

时间:2024-06-12 15:55:01 英语听说 我要投稿
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  第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)




  例:How much is the shirt?

  A. 19.15. B. 9.18. C. 9.15.


  1. What is Kate doing?

  A. Boarding a flight. B. Arranging a trip. C. Seeing a friend off.

  2. What are the speakers talking about?

  A. A pop star. B. An old song. C. A radio program.

  3. What will the speakers do today?

  A. Go to an art show.

  B. Meet the man’s aunt.

  C. Eat out with Mark.

  4. What does the man want to do?

  A. Cancel an order.

  B. Ask for a receipt.

  C. Reschedule a delivery.

  5. When will the next train to Bedford leave?

  A. At 9:45. B. At 10:15. C. At 11:00.

  第二节 (共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)



  6. What will the weather be like today?

  A. Stormy. B. Sunny. C. Foggy.

  7. What is the man going to do?

  A. Plant a tree. B. Move his car. C. Check the map.


  8. Why is Kathy in California now?

  A. She is on vacation there.

  B. She has just moved there.

  C. She is doing business there.

  9. What is the relationship between Tom and Fiona?

  A. Husband and wife.

  B. Brother and sister.

  C. Father and daughter.

  10. What does Kathy thank Dave for?

  A. Finding her a new job.

  B. Sending her a present.

  C. Calling on her mother.

  听第8段材料,回答第 11至 13 题。

  11. How did Jack go to school when he was a child?

  A. By bike. B. On foot. C. By bus.

  12. What is Jack’s attitude toward parents driving their kids to school?

  A. Disapproving. B. Encouraging. C. Understanding.

  13.What is the problem with some parents according to the woman?

  A. Overprotecting their children.

  B. Pushing their children too hard.

  C. Having no time for their children.


  14. Why did Marie post her kitchen gardening online at first?

  A. To keep records of her progress.

  B. To sell home-grown vegetables.

  C. To motivate her fellow gardeners.

  15. Why does Marie recommend beginners to grow strawberries?

  A. They need no special care.

  B. They can be used in cooking.

  C. They bear a lot of fruit soon.

  16. What is difficult for Marie to grow?

  A. Herbs. B. Carrots. C. Pears.

  17. What is Marie’s advice to those interested in kitchen gardening?

  A. Aim high. B. Keep focused. C. Stay optimistic.


  18. What is “Life of Johnson”?

  A. A magazine column. B. A TV series. C. A historical novel.

  19. What is Johnson famous for?

  A. His acting talent.

  B. His humorous writing.

  C. His long sports career.

  20. When did Johnson join Sports Times?

  A. In 1981. B. In 1983. C. In 1985.


  1. C 2. B 3. A 4. C 5. A

  6. A 7. B 8. B 9. B 10. C

  11. B 12. C 13. A 14. A 15. C

  16. B 17. C 18. A 19. B 20. C


  Text 1

  M: Thanks for the wonderful weekend,Kate.

  W: Thats okay. Bob and I are glad you came to see us.

  M: Oh, I have to go in. My flight will take off soon. Do contact me when youre in Sydney.

  W: Sure, we will.

  Text 2

  W: Paul, listen to the radio. Its Youve Stolen My Heart, one of the songs played at our wedding.

  M: Yeah, how beautiful! Its been popular for almost two decades.

  Text 3

  W: David, forget about Mark. His aunt is in town, so he cant go with us today.

  M: Oh, what a pity! Its the last day of the art show.

  Text 4

  W: How may I help you?

  M: I bought a desk and asked for it to be delivered to my house this Friday.

  W: Yes, whats the problem ?

  M: I need to have it delivered this Saturday.

  Text 5

  W: Next,please.

  M: Oh, hi, I missed my 9 oclock train to Bedford. Do I have to buy another ticket?

  W: No. The next train leaves at a quarter to ten at Platform 11.

  M: Thank you.

  Text 6

  W: Honey, have you checked todays weather forecast?

  M: Yes, its cold and wet. There is a warning for strong winds up to 100 kilometers per hour.

  W: What are we going to do then ?

  M: Nothing much. Just stay indoors. There is a risk of falling trees and power lines.

  W: Right.

  M: And the low temperatures could bring snow to the forest area.

  W: I hope its over quickly.

  M: Well, it wont get better until late Wednesday. Anyway, I have to move the car away from the trees.

  W: Yeah, you cannot be too careful.

  Text 7

  W: Hello,Dave.This is Kathy from Sunny California.

  M: Hi,Kathy. You finally call. How was the move? All settled in?

  W: Sorry, I hadnt called sooner, but its been a busy month. Were slowly getting things set up in our new home.

  M: Yeah, I understand. How are Jeff and the children?

  W: Jeff is doing well with his new job, Tom has made many new friends here and has a lot to do. Fiona is fine, though she misses her grandma. By the way,thank you for looking in on my mother from time to time. I call her every week, but it isnt the same as seeing her.

  Text 8

  W: Jack, how did you get to school when you were in primary school?

  M: I lived close to my school, so I walked every day. Why?

  W: Well, I remember that when we were kids, we often walked, rode a bike, or caught the bus to school. Few of us were dropped off at the school gate by our parents.

  M: I see what you mean. These days you can see traffic jams around schools that drop off and pick up times. But its hard to blame the parents. They have good reasons for driving their kids to school, mostly to do with safety and convenience.

  W: You have a point there, but it could also mean children are missing out on much needed exercise and other life skills. Some parents are just being overprotective, with their children learning nothing, but living in fear of everything. Studies have found that children who spend more time outside tend to be healthier, better adjusted, and better at dealing with stress.

  Text 9

  M: So, Marie, your kitchen garden looks excellent. What made you turn to social media to record your vegetable growing?

  W: Initially, I used the online platform as a diary, something to look back on, giving me a sense of achievement and keeping me motivated and moving forward. As time went by, other gardeners and like-minded people began to follow my progress, too.

  M: I know you grow lots of fruit on your land. Which would you recommend to beginners as the best to grow?

  W: Strawberries would be a good choice. They produce a lot of fruit in their first season.

  M: Thats cool. Well, do you have plans to try new or any particular crops next year?

  W: Next season, I will be adding some pear trees to the fruit area. I will be adding more herbs, which I can use in the kitchen. And, after a couple of years of failure, I will try growing carrots again.

  M: What advice would you offer someone thinking of doing kitchen gardening?

  W: Have a plan of what you want your kitchen garden to look like. Dont be too discouraged if things dont go according to plan. Learn from your mistakes and move on. Theres always next season.

  Text 10

  Welcome to Meet the Author. Well, many readers ofSports Timesturn to the last page of their magazine first in order to read Jacob Johnsons weekly article under the title, Life of Johnson. The articles, along with his novels and essay collections, have earned Johnson the reputation as one of the funniest humans on the planet. Johnson began writing about sports as a second-year student at the University of Colorado, covering high school volleyball games for his hometown newspaper. After graduating in 1981, he moved on to work at The Denver Weekly for two years and the Los Angeles Post for two more years before landing at Sports Times. He has been voted National Sports Writer of the Year 11 times. So now, lets welcome the funny man with serious talent, Jacob Johnson.









