口语 百文网手机站


时间:2021-06-23 10:00:07 口语 我要投稿




  Lesson 2

  Text A But the Chinese Did!

  One day Tom said to one of his friends: “I'm going to have a holiday in Peking, but I don't speak Chinese, so I'll go to evening classes and have Chinese lessons for a month before I go.”一天,Tom跟他的一个朋友说:“我将去北京度假,但我不会讲中文,所以我去之前要去夜校上一个月的中文课。”

  He studied very hard for a month, and then his holidays began and he went to China.他很努力地学习了一个月后,他的.北京之旅开始了。

  When he came back a few weeks later, his friend said to him: “ Did you have any trouble with your Chinese when you were in Peking, Tom?”当他回来几周后,他的朋友跟他说:“Tom,你去北京时有什么因为中文而带来的麻烦吗?”

  “No, I didn't have any trouble with it,” answered Tom,“But the Chinese did !”“没有,我没有任何因为中文带来的麻烦,”Tom回答,“但中国人有(遇到了麻烦)!”


  Text B at the Birthday Party

  Mrs. Ross: Welcome, Peter. Give me your coat and hat.Mrs.Ross:欢迎你,Peter。把你的外套和帽子给我。

  Peter: Thank you, Mrs. Ross.Peter:谢谢你,Mrs.Ross。

  Mrs. Ross: The boys and girls are in the living room. Wait, I'll call John.Mrs.Ross:男孩和女孩们正在客厅。等一下,我叫下John。

  * * *

  John: Hi, Peter. Why are you late?John:嗨。Peter。你怎么这么晚来?

  Peter: My mother made me dress up.Peter:我妈妈让我穿正式些。

  John: That's good. Alice has some pretty friends.John:好极了。Alice 有些漂亮的朋友。

  Peter: You know I don't like girls.Peter:你知道我不喜欢女孩。

  * * *

  Peter: Happy birthday, Alice. Many happy returns of the day. Here's a present for you.Peter:生日快乐,Alice。祝你长命百岁,这是给你的礼物。

  Alice: Thank you, Peter. Come into the dining room. I'm going to cut the cake soon.Alice:谢谢你,Peter。来餐厅吧,我马上就切蛋糕了。

  John: Have some sandwiches, Peter.John:来尝点三明治,Peter。

  Peter: Thanks. John. Who's that girl?Peter:谢谢,John,那个女孩是谁?

  John: That's Joan. She's pretty, isn't she? She likes to dance. Ask her to dance.John:那是Joan。她很漂亮,是吧?她喜欢跳舞,你去邀请她跳舞吧。

  Peter: Well, I don't know.Peter:嗯,我不知道。

  John: Don't be afraid. She isn't going to bite you.John:别害怕,她不会咬你的。

  Peter: Who's afraid? I'm not afraid.Peter:谁怕了?我没害怕。

  * * *

  Peter: Would you like to dance, Joan?Peter:你愿意跳一支舞吗,Joan?

  Joan: Yes, Thank you. I'd like to dance very much.Joan:我愿意,谢谢。我很喜欢跳舞。

  Read the following passage once. Underline the key words while reading and retell the story to your partner.



  If you are in a hurry and you want to have a quick meal there is no better place than a self-service restaurant. You go into the restaurant, pick up a tray, knife, fork, and spoon and queue at a counter where the food is on display. You pick out what you want and put it on your tray, which you have to push along a special rack till you reach the cashier. The cashier will give you your bill. After paying, you take your tray to any table you like. You can sit alone or with another customer. You can have a good meal in ten minutes. And-as there is no waiter you don't have to give a tip.


  1. Many happy returns of the day!


  2. Would you like to dance?

  在生日party上,想邀请心仪的女孩子跳舞时,可别害羞,大大方方说出这句话吧。当然,“Would you like to do something"也可以邀请别人去打球啦、去跑步啦等等都可以,看你想找人一起干嘛咯。






提高英语口语的方法 初级英语口语19句06-24



