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英语阅读高考冲刺题 经历感悟

时间:2017-06-11 14:25:56 英语阅读 我要投稿

英语阅读高考冲刺题 经历感悟


英语阅读高考冲刺题 经历感悟






  The Scottish government has raised its target for sourcing electricity from renewable energy by 30 percentage points.

  Three years ago,it set out to achieve 50% from green power within 10 years.

  But new industry research suggested that the country's renewable energy potential was bigger than thought.

  First Minister Alex Salmond has now announced that the government is setting a new target of 80% of electricity from renewables by 2020.

  He said: “We are already on the path to a low carbon economy—Scotland gets nearly a quarter of its electricity from green sources.”

  “Scotland is ideally placed to help lead the renewables revolution and thinking of the levels of planned investment over the next decade.”

  “I believe it is now time to aim higher and to go further.”

  An independent analysis was commissioned by Scottish Renewables into the country's renewable energy potential,which includes power drawn from wind,tidal,wave and hydro turbines,and energy from waste.

  It said the 2007 target of sourcing 50% of power needs from green sources within 10 years could easily be reached.

  It said it should reach 31% by next year,and there are several large projects which have already won approval and will come_on_stream after that.

  At a conservative estimate of increased generation and reduced demand,the country could have 81% renewable electricity within a decade,consultants Garrad Hassan claimed.

  With more ambitious assumptions about investment and consumption,renewables could provide 123% of Scotland's power needs.The surplus could be used for exports,requiring improved connectors out of Scotland.


  ①commission vt.委任;委托 ②turbine n.涡轮 ③surplus n.盈余

  长短句分析:An independent analysis was commissioned by Scottish Renewables into the country's renewable energy potential,which includes power drawn from wind,tidal,wave and hydro turbines,and energy from waste.

  句法点睛:这是一个比较复杂的复合句。“into the country's renewable energy potential”为介词短语,修饰analysis,而后面的which引导的定语从句也修饰analysis。


  【语篇解读】 在过去的几年里,苏格兰的绿色能源已经产生了非常好的效果,原来预计的未来十年增长50%将改为80%。分析表明,苏格兰有巨大的绿色能源,如果将来苏格兰产生123%的国家所需能量,他们将把这些绿色能源出口,这将大大改善苏格兰与其他国家的合作。

  1.What's the best title of the passage?

  A.New target for Scottish renewable energy

  B.Plan for the usage of renewable energy in Scotland

  C.Hope for a low carbon economy

  D.Renewables in great need in Scotland

  答案 A [主旨大意题。全文讲述了苏格兰在绿色能源使用上取得初步成就后,订立新的目标,将低碳绿色能源进行到底的事情。B有一定的干扰性,联系全文可知,苏格兰已经实现了原来制定的使用绿色能源的目标,现在将未来十年的目标由原来的50%提高到80%。]

  2.From what First Minister Alex Salmond said we can infer ________.

  A.Scotland wants to be the top country using green sources

  B.Scotland is short of exports

  C.in the past Scotland didn't use renewable energy

  D.Scotland doesn't want to invest on green sources

  答案 A [推理判断题。联系他说的“Scotland is ideally placed to help lead the renewables revolution”可知,他的目标是苏格兰在绿色能源使用上处于领先地位。]

  3.What does the underlined phrase “come on stream” mean in the 10th paragraph?

  A.Sail on the river. B.Be discussed.

  C.Be put to an end to. D.Be carried out.

  答案 D [词义理解题。联系前面的“have already won approval”可知,一些工程项目已经得到支持,下一步就是实施,因此D项最佳。]

  4.What can we see from the last paragraph?

  A.Scotland wants to save some energy.

  B.Scotland will produce more renewables for other countries.

  C.Scotland will broaden its people's daily product consumption.

  D.Scotland will need more foreign investment.

  答案 B [主旨大意题。联系文章最后一句“The surplus could be used for exports”可知,未来苏格兰将产生国家所需要的123%的绿色能源,而盈余部分将用于出口。]