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  试卷是纸张答题,在纸张有考试组织者检测考试者学习情况而设定在规定时间内完成的试题。 也可以是资格考试中用以检验考生有关知识能力而进行人才筛选的工具。下面为大家带来了八年级英语下Unit2单元测试题,欢迎大家参考!



  Ⅰ. 单项选择(每小题1分,共20分)

  ( ) 1. Mr. White’s words made _____ big difference to Jim’s study.

  A. an B. a C. the D. /

  ( ) 2.My father used to ________ in a factory, but now he _________ a teacher.

  A. working; was B. working; is C. work; is D. work; was

  ( ) 3. The use of computers makes ______ possible for more people to work at home.A. it B. that C. this D. one

  ( )4. I love my job, s o for me job ______ is more important than money.

  A. discussion B. satisfaction C. preparation D. prediction

  ( )5. The man with short black hair is a friend of ________.

  A. my B. mine C. myself D. me

  ( )6. I need two more people to _______ the heavy boxes.

  A. take B. carry C. bring D. give

  ( )7. Judy looks sad. Let’s ________.

  A. put up her B. cheer up her C. put her up D. cheer her up

  ( )8. We should ________ our classroom and keep it tidy and clean.

  A. set up B. clean up C. cut up D. get up

  ( )9. Mr. Smith lives ________ in the mountain, but he never feels ________.

  A. alone; lonely B. lonely, alone C. alone; alone D. lonely; lonely

  ( )10. There are ________ students studying hard in the classroom. They must get good grades .A. much B. little C. few D. several

  ( )11. If it rains tomorrow, I will put off _________ for Shanghai.

  A. leaving B. to leave C. left D. leaves

  (  )12. Thank you for ________ us solve the drinking water problem.

  A. help B. helping C. helped D. helps

  ( )13. Be quick, ________ we’ll be late for school.A. or B. and C. but D. so

  ( )14. It’s time for class. Let’s stop ________.

  A. talk B. to talk C. talking D. talked

  ( )15. —I want to volunteer. What can I do?

  —You can ____ food at the food bank.

  A. give out B. work out C. give up D. call up

  ( ) 16. —Excuse me, I’m new here. I can’t find my hotel.


  A. You could ask the policeman for helpB. You shouldn’t live in that hotel

  C. You must stay with me D. You needn’t call your friend

  ( )17. —Can you teach me _______ a banana milk shake?

  —No problem. First peel the bananas...

  A. where to make B. when to make C. how to make D. why to make

  ( )18. —Where does Mr. Green work?—He teaches in a driving ____ school.

  A. train B. training C. trained D. trains

  ( )19. —When did you learn to dance?—________ the age of five.

  A. In B. For C. At D. On

  ( )20. —Do you know ________ the girl in red is?

  —I’m not sure. Maybe a teacher.A. when B. how C. where D. what

  Ⅱ. 词汇运用(每小题1分,共10分)

  A) 根据句意及所给汉语提示,写出句中所缺单词。

  1. There was a(n) ________ (通知) on the board saying the class had been cancelled (取消).

  2. One of the boys was pushing the other along in a little box on ________ (轮子).

  3. We should care for the ________ (有残疾的) people.

  4. Lisa met with many ________ (困难) when traveling.

  5. I was tired so my friend ________ (扛) my heavy bag for me.

  B) 根据句意,用括号内所给单词的.适当形式填空。

  6. It was a good ________ (feel) to be arriving home again.

  7. Who’s the ________ (own) of this house?

  8. Careful! There’s _________ (break) glass on the floor.

  9. I wanted to thank them for all their ________ (kind).

  10. She explained (解释) the whole idea again, but I still didn’t _______ (understand).

  Ⅲ. 完成句子根据汉语意思完成英语句子,每空词数不限。(每小题2分,共10分)

  1. 他想出的一些主意是那么滑稽。

  Some of the ideas he _____________ are so funny.

  2. 我们有许多要捐赠的书。We have lots of books to ________________.

  3. 他们在城市周围设立了路障。They __________ road blocks around the city.

  4. 这场雨对比赛没有多大影响。The rain didn’t ________________ to the game.

  5. 你女儿真像你。Your daughter really ________________ you.


