英语阅读 百分网手机站


时间:2017-07-12 15:42:06 英语阅读 我要投稿




  1 a host of 大量

  3 a test on 对……进行的测试

  4 a test with 用......进行的测试

  5 above all 最重要的是

  6 according to 根据

  7 achieve one's purpose 达到目的

  8 achieve success 获得成功

  9 achieve victory 获得胜利

  10 act on 遵照.......行动;作用于......

  11 add up to 总计,合计

  12 add…to 把…加到….

  13 adhere to 坚持,奉行

  14 after all 毕竟

  15 agree on 对……达成一致

  16 agree to 同意,接受

  17 agree with sb. 同意某人的话

  18 along with 和......一道,和......一起;

  19 amount to 合计,共计

  20 an equal to 与…(地位)相同的人/物

  21 anything but 一点也不

  22 anything like 像……那样的东西

  23 anywhere near 接近于

  24 apart form 除……之外尚有

  25 apply for 申请......

  26 argue against 反对

  27 as a result of 作为……的.结果,由于......

  28 as a result 作为结果,因此

  29 as a whole 作为一个整体,整个看来

  30 as for 至于,就...…方面说

  31 as if 好像,仿佛

  32 as soon as 一.......就......

  33 as though 好像,仿佛

  34 as to 至于,关于

  35 as well 也

  36 at a disadvantage 处于不利地位

  37 at a loss 不知所措

  38 at a time 每次,一次

  39 at all 丝毫,根本

  40 at any moment 随时

  41 at first 首先,开始

  42 at large 大多数

  43 at last 终于,最终

  44 at least 至少

  45 at length 最终,详细地

  46 at most 最多

  47 at no time 从不,决不

  48 at one time 曾经

  49 at the cost of 以……为代价

  50 at the least 至少

  51 at times 有时,间或

  52 at…speed 以……的速度

  53 attend on 照顾,侍候

  54 attribute…to... 把…...归于......

  55 back up 后退,支持

  56 be able to 能够

  57 be about to do sth 即将做某事

  58 be accustomed to习惯于......

  59 be associated with 与……有关

  60 be aware of 意识到

  61 be capable of 有能力做

  62 be confined to 限制在,局限于

  63 be confined/be restricted受……限制

  64 be dedicated to 奉献,献给

  65 be devoted to 贡献给

  66 be directed to 指向,针对

  67 be drawn to 被......所吸引

  68 be due to 由于,因此

  69 be exposed to 暴露在......下,接触......

  70 be fond of 喜爱

  71 be full of 充满

  72 be involved in 参与,参加

  73 be involved with 与……有关连

  74 be left to 留给......;由......来决定

  75 be limited to 限制在/限定在......

  76 be linked to/with something 与…连接

  77 be proud of 为......而骄傲

  78 be referred to 被提及

  79 be related to 与……有关

  80 be sick of 厌恶/讨厌......

  81 be suitable for 适合于

  82 be sure of 肯定......

  83 be tied by/with被……捆绑

  84 be tied to 束缚于,捆绑于

  85 be tired of 厌倦/厌烦......

  86 behind time 晚点

  87 better than 好于……

  88 beyond question 毋庸置疑

  89 break away 脱离,逃跑

  90 break down 损坏,分解,瓦解

  91 break into 闯入

  92 break off 断绝,结束

  93 break out 突发,爆发

  94 break through 突破

  95 break up 终止,结束,打碎

  96 bring about 产生

  97 bring forward 提出

  98 bring out 使出现;公布;出版

  99 bring up 提出,养育,呕吐

  100 by accident 偶然

  101 by all means 尽一切办法

  102 by contrast 对比之下

  103 by means of 用,依靠; 借助于

  104 by mistake 错误地

  105 by the way 顺便提一下

  106 by virtue of 凭借,借助;因为

  107 call for 邀请,要求,需要

  108 call off 放弃,取消

  109 call on/upon 访问,拜访

  110 care for 照顾,关心

  111 carry out 贯彻,执行,实现

  112 cast light on 阐明某事

  113 catch up with 赶上

  114 catch sight of 看见

  115 characterized by 以......为特征

  116 coincide with 与……相符

  117 come from 来自,来源于

  118 come out 出来,出版,结局是

  119 come to 等于,结果是; 总计,达到

  120 come under attack 受到打击

  121 consist of 由......组成

  122 be consistent in 在(某方面)一致

  123 contribute to 有助于,促进

  124 count on 指望

  125 cut away 砍掉

  126 cut down 削减

  127 cut out 删掉

  128 depend on 依靠,依赖

  129 die down 逐渐消失

  130 die off 相继死去

  131 die out 消失;灭绝

  132 difference in 在……方面的差别

  134 due to 由于,因为

  135 enter for 报名参加

  136 enter into 开始 (谈话,讨论)

  137 even if 即使

  138 even though 虽然,尽管

  139 be faithful to 忠心于

  140 fall from 从…...落下