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  高考英语专项练习题型及答案 1


  1. ________ was really a great wonder that he could survive in such bad conditions.

  A. This   B. It   C. That   D. What

  【解析】选B。句意: 他可以在这样恶劣的条件下生存真是个奇迹。it作形式主语, 后面的that从句作真正的主语。


  The Premier said ________ was an important task to find jobs for all the university graduates.

  A. this B. it C. that D. what

  【解析】选B。句意:总理说为所有的高校毕业生找到工作是一项重要任务。said后的宾语从句中it作形式主语, 不定式短语作真正的主语。

  2. I really didn’t understand ________ made the captain desert the ship and escape alone without taking care of the passengers on board.

  A. what was it      B. what it was that

  C. it was what that D. what was it that

  【解析】选B。句意: 我真的不明白是什么使船长丢弃船只不顾乘客而独自逃跑。强调句型的特殊疑问句在从句中要用陈述语序, 故选B。


  (2015·雅安模拟)It was in Beihai Park, ________ they had their first date, ________ the old couple told us their romantic love story.

  A. where; that B. that; that

  C. where; when D. that; when

  【解析】选A。句意: 是在他们第一次约会的北海公园, 那对老夫妇给我们讲述了他们浪漫的爱情故事。第一个空是where引导的定语从句修饰Beihai Park, 第二个空是强调句型, 应用that。故选A。

  3. ________ I made rice, it came out like white paste.

  A. For the first time B. By the first time

  C. At the first time D. The first time

  【解析】选D。句意: 我第一次做米饭时, 它结果像白色的糨糊。the first time用作连词, 引导时间状语从句。For the first time作时间状语, 不引导从句。


  ________ I saw Linda, she was playing the piano attentively.

  A. At the first time B. For the first time

  C. By the first time D. The first time

  【解析】选D。句意: 我第一次看到琳达的时候, 她正在专心地弹钢琴。the first time+从句, 表示“第一次做某事时”。


  for the first time, It be the first time that. . . 和the first time. . . 的.区别

  (1)for the first time表示“第一次”, 作时间状语。

  (2)It be the first time that. . . 表示“第一次做某事”。当主句谓语为is时, 从句用现在完成时态; 当主句谓语为was时, 从句用过去完成时态。

  (3)the first time. . . 表示“第一次……时”。the first time引导时间状语从句, 从句多用一般过去时态。

  4. Every day a number of tourists take pictures in front of the tower, which ________ as early as 800 years ago.

  A. dates back to B. is dated back to

  C. is dating back to D. was dated back to

  【解析】选A。句意: 每天都有一些游客在这座可追溯到800年前的塔前拍照。短语date back to相当于date from, 意为“追溯到, 始于”, 多用于一般现在时, 且一般不用于被动语态。

  5. The choice you make upon graduation from college is of vital importance, for an appropriate ________ makes it possible for you to show your talent.

  A. regulation B. occupation

  C. recommendation D. participation

  【解析】选B。句意: 大学毕业后你所做的选择至关重要, 因为一个适当的职业会有可能使你展现你的才能。regulation规章, 规则; occupation职业; recommendation推荐, 建议; participation参与。故选B。

  6. We asked eight leading writers what items they would donate to the museum ________ their own lost loves.

  A. in favour of B. in response to

  C. in return for D. in honour of

  【解析】选D。考查介词短语辨析。句意: 为此我们采访了八位前沿作家, 为了纪念他们逝去的爱情, 他们将会捐献什么物品给博物馆。in favour of支持, 赞成; in response to响应, 对……有反应; in return for作为……的报答; in honour of为了纪念。


  Even if she is ________ the proposal now, we can’t rely on her support; she is the kind of person who blows hot and cold.

  A. in honour of B. in face of

  C. in need of D. in favour of

  【解析】选D。句意: 即使她现在赞成这个建议, 我们也不能依靠她的支持, 她是个反复无常的人。in favour of赞成; in honour of向……表示敬意; in face of面对; in need of需要。

  7. (2015·怀化模拟) ________ all of you are top students, only one will be chosen for the coming competition.

