雅思(IELTS) 百分网手机站


时间:2018-01-27 15:23:30 雅思(IELTS) 我要投稿




  Agree or disagree


  Another hazard for your back are the shock waves which travel up your spine when you walk, known as heel strike. A real find for our patients has been the shock-absorbing shoe insert. A cheap but very effective solution.——支持

  Finally, a word about the state-of-the-art relief- the TENS machine-a small battery-powered gadget which delivers subliminal electrical pulses to the skin. Our experience indicates that your money is better spent on the more old-fashioned remedies.——反对

  It can be useful to get special orthopaedic chairs, but remember the most important improvement should be in OUR posture.——中立

  Though absolutely flat shoes can be a solution for some, others find their posture suffers——中立


  Well, do you think people can tell you their real thoughts just through phone? Without person-to-person contact, it is unlikely for you to dig deep into their minds and unlikely to get truth.

  大部分情况下,英文是首句中心句,段落其他部分是支持中心句的`内容,所以听到首句就是主要意思,因此这种模式相对简单,表示观点的词,比如赞成(support, be for …,go for… be on the side of…, quite agree with…),中立( mutual, just so so, you can try it, not the best),反对( not good, be against…, not recommend…, better avoid …),喜欢(be favor of, like, prefer),一般态度(it’s ok, but…),不喜欢(dislike),必须( must, it is necessary…),依情况而定( it depends),没必要( not necessary),等等。{来源:考{试大}


  首段: (引子)

  第一句: 描述背景(引子) it is indisputable fact that …

  替换句型: it is an undeniable fact that …

  it is an irrefutable fact that

  第二句:(可有可无) the serious consequences of are often felt in our life .

  第三句:承上启下:In this essay , I intend to explore the sources of this problem along with some possible solution to it .

  替换句型: In the following essay , I aim to identify the sources of this problem as well as some viable solution to it .

  第二段: 分析原因

  第一句: Chief among the causes of this problem is ….


  第二句: In the past , …

  第三句: Consequently , …

  第四句: Another major contributing factor is that …


  第一句: In order to address its root causes. Perhaps the most effective method of doing this

  would be for people to do sth.

  第二句: Since …,

  第三句: one further measure would be to …

  替换句型: one further method of …would be for people to do

  第四段: 总结

  第一句: In conclusion , I believe that this is clearly a problem of such complexity that no solution is likely in the short term .

  替换句型: In reality , this problem is unlikely to be resolved in the short term.

  第二句: However , I believe that the measures outlined above would constitute a good first step .

  However , it is by no means insurmountable , and I am convinced that …

  替换句型: however , I believe that the hard way is sometimes that the best way .