  I was once a volunteer in an English village. It was quite different__1__my home in Sweden. Jane, one of the volunteers from Tanzania, had a friend who was very poor. She __2__ all her pocket money to help her friend. It meant that she didn’t have much food to eat, and she had no money to go anywhere outside the village or buy more clothes.5

  I was so moved(感动)that I felt I had to do__3__too. So when I bought food one day, I__4_to buy her some rice. I started__5__to the woman in the shop(named Gloria who was also a volunteer) about my friend Jane. The woman looked at me, being surprised, “Does she eat noodles?” she asked. “Yes,” I replied. She immediately (立刻) started__6__ a bag with noodles, cookies, sweets and other things until the bag was full. “Give her this for me.” I couldn’t believe __7__but cried with happiness.

  Imagine Jane’s look when I gave her the__8__! I had never seen her so happy! A few weeks later she found Gloria in the shop and__9__her in person.[来源:Z。xx。k.Com]

  The two wonderful women really showed me__10__true kindness is. And the impression(印象) will stay with me for the rest of my life.

  ( )1.A. at B. on C. from

  ( )2.A. borrowed B. sent C. carried

  ( )3.A. anything B. nothing C. something

  ( )4.A. decided B. hated C. served

  ( )5.A.laughing B. answering C. talking

  ( )6.A. filling B. taking C. buying

  ( )7.A.them B. it C. her

  ( )8.A. money B. shop C. food

  ( )9.A.greeted B. asked C. thanked

  ( )10.A. what B. when C. how



  Do teenagers in small villages do chores at home? How about the teenagers in big cities? Here is a survey. We asked 4,000 teenagers in China several questions. Half of them come from big cities like Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou.The others are from small villages. We made a diagram of the result of our survey. Let’s have a look at it.We found out that teenagers from small villages do more chores than those from big cities. Maybe it is because they live a harder life. Our advice to parents in big cities is that parents should give their children some chores to do. Doing chores teaches teenagers to take care of themselves.

  Chores 2000 teenagers in small villages 2000 teenagers in big cities

  Take out the trash 1600 1000

  Sweep the floor 1200 850

  Make the bed 1400 750

  Do the d ishes 1100 600

  Fold the clothes 900 1500

  ( )1.They surveyed ______ teenagers from small villages.21

  A. 1,000 B. 2,000 C. 3,000 D. 4,000

  ( )2.There are 1,000 teenagers from the cities who ______.0

  A. take out the trash B. do the dishes C. make the bed D. fold the clothes

  ( )3.Fewer than ______ teenagers in big cities sweep the floor and make the bed.

  A. 500 B. 1,000 C. 1,500 D. 2,000

  ( )4.The number of teenagers ______ in big cities is bigger than that in small villages.

  A. making the bed B. taking out the trash

  C. folding the clothes D.doing the dishes

  ( )5.Why did they make the survey?

  A. Because they don’t want teenagers in China to do chores at home.

  B. Because they thought it’ll help teenagers to take good care of themselves to do chores at home.【 :21 】

  C. Because they wanted to know if teenagers in China do chores at home.

  D.Because they thought it’s not necessary for teenagers to look after themselves.


  One morning, a blind boy sat beside a building with a hat by his feet.He held a sign which said, “I am blind.Please help me.”

  There were only a few coins in the hat.A man was walking by.He took out a few coins from his pocket and dropped them into the hat.He then took the sign, turned it around, and wrote some words on it.He put the sign back so that everyone who walked by could the new words.

  Soon the hat began to fill up.A lot more people were giving money to the blind boy.That afternoon the man who had changed the sign came to see how things were.The boy recognized his footsteps and asked, “Are you the one who changed my sign in the morning? What did you write?”

  The man said, “I only wrote the truth.I said what you said, but in a different way.”

  What he had written was, “Today is a beautiful day, but I can' t see it.”

  Do you think the first sign and the second sign were saying the same thing?

  Of course both signs told people the boy was blind.But the first sign simply told people to help by putting some money in the hat.The second sign told people that they were able to enjoy the beautiful day, but the boy could not enjoy it because he was blind.

  The first sign simply said the boy was blind, while the second sig told people they were so lucky that they were not blind.

  There are at least two lessons we can learn from this simple story.

  The first is:Treasure (珍惜) what you have.Someone else has less.Try your best to help those who need your help.

  The second is:Be creative.Think differently.Th ere is always a better way.

