

时间:2023-08-06 15:15:01 兴亮 英语四级 我要投稿
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  6月份英语四级考试模拟试题 1

  PartⅠ Writing (答题时间30分钟)

  Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes write a composition on the topic, “The Way to Success” based on the following outlines.

  You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.

  PartⅢ reading comprehension(答题时间共40分钟)

  Section A

  Directions: In this section, there is a passage with ten blanks. You are required to select one wordfor each blank from a list of choices given in a word bank following the passage. Read thepassage through carefully before making your choices. Each choice in the bank isidentified by a letter. Please mark the corresponding letter for each item on AnswerSheet 2 with a single line through the centre. You may not use any of the words in thebank more than once.

  Questions 26 to 35 are based on the following passage.

  Video conferencing is nothing more than a television set or PC monitor with a camera. Through the video conferencing, not only your voice but also your face, the surroundings and any other graphic and physical (26) can be captured and transmitted through the communication system with or without wires. Of course, when you go into the details, the technology involved is very (27) and the subject matter littered with jargon. Such as ISDN (Integrated Services Digital Network), POTS(Plain Old Telephone Service) or the (28) behind bandwidth, latency and is corny which are used to explain how videoconferencing works. Good people communication is (29) __ in any business, and the more interaction you can achieve, the more likely it is that your (30) will be the right ones. Videoconferencing not only allows you to speak to people in different locations, but also note (31) expressions and gestures that let you know what the other person is really thinking. Meetings are made more (32) __ by sharing documents and computer applications that a simple telephone cannot (33) . (34) , organizations are discovering the competitive advantages and the power of videoconferencing. With advances in performance, economical pricing, the ability to (35) __ essential meeting tools and connectivity to global telephone networks and stand and iced video conferencing protocols, videoconferencing is now a practical reality for any organization.

  A) Fortunately

  B) effective

  C) images


  E) facial

  F) manage

  G) decsions

  H) connect

  I) advanced

  J) integrate

  K) progressive

  L) concepts

  M) pictures

  N) Increasingly

  O) important

  Section B

  Directions: In this section, you are going to read a passage with ten statements attached to it. Eachstatement contains information given in one of the paragraphs. Identify the paragraphfrom which the information is derived. You may choose a paragraph more than once.Each paragraph is marked with a letter.Answer the questions by marking thecorresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2.

  How to Use a Library

  A)You’re driving your car home from work or sch001.And something goes wron9.The engine stalls out at lights,holds back as you go to pass.It needs a tune up and soon.Where do you go? The library.You can take out an auto repair manual that tells step by step how to tune up your make and model.Or your tennis game has fallen off.You’ve lost your touch at the net.Where do you go? The library for a few books on improving your tennis form.

  B)“The library!”you say.“That’s where my teacher sends me to dough homework."Unfortunately, I’ve found that’s exactly the way many people feel.If you’re among denying yourself the easiest way to improve yourself, enjoy yourself and even cope with life.My first suggestion for making the most of your library is to do what I did,read and read and read.For pleasure——and for understanding.

  C)If it’s TV that keeps you from cultivating this delicious habit,I can offer a sure remedy.Take home from the library a stack of books that might look interestin9.Pile them on the TV set.Next time you are tempted to turn on a program you really don’t want to see,reach for a book instead.

  D)Over the years,people collect a mental list of books they mean to read.If you don’t have such a list,here is the suggestion.Take from the library some of the books you might have enjoyed dramatized on TV, like Remargue’s All Quiet on the Western Front,Clavell’s Shegun,Tolkien’s The Hobbit,or Victor Hugo’s Les Mise Rables.If you like what you read、you can follow up with other satisfying books by the same authors.

  E)Some people in their reading limit themselves to current talked—about best sellers.Oh,what they miss! The library is full of yesterday’s best sellers;and they still make compelling reading today. Some that Ive enjoyed:A.B.Guthrie’s The Big Sky,Carl Van Doren’s Benjamin Franklin,Mari Sandoz’s.Old Jules,and Norman Mailer’s The Naked and the Dead.

  F) How do you find these or any other books you’re looking for? It’s easy—with the card catalog. Every time I go to the library——and I go more than once a week——I invariably make a beeline to the card catalog before anything else.It’s the nucleus of any public library.The card catalog lists every book in the library by:;;t.Let’s pick an interesting subject to look up.I have always been fascinated by astronomy.You’ll be surprised at the wealth of material you will find under “a strong my” to draw upon.And the absorbing books you didn’t know existed on it.

  CAUTION:Always have a pencil and paper when you use the card catal09.

  G) Once you jot down the numbers of the books you are interested in,you are ready to find them on the shelves.Libraries call the shelves “the stacks”.In many smaller libraries,which you’ll be using,the stacks will be open for you to browse.To me there is a special thrill in tracking down the books I want in the stacks !For invariably,I find books about which I knew nothin9,and these often turn out to be the very ones l need.You will find the same thing happening to you when you start to browse in the stacks.“A learned mind is the end product of browsing.”

