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时间:2021-12-20 11:28:51 英语阅读 我要投稿




  高考英语阅读练习题及参考答案 篇1

  In the United States, Julia Roberts, Will Ferrell, Elton John and over 65 stars are coming together to have fun, raise money and change lives on The Red Nose Day Special.

  The Special will feature Julia Roberts’ recent trip to Phoenix to visit projects that take care of children who are facing serious health issues without the means to afford basic medical treatment. Jack Black, who went to Uganda last year to shed light on the issue of children living in poor conditions, returned to give a heartwarming report about Felix, a young boy he met there who had been living on the streets for three years. He will reveal what life is like for Felix today after being helped by a program that aims to change the lives of homeless kids.

  Music will also take centre stage, with both Elton John and Blake Shelton performing very special songs. The Red Nose Day Special also shows a great night of comedy, including Tracy Morgan putting his own unique spin on the classic Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs while reading to kids, and many other comedy acts.

  Red Nose Day launched in the U.S. in 2015 as a special day to come together, have fun and make a difference to kids who are most in need. In its first year in America, more than US $23 million was raised for the Red Nose Day Fund, with the money now at work in all 50 states across America and 15 countries internationally through programs to keep children and young people safe, healthy and educated.

  The money raised by Red Nose Day USA 2016 will help support projects in some of the neediest communities in the U.S. and some of the poorest communities in the world. People from all walks of life are encouraged to get involved, have fun and raise money by buying red noses sold only at Walgreens stores nationwide, organizing fundraising events and watching and donating during the television special.

  21. In the show, who went to Uganda and met Felix there?

  A. Julia Roberts. B. Will Ferrell.

  C. Elton John D. Jack Black.

  22. What is the fourth paragraph mainly about?

  A. The main activities on Red Nose Day.

  B. Information about Red Nose Day.

  C. The money raised by the Red Nose Day Fund every year.

  D. Information about The Red Nose Day Special.

  23. How can ordinary people raise money for Red Nose Day?

  A. By visiting the poorest communities.

  B. By having fun during the television special.

  C. By making red noses for sale at Walgreens stores.

  D. By organizing fundraising events.

  答案 21-23 DBD

  高考英语阅读练习题及参考答案 篇2

  Soot-also known as black carbon- heats up the atmosphere because it absorb sunlight. But for years the institutions that focus on climate policy have played down the role of pollutants such as black carbon that stay in the atmosphere for a short time and concentrated on carbon dioxide, which once created. tends to remain there. That may soon a change.

  A new study concluded that the soot was the second-most-damaging greenhouse agent after co and about twice as bad for the climate as had been thought until now. The consequences are intense. It found that the black carbon around at the moment has a warming effect of about 1.1 w/㎡. This is greater than that of methane(甲烷) and second only to the 1.7w/㎡ of carbon dioxide.

  Black carbon is especially damaging to frozen regions, because when soot falls on snow and ice it increases the amount of light and heat they absorb. The new assessment may therefore help explain why the Arctic has been melting faster than anyone had expected. The study argues that warming is likely to be especially marked in the high positions of the northern part of the globe-northern Canada. Alaska, northern Europe and Siberia. It also gives a warning that black carbon, by changing regional precipitation(区域性降水) patterns, may affect Asian monsoons(季风).

  The biggest impact of soot, though. is not on the climate but on health-through lung and other diseases. A study estimated that controlling releases of black carbon could save 2.4 million lives a year, regardless of any effects on the climate.

  It might seem that the new study is one more item of bad environmental news. Not so. It should be easier to deal with black carbon than with CO. Whereas CO is long-lasting and an unavoidable by-product of burning fossil fuels. soot drops out of the atmosphere within weeks. Stop putting it there and it will rapidly go away-a potentially easy win. Dealing with them is also cheaper than cutting CO releases and does not need global agreement, because the local benefits would be the main point, so no one could free-ride on the emission-cutting efforts of others. Instead, the good of the climate would be free-riding on local self-interest.

