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时间:2017-09-27 15:29:24 成考专升本 我要投稿




  第1题单选 _______

  A. Continue

  B. True

  C. due

  D. value

  第2题单选 _______

  A. Pillow

  B. Follow

  C. Blow

  D. allow


  A. Sailor

  B. failure

  C. Fairy

  D. tailor

  第4题单选 _______

  A. Physics

  B. cycle

  C. Nearby

  D. myself

  第5题单选 _______

  A. Insure

  B. Leisure

  C. measure

  D. pleasure


  第6题单选 I know you don' t like_______music very much. But what do you think of music in_______the film we saw yesterday,

  A.不填 ; 不填

  B. the ; the

  C. the ;不填

  D. 不填;the

  第7题单选 When you introduce me to Mr. Johnson,could you please say________for me?

  A. Everything

  B. Anything

  C. Something

  D. nothing

  第8题单选 It was after he got what he had desired________he realized it was not so important.

  A. That

  B. When

  C. Since

  D. as

  第9题单选 My dad was against my suggestion while my mum was________it.

  A. in memory of

  B. in favour of

  C. in honour of

  D. in search of

  第10题单选 Mary,_______here--everybody else, stay where you are.

  A. come

  B. Comes

  C. to come

  D. coming

  第11题单选 We had a picnic last term and it was a lot of fun,so let' s have_______one this month.

  A. the other

  B. some

  C. Another

  D. other

  第12题单选 You forget_______it to me. I haven' t forgotten _______it to you yesterday.

  A. to return ; to give

  B. returning ; giving

  C. to return ; giving

  D. returning; to give

  第13题单选 In April, thousands of holidaymakers remained_______abroad due to the volcanic ash cloud.

  A. sticking

  B. Stuck

  C. to be stuck

  D. to have stuck

  第14题单选 We forbid_______here. Who has allowed you_______here?

  A. smoke ; smoking

  B. smoking; to smoke

  C. smoking; smoking

  D. to smoke ; smoking

  第15题单选 Paul is taller than_______in his class.

  A. all the students

  B. any students

  C. any other student

  D. any one student

  第16题单选 A poet and artist_______coming to speak to us about Chinese literature and painting tomorrow afternoon.

  A. Is

  B. Are

  C. Was

  D. were

  第17题单选 Jack came to the party

  A. without inviting

  B. without invited

  C. without being invited

  D. without a invitation

  第18题单选 Mike didn' t play football yesterday because he had_______his leg.

  A. damaged

  B. Hurt

  C. hit

  D. struck

  第19题单选 We________have proved great adventurers, but we have done the greatest march ever made in the past ten years.

  A. needn' t

  B. may not

  C. shouldn' t

  D. mustn' t

  第20题单选 There' s no hght on--they_______be at home.

  A. can' t

  B. mustn' t

  C. needn' t

  D. shouldn' t



  " ... She was married to an officer in India, long ago India; and she had a life of physical adventure(冒险) as exciting as her poetry. Her husband could cross rivers using crocodiles(鳄鱼) as stepping stones. He died when she was only 39. Unwilling to exist without him, she took her life, leaving a son in England. "I stared at the paper,21 reading, couldn't help thinking.

  Crocodiles are lazy animals as a rule, but they can move like lightening when they want to. And they don' t mind hurrying 22 they' re hungry. There used to be lots in Indian rivers, living on fish mostly;

  but what' s a little fish for a fifteen-foot crocodile? They ate people, fisherman or anyone else delicious enough to get too near; women doing the 23 , or children playing at the Water' s

  24. A hungry

  crocodile' s mouth 25 over a meal with a sound like a gunshot. A big fellow can 26 in a tnan in two bites(咬).

  That woman' s husband crossed rivers 27 from one crocodile' s back to the next. I believe it. It had to be done quickly before the creature could see what was happening. It wasn' t 25 a brave, active man;

  and no doubt he improved with practice. He could never look 29 while crossing. The wife used to watch him--I felt sure of that. She lived 30 the adventure, the 31 excitement of it all. Their real life was with tigers,snakes...It's no wonder she wrote 32 poetry. Then he died. I imagined how she felt. Was there

  another man 33him in India, in the world? She was still young,hardly a sitting-room widow(寡妇). "I must34,too. " she said to herself. So she did what she felt she had to do. A35 probably,to her head.

  But her young son, their son? Was her love for him nothing compared to her husband? Well,what do you think?


  A. started

  B. began

  C. finished

  D. stopped


  A. whenever

  B. for

  C. because

  D. as


  A. shopping

  B. washing

  C. cooking

  D. cleaning


  A. border

  B. end

  C. side

  D. edge


  A. looks

  B. sends

  C. shuts

  D. turns


  A. go

  B. take

  C. eat

  D. catch


  A. jumping

  B. running

  C. walking

  D. marching


  A. over

  B. for

  C. behind

  D. beyond



  B. down

  C. back

  D. right


  A. without

  B. till

  C. for

  D. on


  A. lively

  B. friendly

  C. deathly

  D. lovely


  A. angry

  B. exciting

  C. sad

  D. interesting


  A. like

  B. as

  C. with

  D. before


  A. go

  B. practice

  C. jump

  D. shoot


  A. pen

  B. gun

  C. comb

  D. stone