晴; clearly adv.

  44. close vt. 关闭 adj. 近的;亲密的 adv. 近地

  closely adv. 密切地;仔细地 watch closely 密切注视;仔细观察

  a close friend; be/stand/get close to;

  close the door/eyes; with his eyes closed/open close down 关闭、倒闭

  45. cloth u/c 布料,抹布; a piece of cloth; a table cloth;

  clothing u/n (总称) 衣服 a piece of clothing; an article of clothing clothes(pl.) 衣服;

  46. coast 海岸 on/along the coast 在岸上/沿岸 off the coast 离海岸不远的地方

  47. coffee a cup of coffee; a coffee/two coffees

  48. coin c/n Every coin has two sides. 事物皆有两面性

  49.●coincidence n.共同发生,巧合

  by coincidence what a coincidence a strange/ remarkable coincidence

  50. collect vt. 收集;搜集 collect stamps/stamp collecting 集邮

  51.●collection收藏品 a stamp collection have a large collection of books

  52.●combine使联合,使结合 combine A with/ and B

  53. come came-came-come come up with 提出;想出

  come across 偶遇; come about 产生,发生; come on 加油;快点;得啦

  come true 实现; come up 走近;被提出;想起;发芽come out 出来;出版

  54. comfort v. 安慰 u/n 舒适 live in comfort 生活安逸; a comfort 令人安慰的人或事 comfortable adj. live a comfortable life comfortably adv. live comfortably

  55.●command n.&v 命令,指挥,支配

  at /by one’s command get command of under one’s command

  have a good command of command sb. to do sth.

  command that clause (should do)

  56. ◎comment n. 评论 make a comment on /about sth

  vi comment on/ upon sth

  57.●commit犯, 干(坏事)等 commit murder/ suicide commit sb/ yourself to sth/ doing commit yourself (to sth): You don’t have to commit yourself now, just think about it.

  58. common a common mistake 常见错误; common practice 惯例; common sense 常识 have much/a lot/ little/nothing in common; in common with… 和……一样

  59. ◎communicate vt 传达,传递(想法,感情,思想等) communication n

  He was eager to communicate his ideas to the group.

  vi 与某人交流(信息或消息,意见等),沟通 communicate with sb

  60. company u/n. 交往;陪伴 c/n. 公司 keep sb. company 陪伴某人

  61. compare compare…with… 把…和…比较 ; compare…to… 把…比作… compared with/to (作状语) 与…相比 Compared with/to other people, he is fortunate.

  62.●compensate 补偿,赔偿,弥补 compensate for sth compensate sb for sth

  63. ◎compete vi 比赛,竞赛 competition n. compete with / against sb in sth for sth

  64. complete adj. 完整的 v. 完成、结束 a complete story 完整的故事

  complete the project completely adv. be completely destroyed 彻底毁坏

  65. ●compromise妥协;折中,互让;和解

  agree on a compromise make a compromise with by compromise

  reach/ come to/ arrive at/ work out a compromise

  66.●compulsory强制的,义务的 It is compulsory for sb to do

  compulsory purchase

  67. ◎concentrate v. 集中(思想等) concentration n

  I can’t concentrate with that noise going on.

  concentrate (sth) on (doing) sth 集中…做…

  I decided to concentrate all my efforts on finding somewhere to live

  68. ◎concern v

  1) 让某人担忧 What concerns me is our lack of preparation for the change.

  2) 与…有关 be concerned with

  3) 关心,挂念 be concerned about

  4) 就…而言 as far as sb is concerned n. show a /no concern about

  concerning prep. 关系到, 涉及

  He asked me several questions concerning the future of the company.

  69. concert 音乐会;演奏会 go to a concert a live concert 现场演奏的音乐会

  70. ◎conclude v

  1) 结束 conclude (sth)(with sth) He concluded by wishing everyone a safe trip home.

  2) 推断出conclude sth from sth What do you conclude from that?

  conclusion n. draw /reach /come to a conclusion 得出结论

  It is compulsory for all motorcyclists to wear helmets. compulsory education/ schooling

  in conclusion 总之,最后 In conclusion, I would like to thank you.

  71.●concrete,明确的,具体的 concrete floor concrete evidence

  72.●condemn vt. 谴责;判刑;宣告……有罪(与to连用) 迫使…接受(困境),使…注定

  condemn sb/ sth for… condemn sb. to be condemned/ sentenced to…

  73. condition 状况;条件

  in good/excellent/bad/poor condition 处于良好/极佳/糟糕的状况

  out of condition 不在状况; living conditions 生活条件

  * on condition that (连词) 如果;条件是

  They agreed to lend us the car on condition that (only if) we returned it before the weekend.

  74. ◎conduct vt.

  1) 引导,带领 conduct sb around sp 2) 实施,执行 conduct an experiment

  3) 指挥 conduct a concert 4) 传导 conduct electricity

  5) 举止,表现 conduct oneself n. 行为,举止

  75. ◎confident adj. be confident about/of sth

  confidence n. 1) gain/lose confidence 2) have confidence in sb/sth

  3) be in sb’s confidence 受某人信任,是某人的心腹

  4) take sb into your confidence 向某人吐露内心秘密

  76. ◎confirm vt. 证实,批准,确认 confirm sth/ that/wh-

  Rumours of job losses were later confirmed.

  Has everyone confirmed (that) they are coming? Can you confirm what happened?

  77.●conflict : in conflict with

  78. ◎confuse vt 1)使糊涂,使迷惑

  They confused me with conflicting accounts of what happened.

  2) 混淆 confuse A with/and B Be careful not to confuse quality with quantity.

  confusion n. 1) confusion about/over sth 困惑

  There is a confusion about what the correct procedure should be.

  2) confusion between A and B 混淆 confusion between letters like ―o‖ or ―a‖

  79. congratulation n祝贺名词常用复数 Congratulations to you !

  congratulate v congratulate sb. on sth. 祝贺某人在某方面……

  80. connect v. 1) connect A to/with/ and B 使连接,联结

  The towns are connected by trains and bus services.

  2) connect sth (to sth) 接通,使…连接 First connect the printer to the computer.

  3) connect sb / sth (with sb / sth) , be connected with 与…有联系/关联

  Theory is closely connected with practice.

  4)为某人接通电话 Hold on, please, I’m trying to connect you.

  81. ◎connection n. 连接物,接触,联系 in connection with sb/ sth 与…有关

  A man has been arrested in connection with the murder of the manager.

  82. ◎consequence n. 结果,后果;重要性,重大

  as a consequence /result in consequence 结果

  as a consequence /result of in consequence of 由于

  83. consider 1) 认为;把……看做; 2) 考虑

  1) consider sth/doing sth/wh- 考虑 We are considering buying a new car.

  He was considering what to do next.

  2) consider sb/sth (as /to be) sth 认为 This award is considered (to be ) a great honor.

  3) sb be considered to have done sth 认为某人已经做了某事

  Bell is considered to have invented the telephone.

  4) all things considered 从各方面看来,总而言之