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时间:2020-10-03 15:13:10 试题 我要投稿




  Scientists Develop Ways of Detecting Heart Attack

  German researchers have come up with a new generation of defibrillators and early-warning software aimed at offering heart patients greater 51 from sudden death from cardiac arrest.

  In Germany alone around 100,000 people die annually52 a result of cardiac arrest and many of these cases are caused by disruption to the heart's rhythm. Those most at53 are patients who have already suffered a heart attack, and for years the use of defibrillators has proved useful in54 life-threatening disruption to heart rhythms and correcting them automatically by intervening within seconds. These devices 55 on a range of functions, such as that of pacemaker (起搏器) .

  Heart specialists at Freiburg's University Clinic have now achieved a breakthrough with animplanted defibrillator56 of generating a six-channel electrocardiogram (ECG) within the body. This integrated system allows 57 diagnosis of acute blood-flow problems and a pending heart attack. It will be implanted in 58 for the first time this year. Meanwhile,researchers at the Fraunhofer Institute for Applied Mathematics in Kaiserslautern have developed new computer software that59 the evaluation of ECG data more precise.

  The overwhelming majority of patients at risk will not have an implanted defibrillator and must for this60 undergo regular ECGs. "Many of the current programs only get into61 a linear correlation of the data. We are, however, malting use in a non-linear process62reveals the chaotic patterns of heart beats as an open and complex system," Hagen Knaf says, "In this way changes in the heart63 over time can be monitored and individual variations in patients taken into account." An old study of ECG data, based upon 600 patients who had 64 a subsequent heart attack, enabled the researchers to compare risks and to show that the new software evaluates the65 considerably better.

  51. A. service

  B. discount

  C. protection

  D. advice

  52. A. for

  B. as

  C. with

  D. in

  53. A. last

  B. all

  C. once

  D. risk

  54. A. leading

  B. causing

  C. diagnosing

  D. repeating

  55. A. put

  B. go

  C. take

  D. keep

  56. A. worthy

  B. full

  C. proud

  D. capable

  57. A. final

  B. differential

  C. usual

  D. early

  58. A. doctors

  B. researchers

  C. patients

  D. nurses

  59. A. carries

  B. has

  C. requires

  D. makes

  60. A. reason

  B. purpose

  C. treatment

  D. chance

  61. A. account

  B. trouble

  C. confusion

  D. effort

  62. A. what

  B. that

  C. since

  D. it

  63. A. beats

  B. failures

  C. attacks

  D. shapes

  64. A. suffered

  B. launched

  C. avoided

  D. started

  65. A. option

  B. method

  C. proposal

  D. data


  51.c。本题考查句意和固定搭配。题干:德国研究者们发明了新一代的除颤器和预警软件,旨在为心脏病人提供更多保护,使他们免遭心脏停止导致的突然死亡的风险,“使……免受”的固定用法为protection from,其他选项无此用法。故C选项为正确答案。

  52.B。本题考查固定搭配。题干:仅在德国每年就有10万人死于心脏停止。其中大部分是由于心律中断导致的。as a resultof为固定搭配,意为“由……导致的”。故B是正确答案。

  53.D。本题考查上下语义。题干:危险最大的是那些已经犯过一次心脏病的病人。at last意为“最后”,at all意为“根本;究竟”,常用于否定句,at once意为“立刻,马上”,at risk意为“处于危险中”,可知只有D选项at risk符合句意。

  54.c。本题考查句意。题干:……几年来除颤器被证实在诊断心律中止和几秒钟内实施自动干涉调整心律中是有用的。四个选项中能与“life.threatening disruption to heart rhythms”搭配的只有C选项的diagnosing,意为“诊断”,其他选项填入此处都说不通。故C是正确答案。

  55.C。本题考查动词固定搭配。“承担,呈现”的固定用法为take on。故C是正确答案。

  56.D。本题考查句意。题干:这种除颤器可以在体内产生六个频道的心电图。worthy of意为“值得”,如U of意为“装满,全神贯注于……的”,proud of意为“为……而感到骄傲”,capable of意为“有……能力的,可以……的”,只有capable of放入此处符合句意,因此D为正确选项。


  58.C。本题考查上下文语义。空格所在的句中“it”指代上文的“an implanted defibrillator”,而这个仪器就是为病人开发的,所以C选项patients符合上下文语义。



  61.A。本题考查固定搭配。题干:目前的许多计划只把数据的线形关系考虑在内。“把……考虑在内”的固定用法为get into与account搭配,而且后文也提到了“taken into account”一词。故A为正确选项。

  62.B。本题考查定语从句。空格后的“reveals the chaotic patterns ofheart beats as an open and complex system”整个句子做前面名词process的定语,这个定语从句缺少主语,因此that正确。