  ( )6.Form the article we know that _______

  A.the boy always has a hat on his head B.the man is one of his neighbors

  C.the boy is blind and needs help D.the boy works for the man

  ( )47.On the sign what the man wrote was, “_________”.

  A.Treasure what we have already had

  B.Today is a beautiful day, but I can't see it

  C.We are so lucky that we are not blind

  D.Try your be st to help those who reed your help.

  ( )48.According to the article, which of the following is TRUE?

  A.The hat began to fill up after the man wrote some words on the sign.

  B.The man took away all the few coins from the hat.

  C.The boy wanted to get enough money to go to school.

  D.Nobody wanted to give any coins to the blind boy.

  ( )9.The word “recognized” here in Chinese means ______

  A.承认 B.接受 C.表扬 D.认出

  ( )10._______is the best tide (题目 ) for this story.

  A.Be careful not to be blind. B.Be creative.There, is always a better way!

  C.Be kind to the blind! D.Don't always get, but offer!

  VI. 任务型阅读 阅读短文,并按要求完成各题。(每小题2分,共10分)

  We are students and we carry schoolbags every day. A schoolbag is an important thing in our life. Students use schoolbags to carry books, pens and some other school things. But do you know about the history of schoolbags?

  At the beginning, students didn’t have schoolbags. They used boxes to carry books to school. The boxes were always very heavy. Later, parents used cloth (布) to make schoolbags for their kids.

  At the beginning of the New China, green rucksacks (帆布包) appeared and they became popular soon . Your grandparents used these schoolbags when they went to school.

  Today’s schoolbags are colorful and cool. And they are comfortable to use. Some students use wheeled bags and some students use backpacks (双肩背包).

  Schoolbags are still changing. Can you imagine what the schoolbags will be like in the future?


  1. Green rucksacks didn’t become popular when your grandparents were at school. 【 】

  2. At the beginning, students used ____________ to ca rry books to school.

  3. Are there different kinds of schoolbags now?_____________________________

  4. What’s the main idea of the passage?__________ ______________________

  5. __________________________________________

  VII. 综合填空选择恰当的词并用其适当形式填空,每词限用一次,其中有两个词是多余的。(每小题1分,共10分)

  find, but, farm, he, week, surprise, quick, who, for, love, which, with

  Long time ago, a king (国王) got a gift of two fantastic falcons (猎鹰). They were very beautiful, and the king (1) ________ them very much. He asked his head falconer (训练猎鹰者) to train them.

  A few (2) ________ later, the head falconer told the king that one falcon could fly very high in the sky, (3) ______ the other one didn’t move from its branch (树枝).

  The king asked all falconers to train the falcon, but no one could make it fly.

  After trying everything, the king thought to (4) ________, “Maybe I need someone (5) ________ knows more about the countryside to solve the problem.” So he asked the head falconer to invite a(n) (6) ________.

  One morning, the king was (7) ________ to see the falcon flying high in the sky. He asked his servant to (8) ________ the person who made the falcon fly.

  The servant (9) ________ found the farmer, and he came and stood before the king. The king asked him, “How did you make the falcon fly?”

  (10) ________ his head down, the farmer said, “It was very easy, your highness. I simply cut the branch that the bird was sitting on.”

  VIII.书面表达 (共10分)



  参考词汇: rubbish n. 垃圾 Children’s Hosp ital 儿童医院

  要求:(1) 语句通顺,表达正确;

  (2) 短文须包括所有提示内容,可适当发挥;

  (3) 70词左右(开头已给出,但不计入总词数)。

  Last Sunday, I took part in the volunteer work that my school organized. ____________________________________________________________________________






  Ⅰ. 1-5 BCABB 6-10 BDBAD

  11-15 ABACA 16-20 ACBCD

  Ⅱ. 1. notice 2. wheels 3. disabled 4. difficulties 5. carried 6. feeling

  7. owner 8. broken 9. kindness 10. understand

  III. 1-5.CBCAC 6-10.ABCCA

  IV. 1-5.BA DCC 6-10.CBA DB

  V. 1. came up with 2. give away 3. set up 4. make much difference

  5. takes after / looks like

  VI. 1. F 2. boxes 3. Yes, there are.

  4. The history of schoolbags.

  5. 书包仍旧在变化。

  VII. 1. loved 2. weeks 3. but 4. himself 5. who 6. farmer

  7. surprised 8. find 9. quickly 10. With

  VIII. One possible version:

  Last Sunday, I took part in the volunteer work that my school organized. On Sunday morning, we went to the park and cleaned up the rubbish in it. Then we watered the flowers and trees there. The clean park, beautiful flowers and trees made us happy. In the afternoon, we went to the Children’s Hospital to cheer sick kids up. We read books, told stories and sang for them. They became very happy. When I got home, I felt tired but happy.


