

时间:2023-03-30 18:18:45 专四 我要投稿
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  task 1

  Nearly half the (1)__________ believes UFOs could be a (2) __________of extraterrestrial visitation.

  A HuffPost/YouGov poll reveals that 48 percent of adults in the United States are open to the idea that alien spacecraft are observing our planet -- and just 35 percent outright (3)__________ the idea.

  The poll was seen as vindication from the community of UFO researchers who often feel they are laughed off by government officials.

  "It's always been intriguing to me how we act as though only kooks and quacks and little old ladies in tennis shoes believe in flying saucers. And it's never been true, at least for 30 or 40 years," said former nuclear physicist Stanton Friedman, who was the original civilian investigator of the events surrounding the (4) __________Roswell, NM, UFO crash of 1947.

  Friedman is very outspoken on the idea that some UFOs are (5)__________ controlled extraterrestrial vehicles.

  "The believers are far more quiet, but far more on the side of reality," Friedman told The Huffington Post. "When you look at the polls, it's clear. And I see the benefit of that,(6)__________, because I've only had 11 hecklers

  in over 700 lectures. I've been out there, all over the place,in every state, 18 other countries, and I know that my (7) __________is more than tolerant -- they're accepting. It's been one of the things that really has kept me going." In the HuffPost/YouGov poll, conducted between Sept. 6-7, 1,000 adults were asked if they either believed or didn't believe that some people have (8)__________ UFOs that have an extraterrestrial origin.

  When YouGov offered (9)__________ the choice between "slightly disagree," "disagree" and "strongly disagree," those numbers added up to 35 percent who are skeptical of the notion that any UFOs may be alien-related.

  However, nearly half of the adults surveyed (48 percent) resounded in the affirmative, leaving 16 percent who (10)__________ that they weren't sure on either side of the ET issue.

  A: legendary B:accept C: reject D: respondents E: personally F: implied G: population H: responsibility I: intelligently J: indicated K: sign L: signal M: witnessed N: story O: audience

  参考答案:1.G:population2.K:sign3.C:reject4.A:legendary5.I:intelligently 6.E:personally7.O:audience8.M:witnessed9.D:respondents10.J:indicated

  task 2

  What is your favorite color? Do you like yellow,orange, red? If you do, you must be an optimist, aleader, an active person who __1__ life, people andexcitement. Do you prefer greys and blues? Thenyou are probably quiet, shy, and you would ratherfollow than lead. You __2__ to be a pessimist. At least,this is what psychologists tell us, and they shouldknow, because they have been seriously studying themeaning of color preference, as well as the effect that colors have on human beings. They tellus, among other __3__ , that we do not choose our favorite color as we grow up—we are bornwith our preference. If you happen to love brown, you did so, as soon as you opened youreyes, or at least as soon as you could see clearly.

  Colors do__4__ our moods—there is no doubt about it. A yellow room makes most people feelmore cheerful and more relaxed than a dark green one; and a red dress brings warmth andcheer to the saddest winter day. On the other hand, black is__5__ .A black bridge over theThames River, near London, used to be the__6__ of more suicides than any other bridge in thearea—until it was repainted green. The number of suicide attempts immediately fell __7__ ;perhaps it would have fallen even more if the bridge had been done in pink or baby blue.

  Light and __8__ colors make people not only happier but more active. It is an__9__ fact that factoryworkers work better, harder, and have fewer __10__ when their machines are painted orange ratherthan black or grey.

  Please choose fill the appropriate word behind in the blanks.

  A. bright B. scene C. wholly D. favor

  E. facts F. depressing G. accidents H. interfere

  I. established J. incidents K. disgusting L. sharply

  M. enjoys N. tend O. influence


  1. M 2. N 3. E 4. O 5. F 6. B 7. L 8. A 9. I 10. G










