翻译资格 百分网手机站


时间:2018-01-16 18:10:37 翻译资格 我要投稿


  SECTION 1: LISTENING TEST (40 minutes)

  Part A: Spot Dictation

  Directions: In this part of the test, you will hear a passage and read the same passage with banks in it. Fill in each of the blanks with the word or words you have heard on the tape. Write your answer inthecorresponding space in your ANSWER BOOKLET. Remember you will hear the passage ONLY ONCE.

  Experience is the great teacher. A student needs to be well versed in theory. In other words, he can learn (1) from books, but it is the experience of the situations and the application of this knowledge that will (2). With this in mind, many schools nowadays have incorporated into their curricula activities of outdoor education, such as field trips,camping holidays and (3).To our students from large cities,the countryside has two (4): one is the vast wealth of wild life, historical relics and scenic grandeur that is (5);the other is the pure joy of physical exhilaration which is part and parcel of every trek or (6). If we fail to exploit both (7), we are the losers. While enj oying the former,we have moved into the realms of the latter (8). There should be no doubt about the very real (9) to be gained by participation in outdoor activities.Although physical education in schools (10) considerably, the general picture is still of (11) periods dotted here and there throughout the academic year.In the wider field of (12), however, the physical effort, even though it may only involve (13), continues over long periods and often on a (14) for several days on end. The physical improvement is very obvious and (15) after as short a time as, say, ten days.

  The wide range of outdoor activities increases the (16). And there are many instances in which (17) have tasted the lasting satisfaction of their first (18), often under testing situations.This is a basic essential and breeds (19) as well as respect for others. Furthermore, it often produces and air of self-confidence which (20) may well have damaged in some students.

  Part B: Listening Comprehension

  I. Statements

  Directions: In this part of the test, you will hear several short statements. These statements will be spoken ONLY ONCE, and you will not find them written on the paper; so you must listen carefully. When you hear a statement, read the answer choices and decide which one is closest in meaning to the statement you have heard. Then write the letter of the answer you have chosen in the corresponding space in you ANSWER BOOKLET.

  1. A. Why doesn't George want to write out the outline?

  B. Why do you think George can't do an outline for us?

  C. If George wants us to do an outline, he'll have to ask us.

  D. Since George is willing, he should be allowed to do the outline.

  2. A. It took us about two hours to drive into the city today.

  B. The city is a two-hour drive from here.

  C. We must carry an extra tire with us when driving.

  D. We had to run for an hour because our car broke down.

  3. A. Now we pay 5 cents. B. Now we print half-size pages.

  C. Now we pay 15 cents. D. Now we pay 20 cents.

  4. A. The post office was slow in delivering the letter.

  B. you failed to give your new address to the post office.

  C. The post office didn t process the change of address fast enough.

  D. You forgot to write your new address on the letter.

  5. A. Mrs. Green signed when she heard the suggestion.

  B. Mrs. Green rejected the committee's suggestion.

  C. Mrs. Green quit when her idea was not accepted.

  D. Mrs. Green didn't accept the signature.

  6. A. The plane left two hours before.

  B. The plane left at ten'o clock in the morning.

  C. The plane left at two'o clock in the afternoon.

  D. The plane left at four'o clock in the afternoon.

  7. A. I know why Paul hasn't arrived although he was due earlier.

  B. I can't understand why Paul is here.

  C. Paul is due to pay for the meal ticket.

  D. I don't know why Paul is late for the meeting.

  8. A. The newly-completed bridge was was many miles away.

  B. One of our plans was to set up a new bridge behind the road.

  C. The building of the new bridge was not finished in time.

  D. We were unable to fit into our schedule the visit to the new bridge.

  9. A. The problems are far greater than we had expected.

  B. The name of the scientist isjust on the tip of my tongue.

  C. One environmental issue of our time is the problem of the iceberg.

  D. We should not take these environmental problems too seriously.

  10.A. Mr. Carter made a last minute decision not to fund the project.