  第一部分 听力测试(共25分)


  A B C

  D E F 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,

  二、 听对话回答问题。共10小题,计10分。


  6,How does the man keep in touch with(保持联系)his old friends?

  A. By sending e-mails B. By meeting each other. C. By talking on the Internet. 请听第二段对话,回答第7小题。

  7,What’s the man going to do this weekend?

  A.Chat online. B. Buy a computer. C. Take classes.


  8,When did the boy use to play soccer?

  A. In the morning. B.At noon. C.After school.


  9,What’s Tom’s problem?

  A. His parents fought last night.

  B. He fought with his father last night.

  C. He fought with his brother last night.

  10,What’s Linda’s advice for Tom?

  A.Talking with his teacher. B.Talking with his friend. C.Talking with his parents. 请听第五段对话,回答第11和12小题。

  11,How far is 306 Hospital?

  A. About half an hour’s bus ride.

  B. About an hour’s walk.

  C. About 15 minutes’ walk.

  12,How will the man go to 306 Hospital?

  A.On foot. B.By bus. C.By taxi.


  13,What did Sam do on the weekend?

  A. He did some exercise with his friend.

  B. He played basketball with his cousin.

  C. He played soccer with his cousin.

  14,How often does Victor drink milk?

  A.Once a week. B.Twice a week. C.Twice a day.

  15,How often does Victor exercise?

  A.Four times a week. B.Three times a week. C. Twice a week.

  三、 听短文选择答案。共5小题,计5分。

  16,Which sport did Liu Ming like best?

  A. Table tennis(乒乓球). B.Volleyball. C. Football.

  17,When did Liu Ming go to table tennis classes?

  A. Every Saturday. B.Every Sunday. C.Every Monday

  18,What are Liu Ming’s hobbies now?

  A. Swimming and watching movies.

  B. Watching movies and reading.

  C. Swimming and reading.

  19,How often does Liu Ming go to the school library?

  A. Once a week. B. Twice a week. C. Three times a week.

  20,Who taught Liu Ming to swim?

  A. Mr. Xu. B. His farther. C.He himself.


  第二部分 笔试部分(共70分)

  五、 单项选择。共15小题,计15分。

  ( )26, --- Can you tell me the differences between these two boys? --- Differences? Oh, no. They look quite .

  A. different B. similar C. interesting D. important ( )27, Tony is not as as Lucy , but he works than her.

  A. cleverer , hard B. cleverer , harder

  C. clever , harder D. clever , hard

  ( )28,--- Would you mind the window? It’s so hot.

  --- No, not at all.

  A. open B. opened C. opens D. opening

  ( )29,--- Don’t forget the door when you leave the classroom. --- OK. I will.

  A. to close B. closes C. closing D. closed

  ( )30,--- I don’t plan to Qingdao for my vacation. How about you? --- I to Shanghai.

  A.go , am going B. going , go C. to go , am going D. to going , go

  ( )31, It’s cold outside. Please put on .

  A.warm something B. warm anything C. anything warm D. something warm

  ( )32,--- Don’t eat junk food any more. It’s bad for your . --- OK. I should eat more fruit to keep me .

  A.health , health B. healthy , healthy

  C. health , healthy D. healthy , health ( )33, --- Which month has days in a year?

  --- February.

  A.few B. little C. the fewest D. the least ( )34, --- Who do you think sings than any other student our class? --- Lily.

  A.better , in B. better , of C. the best , in D. the best , of ( )35, Mrs. Green her e-mails next week.

  A.checks B. is checking C. checked D. is going to check ( )36, Of all the subjects , English is for me.

  A.much more interesting B. more interesting

  C. the most interesting D. interesting ( )37, When he was very young , he was good drawing , so I think he is talented it.