  CAUTION:If you take a book from the stack s to your work desk,do not try to return it to its proper place.That’s work for the experts.If you replace it incorrectly, the next seeker won’t be able to find it.

  H)Some of the brightest and ed men and women in America are the librarians who specialize in providing reference help.Introduce yourself State your problem.And be amazed at how much he p you will receive.CAUTION:Don’t waste the time of this expert by asking silly questions you ought to solve yourself.Save the reference librarian for the really big ones.

  I) You shot:ld also learn to use the Readers Guide to Periodical Literature.This green—bound index is me of the most useful items in any library.It indexes all the articles in the major magazines,including newspaper magazine supplements.Thus it provides a guide to the very latest expert information of any subject that interests you.So if you want to do a really first—class job,find out which magazines your library subscribes to,then consult the Readers Guide and track down recent articles on your subject.When you use this wonderful tool effectively, you show the mark of a real scholar.

  J) Since you can take most books home,but not magazines,take full notes when using the latter. Many libraries today provide a reprographic machine that can quickly copy pages you need from magazines and books.Ask about it:If you are working on a project of some size which will require repeated library visits,keep a small notebook in which you record the identification numbers of the books you will be using frequently.This will save you valuable time,because you won’t have to consult the card catalog or search aimlessly through the stacks each time you visit for material you seek.Sol fie of the very best books in any library are the reference books,which may not be taken home.Learn what topics they cover and how best to use them,for these books are wonderful repositories (储藏室、资料库)of human knowledge.

  K) Your library can give you help on any subject.It can even be your business and legal advisor.How many times have you scratched your head over how to get a tax rebate(折扣)on your summer job? You,11 find guides to that.Want to defend yourself in traffic coup? Find out how in legal books at the library.

  L) Library Projects Can Be Fun and Rewardin9.Here are a few ideas:

  1.What are your roots? Trace your ancestors.Many libraries specialize in genealogy.

  2.Did George Washington sleep nearby? Or Billy the Kid? Your library’s collection of local history books can put you on the trail.

  3.Cook a Polynesian feast.Or an ancient Roman banquet.Read how in the library’s cook books.

  4.Take up photography.Check the library for consumer reviews of cameras before you buy.Take out books on lightin9,composition,or darkroom techniques or—you name it!

  M)If you haven,t detected by now my enthusiasm for libraries,let me offer two personal notes.Im particularly pleased that in recent years two beautiful libraries have been named after me:a small community library in Quakertown,Pennsylvania,and the huge research library located at the University of Northern Colorado in Greeley.And I like libraries so much that I married a librarian.

  36.The nucleus of any public library is the car,d catalog.

  37.Yesterday’s best sellers are still good for readin9,which shouldn’t be overlooked.

  38.The author suggests that people should go to the library for answers when things go wrong

  39.The Reader,s Guide is a green—bound index which provides a guide to very latest expert information of any subject that interests readers.

  40.The sure remedy to kick the TV habit is to take home from the library interesting books to read.

  41.There are various kinds of fun and rewarding projects available in different libraries.

  42.A notebook will help readers to record the identification numbers of the frequently used books which can’t be taken home.

  43.Readers should not try to return the book taken from the stacks to their desk to its proper place.

  44.When asking for help,readers are suggested not asking the reference librarians silly questions they ought to solve themselves.

  45.When asking for help,readers are suggested not asking the reference librarians silly questions they ought to solve themselves.

  Section C

  Directions: There are 2 passages in this section. Each passage is followed by some questions orunfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C andD . You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on AnswerSheet 2 with a single line through the centre.

  Passage One

  Questions 46 to 50 are based on the following passage.

  There is no denying that students should learn something about how computers work,just as we expect them at least to understand that the internal-combustion engine(内燃机)has something to do with burning fuel, expanding gases and pistons (活塞)being driven.For people should have some basic idea of how the things that they use do what they do. Further,students might be helped by a course that considers the computer‘s impact on society.But that is not what is meant by computer literacy.For computer literacy is not a formof literacy (读写能力);it is a trade skill that should not be taught as a liberal art.

  Learning how to use a computer and learning how to program one are two distinct activities.A case might be made that the competent citizens of tomorrow should free themselves from their fear of computers.But this is quite different from saying that all ought to know how to program one. Leave that to people who havechosen programming as a career.While programming can be lots of fun,and while our society needs some people who are experts at it,the same is true of auto repair and violin-making.

  Learning how to use a computer is not that difficult,and it gets easier all the time as programs become more “user-friendly”。Let us assume that in the future everyone is going to have to know how to use a computer to be a competent citizen.What does the phrase learning to use a computer mean? It sounds like “learning to drive a car”,that is,it sounds as if there is some set of definite skills that,once acquired,enable one to use a computer.

  In fact,“learning to use a computer” is much more like “learning to play a game”,but learning the rulesof one game may not help you play a second game,whose rules may not be the same.There is no such a thingas teaching someone how to use a computer.One can only teach people to use this or that program and generally that is easily accomplished.

