英语阅读 百分网手机站


时间:2017-10-04 20:32:22 英语阅读 我要投稿





  1.On Saturday morning, we are going to visit my grandma. Clifford looks for his rubber mouse, Mr Squeaky, to take along. But he can't find it. Clifford doesn't want to go to grandma's without his mouse.

  星期六早上,我们要去看望奶奶。Clifford 要带上他的橡皮鼠 Squeaky 先生,但他找不到了。不带上橡皮鼠,Clifford 就不想去奶奶家。

  2.I tell him we will go back to all the places we went last week to look for Mr Squeaky. First, we go back to the playground. Clifford looks in the sandbox. He looks for it in the magic castle. No Mr Squeaky.

  我跟他说我们会到上周去过的所有地方寻找 Squeaky 先生。首先,我们回到操场,Clifford 往沙坑里瞧瞧,又在魔幻城堡里找找,都没有找到Squeaky 先生。

  3.Next we go to the farmer's market. Does Mr Squeaky hide in the cabbages? No.

  接下来我们来到农贸市场。Squeaky 先生有没有藏在大白菜堆里呢?没有。

  4.Then, Clifford looks through the oranges and onions. The onions make him cry. "Don't cry, Clifford," I say. "We'll find Mr Squeaky."

  接着,Clifford 在橘子堆和洋葱堆里找。洋葱把他弄“哭”了。“别哭,Clifford,”我说。“我们会找到 Squeaky 先生的`。”

  5.Fun land is the next place we go. Is Mr Squeaky in the roller coaster? No.

  游乐场是我们去的下一个地方。Squeaky 先生在过山车里吗?没有。

  6.Clifford looks in the duck pond game. No mouse there, but we get a nice prize.

  Clifford 在钓鸭子游戏池里找,也没有橡皮鼠,但是我们得到一个漂亮的奖品。


  ①Papa, Mama, Brother and Sister go to the shore for weekend. There is a house for them to stay in.


  ②"Let's put on swimming suits and go into the water!" says Brother. "Wait, we must clean up, room by room!" says Mama.


  ③After that, Brother and Sister set out for the sea. Mama stops them and says, "Wait, there are things to carry, beds to make and clothes to clean."


  ④After that, Sister says, "It's time for swimming!" But Mama says, "Wait, it's time for us to eat something."


  ⑤After that, Sister asks, "Mama, can we go swimming now?" Mama says, "Dears, it's much too soon after food. It will be bad for your health."


  ⑥"It's long after lunch. Can we swim now? It's getting late in the afternoon!" says Brother. "Wait, my dears. Let'sput on some lotion." Says Mama.



  ⑦Now it's time for swimming! Brother and Sister run to the sea. "Wait!" shouts Papa. "But, Papa, will we never swim in the sea?" ask Brother and Sister. "Relax, I just wanted you to wait for me!" says Papa.


  ⑧The sea is fun! The sea is great! It's worth the wait!



  1. Welcome to Bear Country! Down a sunny dirt road lives a family of bears -- Papa Bear, Mama Bear and Small Bear.


  2. They live in a big tree. It is a very fine house. There is a big kitchen, a sitting room and two bedrooms.
