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时间:2017-06-28 18:56:26 英语阅读 我要投稿


  As elections loom, Barack Obama tries to reformAmericas schools



  AMERICAS schools are dotted with stories ofprogress. In December your correspondentwatched a class of seven-year-olds on Chicagospoor West Side. As Mauricia Dantes, a consultant forIBM before she retrained as a teacher, led the pupilsin a discussion about the deaf-and-blind authorHelen Keller, one small girl declared: I feel like Im incollege. One day, thanks to Ms Dantes and other teachers, she may be.


  Barack Obama wants such scenes to be the rule rather than the exception. The question iswhat the federal government can do to help. Ten years ago Congress passed the No Child LeftBehind Act , a bold effort to improve Americas schools. On March 14th Mr Obamaannounced that he wants to pass a new version by August. It could be one of his mostimportant feats. But it will not be easy.