  Choose correct answers to the question:

  46.To be the competent citizens of tomorrow,people should _______.

  to lay a solid foundation in computer science

  aware of how the things that they use do what they do

  to use a computer by acquiring a certain set of skills

  tand that programming a computer is more essential than repairing a car

  47.In the second paragraph“auto repair”and“violin-making”are mentioned to show that _______ .

  mming a computer is as interesting as making a violin

  society needs experts in different fields

  making requires as much skill as computer programming

  who can use a computer don‘t necessarily have to know computer programming

  48.Learning to use a computer is getting easier all the time because _______ .

  ms are becoming less complicated

  ms are designed to be convenient to users

  mming is becoming easier and easier

  ms are becoming readily available to computer users

  49.According to the author,the phrase“learning to use a computer”(Lines3,4,Para.3) means learning _______.

  A.a set of rules B. the fundamentals of computer science

  ic programs D. general principles of programming

  50.The author‘s purpose in writing this passage is _______.

  stress the impact of the computer on society

  explain the concept of computer literacy

  illustrate the requirements for being competent citizens of tomorrow

  emphasize that computer programming is an interesting and challenging job

  Passage Two

  Questions 51 to 55 are based on the following passage.

  One of the bitterest and most time-worm debates in student union bars up and down the country is resolved as academic research confirms that in financial terms at least,arts degrees are a complete waste of time.Getting through university boosts students‘earnings by 25%,on a weighted average,or $220,000 over theirlifetime,according to Professor Ian Walker of Warwick University-but if they study Shakespeare or the peasants’revolt instead of anatomy of contract law,those gains are likely to be completely wiped out.

  The government is about to allow universities to charge students up to $3,000 a year for their degrees,arguing that it‘s a small price to pay compared with the financial rewards graduates reap later in life.But Prof. Walker’s research shows there are sharp variations in returns according to which subject a student takes.

  Law,medicine and economics or business are the most lucrative choices,making their average earnings 25% higher,according to the article,published in the office for national statistics‘monthly journal.Scientists get 10-15% extra.At the bottom of the list are arts subjects,which make only a “small ”differenceto earnings- a small negative one,in fact.Just ahead are degrees in education-which leave hard pressed teachers anaverage of 5% better off a year than if they had left school at 18.

  “it‘s hard to resist the conclusion that what students learn does matter a lot;and some subject areas givemore modest financial returns than others,”Prof.Walker said.As an e|conomist,he was quick to point outthat students might gain non-financial returns from arts degrees“studying economics might be very dull,forexample,and studying post-modernism might be a lot of fun.”

  Choose correct answers to the question:

  51.What is the best title for the passage?

  A.Professor Walker‘s Research

  B.How to Make Big Money.

  C.Differences Between Science and Arts Degrees.

  ng Arts Has Negative Financial Outcome.

  52.Universities charge students a rather high tuition mainly because_____

  provide the students with very prosperous subjects to learn

  assume that their graduates can earn much more than they had paid

  don‘t get financial support from the government

  need much revenue to support the educational expenses

  53.The word “lucrative”(Line 1,Para.4) most probably means _____





  54.Law,medical and business graduates could earn 25% more than ______

  ion graduates


  who had not studied at the university

  average income

  55.We can safely conclude that the author ______

  s arts degrees as meaningless

  this result disappointing and unfair

  the students to think twice before they decide what to learn in college

  that arts degrees are still rewarding despite its scarce financial returns

  Part IV Translation ( 答题时间30分钟 )

  Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to translate a passage from Chinese intoEnglish. You should write your answer on Answer Sheet 2.

  李清照是中国宋代一位著名的女词人(ci poetess)。她的词作集称为《漱玉词》 (Shu Yu Lyrics),该名字来源于李清照济南故居前的漱玉泉。李清照在孩提时期受到了良好的教育,在早年就显示出了她的文学才华。靖康之变(Jingkang Incident)后,她和丈夫赵明诚从山东省来到江苏省南部。无家可归的境遇和悲惨的生活也在她后来的诗歌和词作中有所体现。她写出了战争带给女性的灾难,也写下了大量的爱国主义诗歌和词作品。

  PartⅠ Writing 答案

  The Way to Success

  Everyone tries to achieve success in his career, but someone finally attains his aim while the other fails. Why? The successful one continues his cause to the end through long period of hard work, but the failure one is easily disappointed and stops halfway.

  Strong will, perseverance and diligence are the three essentials of success. A man of strong will and perseverance always has an inflexible spirit. He sticks to his cause no matter how tough it might be. Sun Zhongshan was such a man. Many of his attempts failed, but he held to his purpose with firmness and at last he succeeded. Diligence means steadiness in ones work and study. Marx often worked 15 hours a day. Life is short and we have too much to do. Without diligence no one can achieve anything.

  I believe that where there is a will there is a way and that success belongs to whoever can put up with long years of patient toil and constant effort. This is the way to success.