英语四级 百分网手机站


时间:2017-06-22 14:49:35 英语四级 我要投稿




  Shared cycling to consumers, however, brings new consumption experience at the same time, also gradually exposed its due to lack of Shared consciousness of management, parking and supporting services, and problems, some phenomenon of infringes upon the lawful rights and interests of consumers, bring many problems to urban management and protection of the rights and interests of consumers.

  In hangzhou, for example, the city with the most developed public bike systems in the country has received ofo, riding bai, harrow, xiao Ming and other enterprises with nearly 150,000 vehicles. In addition to riding, other enterprises will put the addition code as the choice. Zhang heng, the marketing director of xiaofeng, said it was adding hundreds of vehicles a day to hangzhou.

  Nationwide, this year's blowout is also a big probability event. There were estimates that only moby and ofo companies could put together nearly 20 million vehicles. The competition has raised questions about how much of a bike we need to share.

  Industry insiders say there is a rough algorithm for market capacity, which means that one bike for every 20 to 30 people is needed. "It will be enough for China to reach 30 million vehicles," lu said. "now it is only the daily production of mobib and ofo, plus the 1 million that have already been invested, and the market will be saturated in almost half a year."

  Behind the problem, it reflects concerns about the potential waste of resources. Some are optimistic, some worry.

  When a city suddenly bursts out of more than 100,000 bikes, it does test the city's capacity. The appearance of them is known as a mirror of the city, not only reflect the cyclist's personal accomplishment, the degree of civilization, reflect the various bicycle company technical loopholes and defects of administration, also as a city of the administrative departments for public resources coordination, both to ensure that one can stop, motor vehicles and to ensure the non-motor vehicles have a way to go, coordinate is testing the government related department and each traffic participants.

  Although the emergence of the Shared cycling solves the residents travel "the last kilometer" problem, but also because of the green environmental protection, efficient, low-cost health was welcomed by the consumers, but there are still insufficient regulation laws and regulations, the operator should do responsibility performance does not reach the designated position, loss of consumer not enough self-discipline, municipal supporting, the social from all walks of life sharing consciousness is not strong and so on "five big crux problem", form the resistance of the development of the industry. Especially in the aspect of management, on the property security, the right of the consumer right of personal security, fair trading right, right, right of information security, and so on and so forth, and hidden trouble, directly affect the protection of consumer rights and interests.

  For management, the bicycle company also expressed its expectations. "As the new thing must be developed to make it, to see if it is really beneficial to the society. We also hope to communicate with the government, everybody together consultation. We will do self management, strictly carry out, want the government to encourage support." "Said tang jie, CEO of cloud riding.







