英语试题 百分网手机站


时间:2020-08-23 16:01:47 英语试题 我要投稿





  ( ) 1. A. my B. his C. you D. her

  ( ) 2. A. telephone B. card C. clock D. family

  ( ) 3. A. first name B. last name C. family name D. phone number

  ( ) 4. A. number B. eight C. seven D. six

  ( ) 5. A. the B. of   C. a D. an

  I. 语音。(5分)


  1. A. name B. bag C. dad D. at

  2. A. six B. five C. listen D. in

  3. A. hello B. letter C. seven D. pen

  4. A. phone B. zero C. go D. clock

  5. A. his B. case C. this D. sorry


  1. hello (近义词) 2. first (反义词)

  3. boy (对应词) 4. two (同音词)

  5. one (序数词) 6. I (物主代词)

  7. thank (名词) 8. her (人称代词)

  9. he’s (同音词) 10. friend (复数形式)


  ( )1. -What's _________ name? -His name is Jack.

  A. her B. his C. my D. your

  ( )2. My father is a teacher. ________ phone number is 546807.

  A. He B. His C. She D. Her

  ( )3. -What’s your car number? - 72738.

  A. I’m B. Your car number is C. It’s D. It

  ( )4. “Is your name Brown?”“_______.”

  A. Yes, it is B. Yes, I am C. Yes, I’m D. No, I’m no

  ( )5. “My name is Kate. ________?” “Lisa.”

  A. Are you Lisa B. What’s your name C. What’s that D. please

  ( )6. “What’s the girl’s name?” “_______.”

  A. Kate is B. It Kate C. That is Kate D. Her name is Kate

  ( )7. This is mother, and name is Mary.

  A. her; hisB. my; her C. your; his D. you; her

  ( )8. The man’s name is Mike Green. We can call him ________.

  A. Mr Mike B. Mr Green C. Sir Green D. Ms Green

  ( )9. —Hello!______Mary. —Hi! _____ is Jim.

  A. I; Her B. My name; His C. I’m; My name D. My name’s; His

  ( )10. My name’s ____. I am an English boy.

  A. Green Gina B. Gina Green C. Brown Jack D. Jack Brown

  ( )11. -My name is Mary Brown. -What’s your _______ name?-Brown.

  A. first B. full C. last D. nick

  ( )12. Is your name Brown? ________

  A. Yes, it is. B. Yes, I am. C. Yes, I’m. D. No, I’m no.

  ( )13. -What’s her telephone number? -______.

  A. It’s 027-2806543 B. She is 13 C. It’s her telephone number D. Her is 4265830

  ( )14. ________ name is Alan and ________ name is Alice.

  A. Her, his B. His, her C. Her, her D. His, his

  ( )15. -Good morning, Miss Yang. How are you? -________

  A. I’m good. B. I’m fine, thank you. C. How are you? D. Good afternoon.根




  NameFrank MillerSchoolClass3,Grade7; No. 1 Middle School

  HomeBeijing , Chinaphone287-0837(Home) 398-6160(School)

  1. What’s Frank’s first name? ____________________________

  2. What’s Frank’s last name? ________

  3. What class(班) is Tony in? ____________________________

  4. Tony is at home(在家). What’s his telephone number?

  5. Tony is at school(在学校). What’s his telephone number?

  B、My name is Tom. I’m nine. This is my mother(母亲). Her name’s Linda Johnson. Her telephone number is 13052864515. And this is my father(父亲). His name is Mike Johnson. His phone number is 13120884699. And this is my sister(姐妹). What’s her name? Her name isMary. Look! The boy is my brother(兄弟) Nick. Mary is eight and Nick is six.

  ( )6. Mother is .

  A. Mary Johnson B. Mike Johnson C. Linda Johnson

  ( )7. Father’s telephone number is .

  A. 13120884699 B. 13120884966 C. 13052864515

  ( )8. Mary is_______.

  A. six B. nine C. eight

  ( )9. My brother is _______.

  A. Tom B. Mike C. Nick

  ( )10. My last name is . A. Johnson B. Nick C. Mike

  C、First name IRLast name asTelephone number