  (B) 32. Why have the institutions paid less attention to soot?

  A. It is too small in amount to be noticed.

  B. It just stays in the atmosphere for a short time.

  C. It belongs to carbon dioxide.

  D. It is beyond their study.


  (A) 33. Why has the Arctic been melting faster than expected?

  A. Soot has much stronger damaging power.

  B. People play down the role of soot.

  C. The amount of rain increases.

  D. The globe is becoming warmer.


  (D) 34. What is the fundamental reason for people to deal with soot?

  A. Soot can change regional precipitation patterns.

  B. Soot can fasten the melting pace of frozen regions.

  C. Soot can cause acid rain.

  D. Soot can cause diseases.


  (B)35. What does the word "free-ride" really mean in the last paragraph?

  A. Getting to a certain place without paying the fee.

  B. Gaining benefits without doing any efforts.

  C. Giving somebody a free ride.

  D. Driving a car in ones own power.


  高考英语阅读练习题及参考答案 篇3

  Tougher prison sentences reduce crime, particularly burglary, according to research. The study, by researchers at Birmingham University, also finds that during periods when police discover more offences, crime tends to fall overall, suggesting that the level of plice activity has a direct effect on criminal activity.

  The researchers concluded that an increase of just one month in the average sentence length for burglaries -from 15.4 to 16.4 months-would reduce burglaries in the following year by 4,800, out of an annual total of 962,700.

  For frauds (诈骗),an increase in sentences from 9.7 to 10.7 months would result in a reduction of 4,700 offences a year, out of 242,400. The report declares this to be "a significant effect, especially when we consider that the length of sentence usually corresponds to approximately half the actual time spent in custody(拘留)".

  The study also estimates that a policy of forcing criminals to serve a higher percentage of their sentences in prison would have a further amazing effect on cutting crime, in part because more criminals would be behind bars for longer.

  The report says there is undeniable evidence that more continuous and effective policing cuts crime. "More uncovering is associated with great reductions in crime. It plays a continuous role in preventing crime," says the study, which found that a 1% increase in the uncovering rate would prevent 26,000 burglaries, 85,000 thefts, 2,500 robberies and 1,800 frauds a year.

  However, the director of campaigns at the Howard League, Andrew Neilson, questioned the claims. "The effect of prison on reducing crime has never been proven and this research falls short of doing so," Neilson said. "There are numerous international examples of jurisdictions(司法管辖区)which have experienced both falls in crime and falls in prison numbers."

  "Factors such as a good economy, more expenses spent on security operation and improved home security had greater roles to play in the fall in crime in England and Wales than an increase in the use of imprisonment."

  Neilson also said that the research ignored "the clear failure of prison, as proven by re-offending rates".

  (A) 28. What kind of relationship does the research aim to discover?

  A. The relationship between prison time and the crime rate.

  B. The relationship between the number of prisons and the crime rate.

  C. The relationship between prison time and the crime type.

  D. The relationship between the number of prisons and the crime type.

  【解析】文章主题句第一句“Tougher prison sentences reduce crime, particularly burglary, according to research.”直接表达了A选项的内容。“Tougher prison sentences”指的'是更严格的刊期和选项prison time指的内容相同。

  (A) 29. What can we learn about the conclusion of the research?

  A. There are more burglaries than frauds annually.

  B. Sentences for fraud are more serious than those for burglaries.

  C. Over 5,000 burglaries were cut when the sentence length increased by a month.

  D. If a person is charged with fraud, he or she will be sentenced to about 15 months in prison.


  (B) 30.What is Andrew Neilsons attitude towards the findings of the research?

  A. Supportive. B. Doubtful. C. Neutral(中立的). D. Worried.

  【解析】倒数第三段“However, the director of campaigns at the Howard League, questioned the claims.”中的questioned 明确表明了他的质疑态度。

  (D) 31. In Andrew Neilsons opinion, the government can help the fall in crime in all of the following ways EXCEPT .

  A. developing a good economy B. improving home security

  C. increasing funding for the police D. building more prisons