  B. Mr. Carter was the last to find out the errors in the report.

  C. It was Mr. Carter's car that backed out of the finance department last night.

  D. There were more mini-cars sold because of the financial crisis.

  Ⅱ. Talks and Conversations

  Directions: In this part of the test, you will hear several short talks and conversations. After each of these, you will hear a few questions. Listen care fully, because you will hear the talk or of these,you will hear a few questions.Listen carefully,because you will hear the talk or conversation and the questions ONLY ONCE. When you hear a question, read the four answer choices and choose the best answer to that question. Then write the letter of the answer you have chosen in the corresponding space in your ANSWER BOOKLET.

  Questions 11~14

  11.A. Furniture B. Telephone

  C. Wine D. Paper

  12.A. The late delivery B. The incomplete document

  C. The quality of the wine D. The unreliability of the agents

  13.A. Sometimes they are unreliable. B. Obviously they have made a mistake.

  C. On the whole they can be trusted. D. Generally speaking, they are very helpful.

  14.A. Leave a message with the switchboard operator.

  B. Have the operator connect him to another office.

  C. Make another call to his forwarding agents.

  D. Tell the switchboard operator to expect his telephone call.

  Questions 15~18

  15.A. Optimistic B. Encouraging

  C. Doubtful D. Negative

  16.A. It will then be revised by the director.

  B. It will be put on a different channel.

  C. It will be shown on the international airlines.

  D. It will no longer be shown on TV.

  17.A. By funding the shooting of these programs.

  B. By giving free vouchers to selected actors and actresses.

  C. By sending mail to prospective customers.

  D. By replacing them with programs of their own.

  18.A. Advertisers are the most sincere in TV commercials.

  B. Most people like to watch TV programs with commercial breaks.

  C. Most TV programs on show are not of good taste.

  D. Newspapers and magazines can never compete with TV commercial.

  Questions 19~22

  19.A. He's always got his car stolen.

  B. He's nearly smashed into a wall several times.

  C. He's sometimes run the risk of being killed.

  D. He's run into another car in front of him.

  20. A. During his last race. B. In a race of the previous year.

  C. During the Mexican Grand Prix. D. On his way to the studio.

  21. A. The man was badly hurt. B. The man won a bronze medal.

  C. Two racing cars collided. D. Two racing-drivers were killed.

  22. A. He was chased by a number of racing cars.

  B. He was stopped and fined by the police.

  C. He had lost his way through London streets.

  D. He had to drive through busy streets.

  Questions 23~26

  23. A. None B. One

  C. Two D. Three

  24. A. It has changed the status of first-class passengers.

  B. It will please all the customers, whatever their classes.

  C. It is under the provision of federal regulations.

  D. It has created an additional passenger class.

  25. A. They all wholeheartedly welcomed it. B. They all gave it up.

  C. They made no unanimous decision. D. They tried it only on overseas flights.

  26. A. The crew B. The full-fare passengers

  C. The discount passengers D. The airline companies

  Questions 27~30

  27. A. The first Wednesday of March B. The tenth of March

  C. The eleventh of March D. The twelfth of March

  28. A. A couple of weeks B. Only a year

  C. Two years D. Four years

  29. A. She gets regularly promoted. B. She can stay in the office all day.

  C. She travels a lot in her job. D. She is given different assignments.

  30. A. It is required of him by the Accounting Manage.

  B. It is the best course at the night school.

  C. He is interested in visiting big cities.

  D. He is tired of staying in the same office.

  Part C: Listening and Translation

  Ⅰ. Sentence Translation

  Directions: In this part of the test, you will hear 5 English sentences.You will hear the sentences ONLY ONCE.After you have heard each sentence,translate it into Chinese and write your version in the corresponding space in your ANSWER BOOKLET.






  Ⅱ. Passage Translation

  Directions: In this part of the test, you will hear 2 passages. You will hear the passages ONLY ONCE. After you have heard each passage, translate it into Chinese and write your version in the corresponding space in you ANSWER BOOKLET. You may take notes while you are listening.