  A. While   B. Since   C. If   D. As

  【解析】选A。句意: 尽管你们都是很优秀的学生, 但是将只有一个学生被选出来参加竞赛。while“虽然”, 引导让步状语从句, 符合句意; since既然, 因为; if是否; as由于, 随着。

  8. I’ve personally never ________ the view that the rich are superior to the poor-it’s unfair.

  A. subscribed to B. objected to

  C. attended to D. appealed to【解析】选A。句意: 我个人从来都不同意富人优于穷人的观点, 那是不公平的。subscribe to同意, 符合句意; object to反对; attend to专心于, 照顾; appeal to吸引, 呼吁。

  9. He became an official in the government as his parents had hoped, but he didn’t like it and had no ________ in this field.

  A. ambition B. intention

  C. identification D. explanation

  【解析】选A。句意: 正如父母所愿, 他成为了一名政府官员, 但是他不喜欢这个职位, 在此领域没有什么抱负。ambition抱负, 野心; intention意图; identification辨认, 识别; explanation解释。

  10. (2015·岳阳模拟) ________ in 1636, Harvard is one of the most famous universities in the United States.

  A. Founded B. Being founded

  C. It was founded D. Founding【解析】选A。考查非谓语动词。句意: 建于1636年的哈佛大学是美国最著名的大学之一。本句主语是Harvard, 与found之间是被动关系, 故用过去分词形式。

  11. Children’s words and actions are often fairly ________ , and they do not seem to follow a definite plan or pattern.

  A. random B. aggressive

  C. deliberate D. temporary

  【解析】选A。句意: 孩子们的言行往往相当随意, 他们似乎并不遵循一定的计划或模式。random随意的, 随机的; aggressive侵略的, 侵犯的; deliberate故意的; temporary临时的。

  12. The model has ________ because it improved on the idea of local online advertising.

  A. caught on B. kept on

  C. taken on D. held on

  【解析】选A。考查动词短语辨析。句意: 该模式一直很受欢迎, 因为它将地方在线广告的理念进一步深化了。catch on流行, 受欢迎; keep on继续进行; take on承担, 呈现; hold on握住不放, 坚持住。

  13. (2015·长沙模拟)In his victory speech ________ before a huge crowd of his supporters, Obama declared that “Change has come to America”.

  A. delivered B. to be delivered

  C. having delivered D. delivering

  【解析】选A。句意: 奥巴马在他的一大群支持者面前发表的获胜演说中宣称“美国的变革时代已经到来”。speech和deliver之间是被动关系, 故选A。

  14. Everything seemed to be going ________ for the first two days after I moved to New York.

  A. vividly B. generally

  C. frequently D. smoothly

  【解析】选D。考查副词辨析。句意: 在我搬到纽约后的开始两天一切看起来都很顺利。A项表示“生动地”; B项表示“普遍地, 大体地”; C项表示“频繁地”; D项表示“平滑地, 顺利地”。

  15. ________ by the mudslide, the city was cut off from the outside.

  A. Having struck B. To be struck

  C. Struck D. Being struck

  【解析】选C。考查非谓语动词。句意: 由于受泥石流的袭击, 这座城市与外界失去了联系。此处struck by the mudslide相当于状语从句because it was struck by the mudslide。由此可知句子主语the city与strike之间是逻辑上的被动关系, 所以要用过去分词。to be struck作状语表示目的; being struck表示“正在被袭击”。


  Just as I didn’t know what to do next, it suddenly ________ me how we could improve the situation.

  A. drew  B. struck  C. rushed  D. pushed

  【解析】选B。It strikes/struck sb. (that). . . 某人突然想起……。这里指突然想起我们如何改善这种状况。

  高考英语专项练习题型及答案 2

  For over one hundred and fifty years, Americans of all social classes have worn blue jeans. 36 Whether they are worn for work or for fashion today. Strauss' invention continues to be popular not only among Americans but also among people around the world.

