英语四级 百分网手机站


时间:2018-04-02 15:41:07 英语四级 我要投稿





  Part IV Translation (30 minutes)

  Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to translate a passage from Chinese into English。 You should write your answer on the ANSWER SHEET 2。

  功夫(Kong Fu) 是中国武术(martial arts)的俗称。中国武术的起源可以追溯到自卫的需要,狩猎活动以及古代中国的军士训练。它是中国传统体育运动的一种,年轻人和老年人都练。它已逐渐演变成了中国文化的`独特元素。作为中国的国宝,武术有上百种不同的风格,是世界上练得最多的武术形式。有些风格模仿了动物的动作,还有一些则受到了中国哲学思想,神话和传说的启发


  Kung Fu is the folk name of Chinese martial arts, which dates back to the need of self-defense, hunting, and military drill in ancient China. It is one of China’s traditional sports, and all people, old and young, would participate in. It has gradually evolved into a unique element of the Chinese culture. As a national treasure of China, it has hundreds of styles. Meanwhile, it is also the most practiced art form in the world. Some styles imitate the movements of animals, while others are inspired by Chinese philosophy, myth and legend.


  Part I Writing (30 minutes)

  Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a letter to express your thanks to one of your friends who helped you most when you were in difficulty。 You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words。 Part Ⅱ Listening Comprehension (25 minutes)


  For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a letter to express your thanks to one of your friends who helped you most when you were in difficulty. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.

  第一段: 写出写信目的. (表达感谢)

  第二段: 阐述感谢的原因.


  Dear Mary,

  I would like to take this opportunity to express my heartfelt gratitude to you for your help when I was in difficulty. You have been very kind and helpful since we knew each other.

  Last week, I caught a bad cold and had to stay at home for a week. When I was worrying about the lessons, you came to my home after school and helped me with every subject. With your help, I didn’t fall behind others.

  Again, thanks so much for your enthusiastic help. Even though you are to about to go abroad for further education I know that I will always stay in touch with you. I wish you every success in the future and I hope we can exchange more viewpoints on study.

  Please keep in touch, and drop in and visit us whenever you are in this part of the world.


  For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a letter to express your thanks to one of your school teachers upon entering college. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.

  第一段: 写出写信目的. (表达感谢)

  第二段: 阐述感谢的原因.


  Dear sir,

  I am writing to you to express my thanks for your help in learning English. You are one of the best teachers who I have ever met .There are many good points that I learn from you.

  During these days in your class, I have acquired much knowledge from you and it really helps me a lot. Firstly, you let me know what the west thinking pattern is —straight thinking pattern. As an English learner, it is important for me to understand the difference between them. There is no denying the fact that this can help me with my examination and interaction with foreigners. What’s more, I’m glad to be your student, and I am very happy to learn the course under your guidance. English is an important tool, through which we can share our experience with the world. I treasure the chance of learning English, and I enjoy the happiness from your course.

  The last not the least, please forgive those mistakes I have made which may upset you. What I have learned from you will help me pass the coming examinations and also be useful for my further education in abroad. It is not only a progress of learning, but also a cultivation of my ability.

  May everything go well around you.

  Your student,

  Li ling


  For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a letter to express your thanks to your parents or any family members upon making memorable achievement. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.

  第一段: 写出写信目的. (表达感谢)

  第二段: 阐述感谢的原因.


  Dear parents,

  This letter is to tell you my true feelings from the bottom of my heart.

  Although we can keep in virtual touch every day, I still feel it not enough to let you know how much I love you and how much I’ve appreciated what you’ve done for me.

  In the past 20 years, you have done a lot for me. Firstly, thank you so much for bringing me up. I know how hard you've being working in the past. I can imagine how many difficulties and obstacles you've conquered. Second, I want to thank you for your good education on me. There is an old saying goes like this “parents are the first teachers to their children”. Both of you are the typical ones. The most important thing that I want to say “thank you” is for your great admiration on my own freedom. You told me to look over the horizons and to pursuit my own dreams without hesitation.

  I really feel that my pen fails me when I am writing this thank you letter. The only thing I hope you can do for me is to take good care of yourselves and you will be always proud of me.

  Yours beloved