  A.at , in B. to , at C. for , on D. on , for ( )38, There is going to a basketball match next week.

  A.be B. have C. do D. happen

  ( )39, --- How often does he help with housework? --- .

  A.One. B. Twice. C. Once. D. Once a week.

  ( )40, Chiang Mai(清迈) is one of tourist places for Chinese since the movie

  Lost in Thailand(《泰囧》)was born.

  A.hot B. hotter C. hottest D. the hottest

  六. 完形填空:先通读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各小题所给四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案。共15小题,计15分。

  This is a story of a man who works in a big factory. I have seen him for years , 41 I’ve never paid any attention to him. He was42 strange . He always 43 an old red hat and carried a rubbish bag . He usually spent his break time and his lunch time walking around in that old big factory and collecting 44 tins(铝罐) . One day ,I was fixing one of the broken machines in the factory45 this “tin man”came with his bag . 46 he picked up the tins , which were all 47 the place. My manager was standing watching me.

  When I finished my job, I heard my manager ask the “tin man” about 48 he was going to do with those tins he had collected . I never even thought about this kind of 49 , Because I always assumed(推断) that“tin man”would take those tins to the 50 center .

  Unexpectedly,“tin man” 51 : “I will give these tins to my neighbor . He has epilepsy (癫痫) and cannot work .” I was so 52 to hear that , so I asked him :“you 53 you collect all those tins just to help your neighbor ? ”“I know this does not help much ,”he said . “But I give everything to him , because he cannot work . He needs 54 ” It was the most beautiful moment in my 55 .It has made me feel humble(谦卑) every day since then .

  41. A .so B. but C. and D. or

  42. A. few B. a few C. little D. a little

  43.A.wore B.caught C.took D.brought

  44. A. broken B. used C. left D. sold

  45.A. after B.before C.until D. when

  46.A.In fact B. Instead of C. As usual D. For example

  47.A.in B. above C.around D.through

  48.A.how B. what C. why D. where

  49. A. question B. action C. problem D. stratege

  50. A. display B. recycling C. research D.advertising

  51. A.answered B. said C. spoke D. asked

  52.A. shocked B. excited C. interested D. pleased

  53. A. offer B. mean C. find D. wonder

  54. A. work B. time C. freedom D.help

  55. A. study B. service C.life D. society

  七. 阅读理解:读AB两篇短文,根据短文内容选择最佳答案;读C篇短文,将其选项中的五个句子还原到短文当中。读D篇短文,根据短文内容回答问题。共20小题,计40分。


  Many people think country music and western music are nearly the

  same. In fact, they are two different kinds of music in America.They come from different parts of America. Country music comes from the southeast of America. But western music comes from the southwest of America.

  Another difference is the ways of playing them. Country music has a simple (简单的) way of playing. It uses fewer instruments like guitars and harmonicas (口琴). But western music needs more and bigger instruments like trumpets, trombones (长号) and so on.

  Country music is folk (民间的) music. It’s the music that travels in the country. Men and women often play it. However, there is much dancing in western music and men often play it.

  However, country music and western music often share similar topics (相似的主题) for songs. They have these songs with the topics like love, money, crime and so on. These songs often tell the life of the poor in America.

  56. Country music is ________ western music.

  A. the same as B. different from C. better than D. worse than

  57. Country music comes from the ________ of America.

  A. southeast B. southwest C. northeast D. northwest

  58. ________ often play western music.

  A. Men B. Women C. Children D. Men and women

  59. Country music and western music are similar on ________.

  A. numbers B. playing ways C. instruments D. topics for songs

  60. Country music and western music often tell the life of _______ in America.

  A. boys and girls B. the old C. the poor D. the rich


  One year ago Bertha and Grace became close friends at a college in


  One day, Bertha said that her aunt Margaret had invited her to spend the summer holiday with her. And they would have picnics and parties as well. But Grace told Bertha that she planned to stay in Clarkman’s bookstore until the new term began.

  Grace had to do somethingto feed herself because her parents died many

  years ago. Bertha watched her friend’s pale (苍白的) face. Just then she got a good idea. The next day when Grace came back, Bertha showed her an

  invitation letter from her aunt Margaret.

  “Grace, would you like to spend your holiday with us? I will help you find a


八年级英语下Module6 Unit2检测试题带答案08-19