  Levi Strauss was born in Germany in 1829. 37 He grew up in Kentucky before moving to New York in 1847. Before becoming an American citizen and moving to the West in 1853, Strauss worked in his brother's dry goods business. This gave him a chance to produce his famous invention. After the gold rush of 1849, Strauss decided to move to the West to seek his fortune.

  Strauss did not want to be a person who searched an area for minerals. Instead, he knew he could make a good living by selling supplies to the miners. At first, he planned to sell sewing supplies and cloth. 38 When he heard miners complaining that their clothes were easily broken or they usually tore their pockets during mining, he decided to use a special fabric to make pants for the miners. These pants proved so popular that he quickly ran out of materials to make more.

  In 1873, Strauss received a letter from a Jewish tailor named Jacob Davis who had invented a process of connecting pockets with copper rivets(铆钉).This made the pants last a long time. Because Davis did not have the money to patent his idea, he offered to share it with Strauss if Strauss would agree to pay for the patent. 39 By the time Strauss died in 1902, he had made a great contribution to American fashion, 40 The business has been growing ever since and Levi Strauss' company is now one of the largest clothing companies in the world.

  A. As a young boy, he moved with his family to the United States.

  B. Nobody knew that kind of material was suitable.

  C. He did and Levi jeans have been made with metal rivets ever since.

  D. However, he did not get much business for those products.

  E. He also made a great contribution to American 's clothing industry.

  F. Since they were invented by Levi Strauss, they have become a symbol of American consumer culture.

  G. As the business grew, Strauss got much money from it.

  答案 36-40 FADCE

  高考英语专项练习题型及答案 3

  There are some English expressions about birds. For examples, if something is for the birds, it is worthless or not very interesting. Someone who eats like a bird eats very little. And a birds-eye view is a general look at an area from above.

  Do you know that if you tell a Young person about the birds and the bees you are explaining about sex and birth? Have you ever observed that birds of a feather flock together? In other Words, people who are similar became friends or do things together. Here is some good advice: a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush. This means you should not risk loving something you have by trying to get more of something you do not have.

  Sometimes you can do two things by performing only one action. This is called killing two birds with one stone. But you would never really kill any birds. You love a11 kinds of animals. This is a real feather in your cap. It is something to be proud of.

  Most of the people you work with are early birds. They believe that the early bird catches the worm. They think that a person who gets up early in the morning for work has the best chance of success.

  32. What will we use when picturing our school from the sky?

  A. Eating like a bird B. it's a birds-eye view

  C. Birds of a feather flock together D. Killing two birds with one stone.

  33. If someone says "Education about the birds and the bees is important.", he means .

  A. we should learn knowledge about birds and bees.

  B. we should teach the young not to kill birds and bees.

  C. the sex and birth education for the young is of great importance.

  D. birds and bees are important for the future of human beings.

  34. Why are some people called early birds?

  A. Because a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.

  B. Because they can kill two birds with one stone.

  C. Because they have feathers in their caps.

  D. Because they believe they are the most likely to succeed.

  35. What's the best title of the passage?

  A. The language of birds B. A story about birds

  C. Same expressions about birds D. The bird culture in English-speaking countries

  答案 BCDC

  高考英语专项练习题型及答案 4

  Every year, thousands of people visit one of the world's most famous address:221B Baker Street, London. The address is famous for being where the fictional detective Sherlock Holmes lived in the well-known stories by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle.

  A lot of people are so taken wish the stories that they forget Sherlock Holmes wasn't a real person and therefore didn't ever actually live at the address. In fact, there was no house there when Conan Doyle wrote the stories. Despite that, the Sherlock Holmes Museum, which is actually at Number 239, is a fun place to visit if you are ever in London.

  So, if Sherlock Holmes is a made-up character, why do so many people think of him as a real person?

  It is often said that the character Sherlock Holmes was based on a real person named Benjamin Bell. a forensic surgeon(法医外科医生)for whom Conan Doyle worked as a clerk at the Edinburgh Royal Hospital. Sherlock Holmes' problem-solving ability and power of observation are based on the surgeon. Bell was called on by the police to join in several investigations, just as Sherlock Holmes did.

  Conan Doyle found the inspiration for the name of his famous detective elsewhere, though. He was an expect cricket player and combined the names of two other well-known players, Shacklock and Sherwin, to make the name "Sherlock".

  Another thing that makes the character seem like a real person is his distinctive habits. He rarely ate breakfast and he enjoyed smoking. He even had a habit that would be illegal today-taking e.

  Sherlock Holmes is also an honorary member of the Royal Society of Chemistry. Even though he's not a real person, the society decided to make him a member. Although his famous methods for solving mysteries started in fiction, many of them became part of modern-day policing.

  Although the character is made-up, most of the locations are real. One of Conan Doyle's strengths as an author is describing a London that seems so real to the reader. Most of the famous locations in the books are in London and Sherlock Holmes fans love to visit the locations in the books and those used later in the movies.

  Sherlock Holmes is the second most represented character in movies, which is part of what makes him so famous all over the world. So, now what's your favourite version of the Sherlock Holmes stories? The books, movies or TV series?

  28. The underlined part in paragraph 2 can he replaced by .

  A. crazy about B. familiar with

  C. curious about D. content with

  29. What can we learn about the writer Sir Arthur Conan Doyle from the passage?

  A. He was a forensic surgeon who assisted the police in making several investigations.

  B. He wrote the stories about Sherlock Holmes at Number 239 Baker Street.

  C. He was good at giving vivid descriptions of London to readers.

  D. He was an excellent basketball player.

  30. What can we learn from the passage?

  A. Where Sherlock Holmes lived In the novel was actually where the Sherlock Holmes Museum lies now.

  B. It's generally accepted that the character Sherlock Holmes was based on a surgeon named Bell.

  C. The Royal Society of Chemistry has given Sherlock Holmes a great honor at the request of his fans.

  D. One of the reasons why Sherlock Holmes is so famous around the world is that the actors have Wonderful performances in movies.

  31. What's the purpose of writing this article?

  A. to let the readers learn about some life information on Sherlock Holmes.

  B. to tell the readers about stories behind Sherlock Holmes.

  C. to make us get a better idea of the novel "Sherlock Holmes."

  D. to convince us that the Sherlock Holmes Museum is worth visiting.

  答案 ACBB

  高考英语专项练习题型及答案 5


  Ternang, Mon, More than 10,000 people were made homeless in Ternang after six days of continuous heavy rain. The wooden bridge across the river has been swept away. The town is cut by flood eaters. At the fifth mile Jalan Tengku, the water is now two metres deep. It is closed to all traffic. Motorists going south are advised to use Jalan Hisamuddin.

  Flooding first appeared at mid-afternoon yesterday along the river banks. People moving to higher ground were just in time to escape from the flood. Most of the people had to leave their possessions behind. Helped by the army, police, Red Cross Society, the whole town was moved out of danger. They are now housed near the town of Tulang. “Everything possible is being done to help the unfortunate people,” a government official said, “In fact, money, food and clothing have begun to come in from organizations and people. “

  According to the latest reports it is still raining heavily at Ternang. The whole town is expected to be totally covered. So far nobody has been reported dead.

  1. Jalan Tengku was closed because ______.

  A. it had broken up

  B. the bridge over it had been washed away

  C. it was deeply flooded

  D. it was damaged

  2. Motorists to the south were advised to ______.

  A. return home B. avoid all roads

  C. move the higher ground D. travel by Jalan Hisamuddin

  3. The flood victims first escaped to ______.

  A. the nearby town B. Jalan Hisamuddin

  C. higher ground D. Tulang

  4. The people are staying ______.

  A. at a newspaper office B. at a police station

  C. in Tulang D. on their roof tops

  5. The flood is expected to ______.

  A. go down B. cause more rain C. become worse D. kill more people

  Keys:1-5 CDCCC










